Why do I get Office Genuine Advantage?

Why I am being presented with Office Genuine Advantage Notifications (KB94910) in the Windows Update for Windows 7 Ultimate Edition? I wonder what I do not have the suite Office installed on my computer, I use OpenOffice.org. In fact, the only program that I installed and that bears the name of office is Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007 . It's a product that Microsoft offers now for free.

However, MS apparently wants to make sure that it is a legit version of Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007.

Office Genuine Advantage Notifications (KB949810), as well as the Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications (KB905474), is an optional update. Just hide if you do not want to install. ~ Robear Dyer (PA Bear) ~ MS MVP (that is to say, mail, security, Windows & Update Services) since 2002 ~ WARNING: MS MVPs represent or work for Microsoft

Tags: Windows

Similar Questions

  • Why do I get Office updates?

    Why do I get updated Microsoft Office when I have no office or work installed, they is an integral part of Windows 7?
    My next question is can I stop all these updates from the Office to settle?


    You can click with the right button on those for office and works and HIDE - Control Panel - Windows Updates.
    Updates available.

    Then run this:

    1. run the cleanup tool to see if remains of Office, Works or PowerPoint are there.

    Spotlight utility Windows Installer CleanUp Utility

    Description of the Windows Installer CleanUp utility

    2. run these to reset all:

    How to reset the Windows Update components? -a Mr Fixit

    Description of the system for Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, update tool and
    for Windows 7


    If necessary, you can get free reports of incidents.

    Windows updates - free Incident report

    Go here and click on-> Windows Update fails while searching, downloading or installation of updates

    The security updates, you can get free support Incident report

    I hope this helps.
    Rob - bicycle - Mark Twain said it is good.

  • How to get Windows Genuine Advantage?

    MS has determined that my Windows XP SP3 (bought on eBay in 2009) has a "invalid product code".  I work with a clientele of MS for more than 2 weeks without satisfaction; They claim that if I buy Windows Genuine Advantage, I can load a new product Code without having to reload the entire OS.  Anyone know the path through this maze (to buy Windows Genuine Advantage)?  Is it all a myth that I wonder?

    When you use the PC non genuine Windows XP, see Validate Windows for more information. Carey Frisch

  • KB949810 Office Genuine Advantage Notification will not be installed

    I posted this issue in the forum of office and it has been suggested that it may be more a problem with Windows Update as KB949810.  I ran MAGDiag tool:

    Diagnostic report (1.9.0027.0):


    Validation of Windows data-->

    Validation status: genuine

    Validation code: 0

    Code of Validation caching: n/a

    Windows product key: *-* - TTQDX - 44K9W-98QF7

    The Windows Product Key hash: pYHQNC50X29kuTSZv + 6DBeJp6kM =

    Windows product ID: 76488-014-4889427-22571

    Windows product ID type: 5

    Windows license type: retail

    The Windows OS version: 5.1.2600.2.00010100.3.0.pro

    ID: {E531BB88-B219-4D9D-9B01-5DF3E26CD60A} (3)

    Admin: Yes

    TestCab: 0x0

    LegitcheckControl ActiveX: Registered,

    Signed by: Microsoft

    Product name: n/a

    Architecture: n/a

    Build lab: N/A

    TTS error: n/a

    Validation Diagnostic: 025D1FF3-230-1

    Resolution state: n/a

    Given Vista WgaER-->

    ThreatID (s): n/a

    Version: n/a

    Windows XP Notifications data-->

    Cached result: 0

    File: Yes


    WgaTray.exe signed by: Microsoft

    WgaLogon.dll signed by: Microsoft

    OGA Notifications data-->

    Cached result: n/a, hr = 0 x 80070002

    Version: N/a, hr = 0 x 80070002

    OGAExec.exe signed by: n/a, hr = 0 x 80070002

    OGAAddin.dll signed by: n/a, hr = 0 x 80070002

    OGA data-->

    Office status: 100 authentic

    Microsoft Office Standard Edition 2003 - 100 authentic

    OGA Version: Registered,

    Signed by: Microsoft

    Office Diagnostics: 77F760FE-153-80070002_7E90FEE8-175-80070002_025D1FF3-230-1

    Data browser-->

    Proxy settings: N/A

    User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Win32)

