You can create a view that filters (ESX host) Linux machines on the view of the Infrastructure?


We have recently implemented Foglight and VMware plugin. As part of the VMware plugin, Foglight pulls in all the Linux VM machines including the ESX host. Our team of Linux only manages the running redhat Linux hosts. They fail the ESX VM guest. That said, is there a way to create a view that shows only the hosts running redhat Linux?

For example the view of rail infrastructure below contains 88 Linux machines, but nearly half of them are ESX hosts for our Linux team would not see all these. Is it possible to filter these?

Any help is appreciated.

Thank you


The easiest way would be to create a personalized, pair it with Infrastructure and then create a dynamic management component.  This will help create you a rule for "All hosts" where you can find just the hosts that are not of the ESX host and run Linux.

The query would be:

detail.topologyTypeName! = "VMWESXServer" & os.longName like «% Linux»

Tags: Dell Tech

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    Hi newbski1,

    There are few things you can try to help him with this.

    1. the events view shows you changes in resources, it is not terribly detailed, but it will help

    2. depending on your version, you can also view in Configuration Manager that is part of the vRO suite that will show you the changes to configurations.

    See you soon


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    If you write a custom, ValueExtractor you need to create an index, then you will not have a custom filter.

    Depending on how effective it must be custom Extractor you can use POF and don't have to deserialize the entries to create the index, or it can deserialize the class, which will make the code simpler.

    For example, without the use of POF

    public class MapKeyExtractor extends EntryExtractor implements PortableObject {
        public MapKeyExtractor() {
        public Object extractFromEntry(Map.Entry entry) {
            Set keys = new HashSet();
            CustomerGroup group = (CustomerGroup) entry.getValue();
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            return keys;
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            return (obj instanceof MapKeyExtractor);
        public int hashCode() {
            return MapKeyExtractor.class.hashCode();
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        public void writeExternal(PofWriter out) throws IOException {

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