Customization of guest (in gray) operating system


I am to evaluate vCloud Director and try to import a virtual machine from a production environment to a catalog in the cloud.  Import works fine, but you can't adjust the tab to customize the operating system guest on the virtual machine that has been imported.  Everything is grayed and checked.  I'm not wanting to perform a particular customization comments on this virtual machine OS.  The VM info is as follows:

Windows 2008 R2 standard

Is there a setting somewhere to make this change happen.

Virtual machines in the catalogue are immutable. If you want to change a property (such as comments customization), you need to copy it to my cloud, make change, copy him on the catalog and delete the old catalog model.

To save the steps, I usually import things in my cloud (instead of import in the catalog), do my changes and then put it in the catalog.

Tags: VMware

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    Do not use '-gu ' and '-gp "in this command.

    The syntax must be the following (on a Windows host):

    the departure of https:// h vmrun t server ' [storage name] WinXP/WinXP.vmx.

    Use "u Administrator" instead of "-u root" because you are on a Windows host.

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    No worries, consider the positions of marking as useful or appropriate if it's for you.

    Kind regards

    Gerrit Lehr

    If you have found this or other useful information, please consider awarding points to 'Correct' or 'useful '.

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    vCenter 2.5.0U5

    ESX 3.5.0U3/U4

    Thanks in advance

    If I understand correctly the wire you want to be able to find customers who are turned on, but where the operating system does not work because it is not installed?

    The following example script will create a CSV file that reports on different types of States of all your guests.

    $report = @()
    Get-View -ViewType VirtualMachine | %{
         $row = "" | Select VMname, PowerState, ToolsStatus, GuestHeartbeatStatus
         $row.VMname = $_.Name
         $row.PowerState = $_.Summary.Runtime.PowerState
         $row.ToolsStatus = $_.Guest.ToolsStatus
         $row.GuestHeartbeatStatus = $_.GuestHeartbeatStatus
         $report += $row
    $report | Export-Csv "C:\VM-States.csv"

    If you look in the CSV file and select guests who have a powerstate of 'receiving' and a 'red' GuestHeartbeatStatus you find the guests you are looking for.

    If you want a script that reports that the guests, an if statements in the previous script will do the trick.

    $report = @()
    Get-View -ViewType VirtualMachine | %{
         $row = "" | Select VMname, PowerState, ToolsStatus, GuestHeartbeatStatus
         $row.VMname = $_.Name
         $row.PowerState = $_.Summary.Runtime.PowerState
         $row.ToolsStatus = $_.Guest.ToolsStatus
         $row.GuestHeartbeatStatus = $_.GuestHeartbeatStatus
         if($row.PowerState -eq "poweredon" -and $row.GuestHeartbeatStatus -eq "red"){
              $report += $row
    $report | Export-Csv "C:\VM-States.csv"

    I hope that's what you're looking for?

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    Is there some post installation task that must be completed? or a clue as to where to look for the answer

    Thank you


    This will sound like a stupid question, but are you sure that the guest virtual machine OS is set correctly on Windows 2003?

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    A specified parameter was not correct.


    No idea what this means and how to fix it?

    Hi dTardis,

    Using special characters in the hostname?

    Good luck.



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    "Additional support for customization of the operating system called: vCenter Server now supports the customization of the following systems: Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 (x 32 and x 64)".

    (1) this means that we should not patch our model of Windows 2008 R2 with SP1, if we're still using vCenter 4.1 (without Update 1)?

    (2) in addition, it is possible that someone has already patched our model of Windows 2008 R2 with SP1. What would be the consequences or potential issues if some virtual machines have already been deployed and customized in vCenter 4.1 (without Update 1)?

    I doubt I'll see any error, warning or other if I tried to customize, but I want to assure you that it is not some underlying issues that would not easily noticeable.

    The reason is simple... SP1 is RTM and will be released in the coming weeks.

    First version of vCenter 4.1 can not support only because that there was not.

    Does not support does not mean that it is does not work (sorry for the pun).


  • Change the customization of the operating system invited to the catalog

    Hi, I was testing vCloud for a demo, when I realize that it was not able to connect to cloned Windows 2008 R2.

    Checking certain things, I get to the customization options of the guest operating system, where I found a password change policy, but they have grayed out to the level of the catalog (as shown in the attached picture).

    I was able to change the option to a power off VM cloned already in my cloud, but the question is: do I have to do this for each cloned virtual machine, or is it possible to do it at the level of the catalog to get a framework agreement?

    Thanks in advance!

    Pablo. -.

    EDIT: Sorry, vCD is 1.5 with vSphere 5.0. VMtools are updated on the VMS and I use vHardware 8.

    Lol once in the catalog, it can not be changed. See also the thread here

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    According to the compatibility matrix, customization of CentOS VMs is not officially supported: --> Guest Operating Sysytem customization Support


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