    Default browser: C:\Program may Explorer\IEXPLORE.exe

    Download signed ActiveX controls: fast

    Download unsigned ActiveX controls: disabled

    Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins: allowed

    Initialize and script ActiveX controls not marked as safe: disabled

    Allow the Internet Explorer Webbrowser control scripts: disabled

    Active scripting: allowed

    Recognized ActiveX controls safe for scripting: allowed

    Analysis of file data-->

    Other data-->

    Office details: {E531BB88-B219-4D9D-9B01-5DF3E26CD60A}1.9.0027.05.1.2600.2.00010100.3.0.prox 32*-*-*-*-98QF776488-014-4889427-225715S-1-5-21-1004336348-1292428093-682003330K8UVMK8Upgrade-VM800American Megatrends Inc.. P1.70 20050909000000.000000 + 00023BE31EF0184226D04090409Time(GMT-08:00) Standard Pacific03100100Microsoft Office Standard Edition 2003113D8EAAB3B9125F5R/5bxlw9MfRnSNW6 IsvpdGzgOU plus70141-762-4894926-565851

    License data-->


    Windows Activation Technologies-->


    --> HWID data


    Activation 1.0 data OEM-->

    BIOS string matches: no

    BIOS marker string: N/A

    Marker of OEMBIOS string. DAT: N/a, hr = 0x80004005

    Activation 2.0 data OEM-->


    Task Scheduler is active and running

    KB949810 is an option, not the security update. Feel free to hide it. ~ Robear Dyer (PA Bear) ~ MS MVP (that is to say, mail, security, Windows & Update Services) since 2002 ~ WARNING: MS MVPs represent or work for Microsoft

  • KB949810 impossible to install Office Genuine Advantage Tool

    I have a computer on which I am upgrading I noticed was not installing the OGA tool.  I made sure the Task Scheduler is set to automatic.  I have installed SP3.  I've looked through the forums, but have not met everything worked again.  Someone posted this fix, but I knew exactly what he was doing, so I have not yet tried.  Can someone advise?

    "I delete the Edb.log file and also the catroot2 folder and I run cmd/regsvr32 licdll.dll and Regsvr32 regwizc.dll; I delete all the files in \WUTemp and I reboot. I went to http://update.microsoft.com/windowsupdate/v6/default.aspx?ln=fr and I have more demand for "authentic desktop notifications. I went to http://www.microsoft.com/genuine/default.aspx?displaylang=en and I validate successfully my windows and my office. Now, I turn to microcoft program update because everything is ok and the settings are automatic updates, what else can I ask... So, I want to thank you for your quick help and have a good time. »

    KB949810 is an option, not the security update. As long as you were able to validate and you do not experience problems installing Office updates, feel free to hide it.

    1. stop the automatic updates service:

    Start > run > services.msc (enter) > [OK]
    Double-click Automatic Updates > click Stop
    (Stopping the service will take a moment)

    2 remove the contents of the download folder:

    Start > run > %windir%\SoftwareDistribution (enter) > [OK]
    Open the download folder and delete its contents
    Close the window.

    3. go to the Windows Update Web site. Select CUSTOM and allow the analysis to be performed. Uncheck/unselect KB949810 and hide ("don't show me this update").

    4. start the automatic updates service:

    Start > run > services.msc (enter) > [OK]
    Double-click Automatic Updates > click Start
    (Starting the service will take a moment)

    ~ Robear Dyer (PA Bear) ~ MS MVP (that is to say, mail, security, Windows & Update Services) since 2002 ~ WARNING: MS MVPs represent or work for Microsoft

  • Why do I get "this copy of Windows is not genuine. Build 7601, Windows 7 "? Windows was preinstalled on my computer when I bought 7 years ago.

