using FaceTime outside the UNITED Arab Emirates

I bought an iPhone 6s over 128 GB of Kabul in Afghanistan, but I have no FaceTime on it. When I google, I found that the iPhones in the UNITED Arab Emirates have no FaceTime. It's ok, but I want to use in Afghanistan should not be banned here. For your information, I use "SALAAM" SIM card and I did not even FaceTime its icon, but when I change my SIM to "AWCC", FaceTime application appear but I can't use it for any type of call. One of my fries told me that I can contact APPLE Co. and shares my serial number, you can turn it on remotely. FaceTime is too important for me as I've used most of my international call before by my iPad 3 and also the current macbook air. My iPhone information are as follows:

Model: iPhone 6 sec more

Storage: 128 GB

CPU Model: TSMC A9

iOS version: 9.3.1

Thank you in advanced for you quick response

P. S.

In case of sending e-mail, you send an email to my gmail (*) due to I have some temporary problem with my apple ID email address.

< personal information under the direction of the host >

If you bought an iPhone from a country that does not allow the use of FaceTime, this feature of the software cannot be installed later, is not part of the firmware of the phone.

Where you are not sure if the phone was sold in one of the countries that doe does not allow the use of FaceTime, put the phone back to factory settings and reinstall the original firmware. If FaceTime is still missing, after that, it can not be installed. Follow the steps in this article to:

Use iTunes to restore your device to factory settings - Support Apple iOS

Tags: iPhone

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