Guest as ESX operating system


Is it possible to install the OS ESX itself as guest operating system?

Yes, it is possible you need to do a work around.

It is recommended to use VMware workstation to run ESX as an operating system called for training and the purpose of the practice



Tags: VMware

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    Do not use '-gu ' and '-gp "in this command.

    The syntax must be the following (on a Windows host):

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    If you found this information useful, please consider awarding points to 'Correct' or 'Useful' answers and answers. Thank you!!

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    Thank you

    Luis C.

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    Is not a supported configuration, but it should work.  See nested running VMs.

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    Thank you for your help

    to change the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (64-bit)

    Set-VM - VM - VM1 - ID "rhel6_64Guest" name VM - confirm: $false

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    ESXI 3.5 VM

    Windows 2003 guest entry (guest 2 OS) operating system

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    Thanks in advance.

    No worries, consider the positions of marking as useful or appropriate if it's for you.

    Kind regards

    Gerrit Lehr

    If you have found this or other useful information, please consider awarding points to 'Correct' or 'useful '.

  • Windows operating system online

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    Most of our customers have "old tools" because we are in the process of upgrading to U4.  Our environment is 100% Windows.

    Can I report it on the guest easily online operating system?  If so, then at the end of the report can it be redirected in .xls or .csv format?

    vCenter 2.5.0U5

    ESX 3.5.0U3/U4

    Thanks in advance

    If I understand correctly the wire you want to be able to find customers who are turned on, but where the operating system does not work because it is not installed?

    The following example script will create a CSV file that reports on different types of States of all your guests.

    $report = @()
    Get-View -ViewType VirtualMachine | %{
         $row = "" | Select VMname, PowerState, ToolsStatus, GuestHeartbeatStatus
         $row.VMname = $_.Name
         $row.PowerState = $_.Summary.Runtime.PowerState
         $row.ToolsStatus = $_.Guest.ToolsStatus
         $row.GuestHeartbeatStatus = $_.GuestHeartbeatStatus
         $report += $row
    $report | Export-Csv "C:\VM-States.csv"

    If you look in the CSV file and select guests who have a powerstate of 'receiving' and a 'red' GuestHeartbeatStatus you find the guests you are looking for.

    If you want a script that reports that the guests, an if statements in the previous script will do the trick.

    $report = @()
    Get-View -ViewType VirtualMachine | %{
         $row = "" | Select VMname, PowerState, ToolsStatus, GuestHeartbeatStatus
         $row.VMname = $_.Name
         $row.PowerState = $_.Summary.Runtime.PowerState
         $row.ToolsStatus = $_.Guest.ToolsStatus
         $row.GuestHeartbeatStatus = $_.GuestHeartbeatStatus
         if($row.PowerState -eq "poweredon" -and $row.GuestHeartbeatStatus -eq "red"){
              $report += $row
    $report | Export-Csv "C:\VM-States.csv"

    I hope that's what you're looking for?

  • To access the host ESX guest operating system information


    We are an application of the Virtual Machine (VM Guest) within an ESX Server.  Is there a way for this application to get the following details;

    1. ESX host MAC address of the VMWare guest operating system

    2. information UUID of comments within the same guest OS VM

    Kind regards


    If you install rcli tools or tools powercli from the VMware Web site you get tons of information. is one of the scripts of lamw leave the ghetto script repository.

  • Guest operating system can play the sound by ESX?

    Is it possible to activate the sound of the guest operating system so that it can be heard through Center vitrual console?

    Thanks in advance.


    Guest operating system cannot play sound directly through the host. However, you can redirect its good that your tools like VNC and RDP remote communication.

    Best regards
    Edward L. Haletky
    VMware communities user moderator, VMware vExpert 2009
    Author of the book ' VMWare ESX Server in the enterprise: planning and securing virtualization servers, Copyright 2008 Pearson Education.
    Blue gears and SearchVMware Pro items - top of page links of security virtualization - Security Virtualization Round Table Podcast

  • The VM startup slow down, delay long before the guest operating system begins startup

    Evaluation of VMWare to set up the VM for the maintenance of the software. Set up a virtual machine, install Windows 7 SP1 32-bit, everything works well. Once started, the performance is excellent.

    The symptom is that when you start the virtual machine, either starting from cold boot or suspend, there is a significant delay before the power of VMware on / start screen is displayed. Once it appears, the operating system starts starting (or the recovery of wakefulness) quickly and performance is normal after that. During the start-up period, the whole system is insensitive, host and guest operating system.