    Why do I get "this copy of Windows is not genuine. Build 7601, Windows 7 "? Windows was preinstalled on my computer when I bought 7 years ago. This message just started yesterday.

    The label on the bottom of my laptop is worn and unreadable. I prepare some restore disks when I bought it all first.

    Also, is it safe to use with this message? I am more sensitive to the virus and malware?

    When I ran the MGADia.exe, I received the following:

    Diagnostic report (1.9.0019.0):
    Given WGA-->
    Validation status: invalid license
    Validation code: 50

    Code of Validation caching: 0x0
    Windows product key: *-* - 73CQT - WMF7J-3Q6C9
    Windows product key hash: RmurcM3ZxzWyfEP9WtPUJw = + KaFG
    Windows product ID: 00359-OEM-8992687-00010
    Windows product ID type: 2
    Windows license Type: OEM SLP
    The Windows OS version: 6.1.7601.2.00010300.1.0.003
    ID: {41B72C8D-9D6E-4B69-95F3-C47B98DFEC93} (3)
    Admin: Yes
    TestCab: 0x0
    WGA Version: N/a, hr = 0 x 80070002
    Signed by: n/a, hr = 0 x 80070002
    Product name: Windows 7 Home Premium
    Architecture: 0 x 00000009
    Build lab: 7601.win7sp1_gdr.150715 - 0600
    TTS error:
    Validation of diagnosis:
    Resolution state: n/a

    WgaER data-->
    ThreatID (s): n/a, hr = 0 x 80070002
    Version: N/a, hr = 0 x 80070002

    WGA Notifications data-->
    Cached result: n/a, hr = 0 x 80070002
    File: No.
    Version: N/a, hr = 0 x 80070002
    WgaTray.exe signed by: n/a, hr = 0 x 80070002
    WgaLogon.dll signed by: n/a, hr = 0 x 80070002

    OGA Notifications data-->
    Cached result: n/a, hr = 0 x 80070002
    Version: N/a, hr = 0 x 80070002
    OGAExec.exe signed by: n/a, hr = 0 x 80070002
    OGAAddin.dll signed by: n/a, hr = 0 x 80070002

    OGA data-->
    Office status: 100 authentic
    Microsoft Office Home and Student 2007-100 authentic
    OGA Version: N/a, 0 x 80070002
    Signed by: n/a, hr = 0 x 80070002
    Office Diagnostics: 025D1FF3-364-80041010_025D1FF3-229-80041010_025D1FF3-230-1_025D1FF3-517-80040154_025D1FF3-237-80040154_025D1FF3-238-2_025D1FF3-244-80070002_025D1FF3-258-3_E2AD56EA-765-d003_E2AD56EA-766-0_E2AD56EA-134-80004005_E2AD56EA-765-b01a_E2AD56EA-766-0_E2AD56EA-148-80004005_16E0B333-89-80004005_B4D0AA8B-1029-80004005

    Data browser-->
    Proxy settings: N/A
    User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Win32)
    Default browser: C:\Program Files (x 86) \Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe
    Download signed ActiveX controls: fast
    Download unsigned ActiveX controls: disabled
    Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins: allowed
    Initialize and script ActiveX controls not marked as safe: disabled
    Allow the Internet Explorer Webbrowser control scripts: disabled
    Active scripting: allowed
    Recognized ActiveX controls safe for scripting: allowed

    Analysis of file data-->

    Other data-->
    Office details: {41B72C8D-9D6E-4B69-95F3-C47B98DFEC93}1.9.0019.06.1.7601.2.00010300.1.0.003x 64*-*-*-*-3Q6C900359-OEM-8992687-000102S-1-5-21-3695335249-1752219722-1893319484Hewlett-PackardSLIC-MPCHewlett-PackardF.1420090922000000.000000 + 000E3503D07018400F804090409Eastern Standard Time(GMT-05:00)03HPQOEMSLIC-MPC100100Microsoft Office home and Student 20071252F2E9A2A000F38wJr2hKpGU8wDb57KL876WZXKYT8 = 5591357-81602-924-68635 1

    Content Spsys.log: 0 x 80070002

    License data-->
    The software licensing service version: 6.1.7601.17514

    Name: Windows 7 HomePremium edition
    Description: operating system Windows - Windows (r) 7, channel OEM_SLP
    Activation ID: d2c04e90-c3dd-4260-b0f3-f845f5d27d64
    ID of the application: 55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f
    Extended PID: 00359-00178-926-800010-02-1033-7600.0000-2682009
    Installation ID: 002050161536719566617756842704942491320285130926883054
    Processor certificate URL: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=88338
    The machine certificate URL: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=88339
    Use license URL: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=88341
    Product key certificate URL: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=88340
    Partial product key: 3Q6C9
    License status: Notification
    Notification reason: 0xC004F059.
    Remaining Windows rearm count: 2
    Trust time: 08/03/2016-20:20:50

    Windows Activation Technologies-->
    HrOffline: 0x00000000
    HrOnline: 0x00000000
    Beyond: PASS
    Event timestamp: 1:6:2016 08:43
    WAT Activex: registered
    WAT administration service: registered

    --> HWID data
    Current Hash HWID: NAAAAAEAAgABAAIAAAABAAAABAABAAEA6GHuySp0Ejd6f1iV4sfgC34fsPa8wADj3utGyg ==

    Activation 1.0 data OEM-->

    Activation 2.0 data OEM-->
    BIOS valid for OA 2.0: no, table invalid SLIC
    Windows marker version: N/A
    OEMID and OEMTableID consistent: n/a
    BIOS information:
    ACPI Table name OEMID value OEMTableID value
    ASF!            HPQOEM SLIC-MPC
    SSDT PmRef CpuPm


    You must activate Windows 7 by using the product key on the COA sticker on the casing of the computer, or inside the battery compartment.

    Select Start, right-click computer, click Properties, select change product key (under Windows Activation) and enter the product key of 25 characters (from the COA sticker). Click Next to activate via the internet. Restart your computer.

    -Product key of letters and numbers-

    Do not confuse the letter B with the number 8, the letter Q and the letter O, and the letter G with the number 6.

    Not used the letters: A, E, I, O S U Z l. numbers and you not used: 0 1 to 5.

    The product source letters and figures: Stuart W J

  • When you try to download KB 2661254 get, "this version of Windows Genuine Advantage Validation tool is no longer supported."

    With IE 9 (32-bit) on Windows 7 64 bit.

    Try to download KB2661254 to run manually because it maintains is not running via Windows Update.

    Antivirus is Symantec Endpoint Protection.

    1 - http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=30491
    Says 'Validation required '.
    Click [continue]

    2 - http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/exe-validation.aspx?id=30491
    Click [continue]
    Click on [Run]
    "This version of Windows Genuine Advantage Validation tool is no longer supported."

    3 - http://www.microsoft.com/genuine/validate/
    Takes me to the "Welcome to Windows" page mentioning "because it is installed on your Windows PC is authentic."
    4 - http://www.microsoft.com/genuine/diag/
    All passes.
    5 - http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=30491
    Says 'Validation required '.
    Click [continue]
    End up back here: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/exe-validation.aspx?id=30491
    And the round what is left...

    Because step 3 says that it is authentic, I don't see why step 5 problems.

    Any thoughts would be appreciated.