    See the extract of newspaper below to 09:54:28.619 moment where the delay occurs followed by the entry concerning 09:55:11.625 time when start continues, a delay of 43 seconds during which nothing seems to happen and the system does not respond. After that, everything is fast.

    Any ideas or suggestions?

    More info...

    VMware Player version 6.0.1 build-1379776

    Host PC: Dell Optiplex, Intel Core2 Quad Q9650 3.00 GHz ABLE to

    Installed memory: 4.00 GB (3.25 GB usable)

    Boot disk C: Intel SSD, 180GB (where the VMware is installed)

    Data disk F: Seagate 1 TB (where the virtual machine)

    SE host: Windows 7 Professional 32-bit SP1

    Guest OS: Windows 7 Professional 32-bit SP1

    excerpt from VMware.log:

    2014 02-19 T 09: 54:28.619 - 05:00 | VMX | I120: VMMEM: initial booking: 1442MB (1024MB = MainMem)

    2014 02-19 T 09: 54:28.619 - 05:00 | VMX | I120: MemSched_PowerOn: minGuestSize ball 104857 (80% size required min 131072)

    2014 02-19 T 09: 54:28.619 - 05:00 | VMX | I120: MemSched: mem reserved (in MB) min max recommended 128 2493 2493

    2014 02-19 T 09: 54:28.619 - 05:00 | VMX | I120: PShare: activated 1 1 Adaptive scanRate [16, 400]

    2014 02-19 T 09: 54:28.619 - 05:00 | VMX | I120: MemSched: mem 5159 262144 np 35890 pg 590258 anon

    2014 02-19 T 09: 55:11.625 - 05:00 | VMX | I120: MemSched: numvm 1 locked pages: num 0 max 605661

    2014 02-19 T 09: 55:11.626 - 05:00 | VMX | I120: MemSched: locked Page limit: host 638514 config 638208 dynam 613853

    2014 02-19 T 09: 55:11.626 - 05:00 | VMX | I120: MemSched: minmempct 50 minalloc 0 admitted 1

    2014 02-19 T 09: 55:11.626 - 05:00 | VMX | W110: NUMA: application of automatic dimensioning VM ignored

    configuration (.vmx) VM file:

    . Encoding = "windows-1252".

    config.version = '8 '.

    virtualHW.version = "10".

    scsi0. Present = 'TRUE '.

    scsi0.virtualDev = "lsisas1068".

    SATA0. Present = 'TRUE '.

    memsize = "1024".

    MEM.hotadd = 'TRUE '.

    scsi0:0. Present = 'TRUE '.

    scsi0:0. FileName = "BCDEVVM.vmdk".

    SATA0:1.present = 'TRUE '.

    SATA0:1.filename = "E:".

    SATA0:1.DeviceType = "cdrom-raw"

    ethernet0. Present = 'TRUE '.

    ethernet0. ConnectionType = "bridged".

    ethernet0.virtualDev = "e1000".

    ethernet0.wakeOnPcktRcv = "FALSE".

    ethernet0. AddressType = 'generated '.

    USB. Present = 'TRUE '.

    EHCI. Present = 'TRUE '.

    ehci.pciSlotNumber = "35".

    Sound.Present = 'TRUE '.

    sound.virtualDev = 'hdaudio '.

    sound.fileName = 'speakers (SoundMAX Integrated D.

    Sound.AutoDetect = "FALSE".

    MKS. Enable3D = 'TRUE '.

    Serial0.present = 'TRUE '.

    Serial0.FileType = "thinprint".

    pciBridge0.present = 'TRUE '.

    pciBridge4.present = 'TRUE '.

    pciBridge4.virtualDev = "pcieRootPort"

    pciBridge4.functions = '8 '.

    pciBridge5.present = 'TRUE '.

    pciBridge5.virtualDev = "pcieRootPort"

    pciBridge5.functions = '8 '.

    pciBridge6.present = 'TRUE '.

    pciBridge6.virtualDev = "pcieRootPort"

    pciBridge6.functions = '8 '.

    pciBridge7.present = 'TRUE '.

    pciBridge7.virtualDev = "pcieRootPort"

    pciBridge7.functions = '8 '.

    vmci0. Present = 'TRUE '.

    hpet0. Present = 'TRUE '.

    usb.vbluetooth.startConnected = "FALSE".

    displayName = "BCDEVVM."

    guestOS = "windows7"

    NVRAM = "BCDEVVM.nvram."

    virtualHW.productCompatibility = "hosted".

    gui.exitOnCLIHLT = "FALSE".

    powerType.powerOff = 'soft '.

    powerType.powerOn = 'soft '.

    powerType.suspend = 'soft '.

    powerType.reset = 'soft '.

    extendedConfigFile = "BCDEVVM.vmxf".

    gui.lastPoweredViewMode = "full screen".