    Diagnostic report (1.9.0027.0):
    Validation of Windows data-->

    Validation code: 0
    Code of Validation caching online: 0x0
    Windows product key: *-* - MV8MH - 98QJM-24367
    The Windows Product Key hash: wgci5Gdejx4esg7 ++ zTOe3LWF + 4 =.
    Windows product ID: 55041-OEM-8992671-00437
    Windows product ID type: 2
    Windows license Type: OEM SLP
    The Windows OS version: 6.1.7601.2.00010100.1.0.048
    ID: {645B1480-7350-49C9-98CE-CA7B35833D13} (3)
    Admin: Yes
    TestCab: 0x0
    LegitcheckControl ActiveX: N/a, hr = 0 x 80070002
    Signed by: n/a, hr = 0 x 80070002
    Product name: Windows 7 Professional
    Architecture: 0 x 00000009
    Build lab: 7601.win7sp1_gdr.120830 - 0333
    TTS error:
    Validation of diagnosis:
    Resolution state: n/a

    Given Vista WgaER-->
    ThreatID (s): n/a, hr = 0 x 80070002
    Version: N/a, hr = 0 x 80070002

    Windows XP Notifications data-->
    Cached result: n/a, hr = 0 x 80070002
    File: No.
    Version: N/a, hr = 0 x 80070002
    WgaTray.exe signed by: n/a, hr = 0 x 80070002
    WgaLogon.dll signed by: n/a, hr = 0 x 80070002

    OGA Notifications data-->
    Cached result: n/a, hr = 0 x 80070002
    Version: N/a, hr = 0 x 80070002
    OGAExec.exe signed by: n/a, hr = 0 x 80070002
    OGAAddin.dll signed by: n/a, hr = 0 x 80070002

    OGA data-->
    Office status: 100 authentic
    Microsoft Office Standard 2007-100 authentic
    OGA Version: N/a, 0 x 80070002
    Signed by: n/a, hr = 0 x 80070002
    Office Diagnostics: 025D1FF3-364-80041010_025D1FF3-229-80041010_025D1FF3-230-1_025D1FF3-517-80040154_025D1FF3-237-80040154_025D1FF3-238-2_025D1FF3-244-80070002_025D1FF3-258-3

    Data browser-->
    Proxy settings: N/A
    User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Win32)
    Default browser: C:\Program Files (x 86) \Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe
    Download signed ActiveX controls: fast
    Download unsigned ActiveX controls: disabled
    Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins: allowed
    Initialize and script ActiveX controls not marked as safe: disabled
    Allow the Internet Explorer Webbrowser control scripts: disabled
    Active scripting: allowed
    Recognized ActiveX controls safe for scripting: allowed

    Analysis of file data-->

    Other data-->
    Office details: {645B1480-7350-49C9-98CE-CA7B35833D13}1.9.0027.06.1.7601.2.00010100.1.0.048x 64*-*-*-*-2436755041-OEM-8992671-004372S-1-5-21-3076292609-1865698134-1640767816LENOVO4236P3GLENOVO83ET52WW (1.22)20110324000000.000000 + 0000FD23E07018400FE08090409GMT Time(GMT+00:00) Standard13LENOVOTP-83 100100Microsoft Office Standard 2007121259F7E12D7F58CmwB0KEcVSY3sw6zRYHYZjldbOhk =89396-710-7801462-65916 14

    Content Spsys.log: 0 x 80070002

    License data-->
    The software licensing service version: 6.1.7601.17514

    Name: Windows 7 Professional edition
    Description: operating system Windows - Windows (r) 7, channel OEM_SLP
    Activation ID: 50e329f7-a5fa-46b2-85fd-f224e5da7764
    ID of the application: 55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f
    Extended PID: 00371-00178-926-700437-02-1033-7600.0000-2062009
    Installation ID: 003361003211329575909704225085598266698865960365690292
    Processor certificate URL: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=88338
    Machine certificate URL: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=88339
    Use license URL: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=88341
    Product key certificate URL: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=88340
    Partial product key: 24367
    License status: licensed
    Remaining Windows rearm count: 3
    Time to trust: 23/10/2012 09:01:13

    Windows Activation Technologies-->
    HrOffline: 0x00000000
    HrOnline: n/a
    Beyond: 0 x 0000000000000000
    Event time stamp: n/a
    ActiveX: Registered, Version: 7.1.7600.16395
    The admin service: recorded, Version: 7.1.7600.16395
    Output beyond bitmask:

    --> HWID data

    Activation 1.0 data OEM-->

    Activation 2.0 data OEM-->
    BIOS valid for OA 2.0: Yes
    Windows marker version: 0 x 20001
    OEMID and OEMTableID consistent: Yes
    BIOS information:
    ACPI Table name OEMID value OEMTableID value
    ASF!   LENOVO-TP-83

    The problem is that MS broke pages when they 'appointed' site for Win8 - and have yet to find how to solve this problem (or are there delay until the launch date).

    It is not your computer or your problem - it is to them (and they have not yet publicly acknowledge it's a problem as far as I know!)

    If all goes well, he'll be fixed one way or another this week - but don't hold your breath!

  • Windows XP Professional said that he has failed the Windows Genuine Advantage test. But I called the Windows Activation and the officer confirmed that my product key is genuine. How can I make Windows genuine?

    I recently bought a copy of Windows XP Professional. I installed and activated Windows XP while I had an Internet connection. This went well. I then download Microsoft Security Essentials, who then informed me that my copy of Windows is maybe not authentic. Confused, I downloaded the WGA tool, who confirmed that my Windows XP was not authentic.

    The Microsoft product activation call and reading my product to a CSR key, he confirmed that the key was official and I have to contact Technical Support. But Tech Support costs a bit of money, and I'm only 15 years to be honest (Yes, I have a bit of technical knowledge).
    My question is this: is it possible that I can make genuine Windows? This problem is getting boring now. I tried to reinstall Windows XP and re - enter the product key (I tried an online activation and a phone).
    Thanks in advance.


    I suggest you to see link below and check if it helps.

    Windows Genuine Advantage does not validate a copy of Windows XP: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/916247

    If your Windows is not genuine, you should go to validate your windows.  Go to this site and follow these steps:


    If you are having problems posting, follow the steps described in this site:


    Hope this information is useful.

  • Is - is this legitimate? I get the following requires Windows Genuine Advantage from Microsoft Corporation: Validation status: Action required

    Is - is this legitimate?  I get the following requires Windows Genuine Advantage from Microsoft Corporation: Validation status: Action required
    The validation process cannot continue because your web browser is not configured to run the components required by the genuine validation process. The following will help you solve this problem and continue with validation.

    The information bar is shown below.

    1 1 clic click right on the information bar and select install the ActiveX (see below) control

    2. when the Internet Explorer security warning dialog appears, click on install.

    If the ActiveX control does not properly install, you can click on the button OK below to start the posting process replacement (optimized for browsers unable to perform the initial validation script).
    Is - is this legitimate?  I get the following message claiming to be Windows Genuine Advantage from Microsoft Corporation:
    Validate now state of Validation:

    It is valid only if the message comes from Microsoft.com

    Go to this Web site in Internet Explorer: http://www.microsoft.com/genuine/validate/

  • Why do I get the blue screen of DEATH most of the time when I try to print on my HP Office Jet printer?

    Why do I get the blue screen of DEATH most of the time when I try to print on my HP Office Jet printer?  Almost everytime I try to print to the printer HP Office Jet m I get the Blue Screen of Death in the middle of printing or shortly after that my document is printed.  I then have to shut down my computer and restart it.  I am running Windows 7.

    We need the log files themselves (called a DMP files) because they contain the only record of the sequence of events that led to the accident, what drivers have been loaded, and what has been loaded.

    Please follow our instructions to find and download the files, we need to help you fix your computer. They can be found at here

    If you have any questions regarding the procedure, please ask

  • Windows Genuine Advantage Kit

    4 or 5 years, I had a desktop running windows xp pro. Microsoft has decided that my copy of win xp pro was acquired; That's why I had to buy a genuine advantage Kit, that solved the problem. I have no office (however I can get hold of it anytime since one of my sisters-in-law has it) but I have still the guide disk whose content I am installing in an iMac. However, I can't find any keys in this CD. Could you please let me know how to get the keys?
    My email address: * email address is removed from the privacy *. I would appreciate an answer; Thank you very much!