    UUID. BIOS = "56 4 d d2 32 bb c9 b7 bd 3 c d2 46 59 38 e3 e6 f2"

    UUID. Location = "56 4 d d2 32 bb c9 b7 bd 3 c d2 46 59 38 e3 e6 f2"

    Replay.Supported = "FALSE".

    Replay.FileName = «»

    scsi0:0. Redo = «»

    pciBridge0.pciSlotNumber = "17".

    pciBridge4.pciSlotNumber = "21".

    pciBridge5.pciSlotNumber = "22".

    pciBridge6.pciSlotNumber = "23".

    pciBridge7.pciSlotNumber = "24".

    scsi0.pciSlotNumber = "160".

    usb.pciSlotNumber = "32".

    ethernet0.pciSlotNumber = "33".

    sound.pciSlotNumber = "34".

    vmci0.pciSlotNumber = '36 '.

    SATA0.pciSlotNumber = "37".

    scsi0.sasWWID = "50 05 05 62 bb c9 b7 b0.

    ethernet0.generatedAddress = "00: 0C: 29:E6:38:E3.

    ethernet0.generatedAddressOffset = '0 '.

    vmci0.ID = "1508260067".

    vmotion.checkpointFBSize = "134217728.

    cleanShutdown = 'TRUE '.

    softPowerOff = 'TRUE '.

    USB:1.speed = '2 '.

    USB:1.present = 'TRUE '.

    USB:1.DeviceType = "hub".

    USB:1.port = "1".

    USB:1.parent = "-1".

    SATA0:1.AutoDetect = "FALSE".

    tools.syncTime = "FALSE".

    unity.wasCapable = "FALSE".

    tools.remindInstall = "FALSE".

    toolsInstallManager.updateCounter = '1 '.

    checkpoint.vmState = «»

    Monitor.virtual_mmu = "automatic".

    Monitor.virtual_exec = "automatic".

    USB:0. Present = 'TRUE '.

    USB:0. DeviceType = 'hidden '.

    USB:0.port = "0".

    USB:0.parent = "-1".

    USB. Generic.AutoConnect = "FALSE".

    serial1. Present = 'TRUE '.

    serial1. FileName = "COM1".

    floppy0. Present = "FALSE".


    I know what you want to say as I've seen sometimes as well. But especially on older hardware or if there are problems with regard to particular resources. For example I saw this on an ESX host (yes I know product different) where there was a problem with the storage not enough providing IOPS / s.

    I saw also this on older versions of Linux (IIRC 7) workstation where the host had an Atom based CPU, there I updated to more RAM and a more recent version of the workstation and the problem disappeared.

    Then I also saw it on the 4/5 merger when my host operating system was out of memory and I tried to start another operating system to prompt anyway.

    I do not consider a normal behavior for the slow start and does not respond, it is an indication that the hypervisor is seeking some resources, but does not receive them fast enough.

    The reasons can be many. Indeed things like antivirus could be biting you if she tries to analyze all files (including virtual disks) at their opening.

    FWIW, I also understand the support response as would be expected if your host is a bit thin on the resources (for example, trying to start a VM 1 GB on a host Win7 with only 3.5 GB of RAM) and if the virtual machine runs OK after the initial startup delay, it's mostly just an annoyance.



  • Guest operating system upgrade


    I did some searching on google but have not found answers to whether or not it is possible to update multiple operating systems using a built-in feature of VMWare. I use Workstation 8 and invited several OS running various flavors of Linux. I just wanted to know if I have to login to each guest and update manually or if there was a built-in feature of VMware. I fell on the Update Manager in my research, but it seems that this is only available with ESX and that comments patch is no longer supported in any case.

    Any information on this would be highly appreciated.

    Thank you

    VMware Workstation does not what to patch/update guests.

    You are right that VMware Update Manager used to include a comment update function that has been removed. In any case, it was only included with vCenter Server. The only VMware product that comes to mind is VMware vCenter Protect.


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