    The WGA Kit you received is only allowed to the computer that has the non-genuine version of Windows XP Pro installed on.  Therefore, this Kit WGA license is unusable on another computer anyway... Sorry!

  • Get a genuine windows OS

    After you have saved my laptop toshiba and microsoft, i've Bee this message that I do not use a real OS from windows. I also noticed that I was not able to install updates to all software from microsoft on my computer satellite phone. When I copy the text/image from the internet on any microsoft office, it doen't stick as the package always respond when I paste. I think that all this is because of the message «get a real winodw»

    I hope to get help on this as soon as possible, thank you.

    Have you activated Windows? Type activation in Help and follow the instructions.
    In addition, probably problem could also be
    Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Tool (KB892130)
    Best solution would be to re - install all...


  • Strange installation location Genuine Advantage

    I just installed Genuine Advantage Notifications (KB949810), and installed files:

    real Advantage\ c:\Users\Shane\Office

    Why he moved to the sides of my user files (Documents, downloads, music, etc.)? Is it safe to delete this new file?

    Thank you
    Shane. Windows Vista Edition Home Premium SP2; IE 8.0.6001.18813

    A1. Why the location is important to you?

    A2. Is it safe to delete the new folder? No doubt. Should you? Probably not, fear KB949810 to be offered again.

    NB: All the Genuine Advantage Notification updates are updated Optional: it is not necessary to install them.

    ~ Robear Dyer (PA bear); MS MVP (that is to say, mail, security, Windows & Update Services) since 2002. DISCLAIMER: I do not represent nor don't work for Microsoft

  • Error "this version of Windows Genuine Advantage validation tool is no longer supported... "during the installation of Microsoft Windows Mobile Device Center 6.1 driver.

    New office and try to install Mobile Device Center so I can sync it with my old iPaq.

    I'm going to
    with for? me

    I download and run the validation tool that says:
    This version of the Windows Genuine Advantage validation tool is no longer
    supported.  Please download the latest version and make sure that your system
    the clock is accurate.

    How can I get beyond that?  I can't find any other tool of validation.


    Original title: how to download Microsoft Windows Mobile Device Center 6.1 Driver for Windows Vista (64 bit)?

    You MUST use Internet Explorer to download the elements necessary for validation and for validation.

  • This version of the Windows Genuine Advantage validation tool is no longer supported. Please download the latest version and make sure that your system clock is accurate

    I get this error when I try to download the Microsoft Media Feature Pack for my Windows 7 N.

    When I run the Diag Microsoft Genuine Advantage tool, I get:

    Diagnostic report (1.9.0027.0):
    Validation of Windows data-->

    Validation code: 0
    Code of Validation caching online: 0x0
    Windows product key: *-* - V6FF3 - 8CYHC-F6W6R
    The Windows Product Key hash: RDy2 + rOvx/MNnkt2/3DpvIhJK + M =
    Windows product ID: 00432-076-9116013-86508
    Windows product ID type: 5
    Windows license type: retail
    The Windows OS version: 6.1.7601.2.00010100.1.0.028
    ID: {D6128C9F-3963-4F38-B8B5-DAA8216FA555} (3)
    Admin: Yes
    TestCab: 0x0
    LegitcheckControl ActiveX: Registered,
    Signed by: Microsoft
    Product name: Windows 7 Ultimate N
    Architecture: 0 x 00000009
    Build lab: 7601.win7sp1_gdr.120830 - 0333
    TTS error:
    Validation of diagnosis:
    Resolution state: n/a

    Given Vista WgaER-->
    ThreatID (s): n/a, hr = 0 x 80070002
    Version: N/a, hr = 0 x 80070002

    Windows XP Notifications data-->
    Cached result: n/a, hr = 0 x 80070002
    File: No.
    Version: N/a, hr = 0 x 80070002
    WgaTray.exe signed by: n/a, hr = 0 x 80070002
    WgaLogon.dll signed by: n/a, hr = 0 x 80070002

    OGA Notifications data-->
    Cached result: n/a, hr = 0 x 80070002
    Version: N/a, hr = 0 x 80070002
    OGAExec.exe signed by: n/a, hr = 0 x 80070002
    OGAAddin.dll signed by: n/a, hr = 0 x 80070002

    OGA data-->
    Office status: 109 n/a
    OGA Version: N/a, 0 x 80070002
    Signed by: n/a, hr = 0 x 80070002
    Office Diagnostics: 025D1FF3-364-80041010_025D1FF3-229-80041010_025D1FF3-230-1_025D1FF3-517-80040154_025D1FF3-237-80040154_025D1FF3-238-2_025D1FF3-244-80070002_025D1FF3-258-3

    Data browser-->
    Proxy settings: N/A
    User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Win32)
    Default browser: C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
    Download signed ActiveX controls: fast
    Download unsigned ActiveX controls: disabled
    Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins: allowed
    Initialize and script ActiveX controls not marked as safe: disabled
    Allow the Internet Explorer Webbrowser control scripts: disabled
    Active scripting: allowed
    Recognized ActiveX controls safe for scripting: allowed

    Analysis of file data-->

    Other data-->
    Office details: {D6128C9F-3963-4F38-B8B5-DAA8216FA555}1.9.0027.06.1.7601.2.00010100.1.0.028x 64*-*-*-*-F6W6R00432-076-9116013-865085S-1-5-21-4245564716-989467392-3842989403HP-Pavilion,KZ852AAR-ABA a6560tAmerican Megatrends Inc.. 5.32 20081023000000.000000 + 00076FC3007018400F804090409Mountain Standard Time(GMT-07:00)03HPQOEMSLIC-CPC109

    Content Spsys.log: 0 x 80070002

    License data-->
    The software licensing service version: 6.1.7601.17514

    Name: Microsoft(r) Windows(r) 7 UltimateN edition
    Description: operating system Windows - Windows (r) 7, retail channel
    Activation ID: dca01e19-01f5-4ce1-98b1-35fb7a323806
    ID of the application: 55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f
    Extended PID: 00432-00172-076-911601-00-1033-7600.0000-2452012
    Installation ID: 000536685594380170684166686172458034768882913092742682
    Processor certificate URL: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=88338
    Machine certificate URL: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=88339
    Use license URL: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=88341
    Product key certificate URL: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=88340
    Partial product key: F6W6R
    License status: licensed
    Remaining Windows rearm count: 4
    Trust time: 20/10/2012 21:26:27

    Windows Activation Technologies-->
    HrOffline: 0x00000000
    HrOnline: 0x00000000
    Beyond: 0 x 0000000000000000
    Event timestamp: 10:20:2012 21:20
    ActiveX: Registered, Version: 7.1.7600.16395
    The admin service: recorded, Version: 7.1.7600.16395
    Output beyond bitmask:

    --> HWID data

    Activation 1.0 data OEM-->

    Activation 2.0 data OEM-->
    BIOS valid for OA 2.0: Yes
    Windows marker version: 0x0
    OEMID and OEMTableID consistent: Yes
    BIOS information:
    ACPI Table name OEMID value OEMTableID value

    It should work with 32 bits of internet explore.

    new information just been was discovered on this issue. Here's the post-it on the WGA forums:

    Lately, there are considerable problems with validation in all areas of Microsoft, when you try to download the material that requires validation.

    Finally, the Forum Poster Tech Mgr found the cause and a solution!

    When you go to a download page such as for Microsoft Windows Mobile Device Center 6.1 for Windows Vista (32-bit), you get to a page

    If you click on the continue button on the page, MS currently sends you to the wrong place.

    The solution is to change the existing URL by adding 'real validation' instead of 'details' in your URL of the download page
    so for the one above.


    .. .and your download becomes visible, and you can click on the download button...

    A big thank you to Archbishop Tech for interpretation of this out!

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