Use of DNS by ESX host

I'm curious to know how important dns entries using host esx (DNS configuration & Routing tabs) as we change all of our dns servers. Do I need to reboot the ESX host, if I change the ip or is the service good enough restart or simliar control network? All the vm have dns entries, so I'm not sure what the guests need even references to. It's on Vsphere 4.

Thank you


If you run the only stand hosts, DNS is not important. However, if you run the hosts in a vCenter environment you need to make sure that the DNS resolution works. Otherwise, you will experience issues with host disconnection of the vCenter and HA no longer works.

The DNS entries can be changed on the fly, which means that you can enter the new DNS servers in addition to those current and once the new DNS servers are in place, remove the old entries.


Tags: VMware

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    pageda79 wrote:

    My thought: two guests can see the LUNS for the vCenter server. I think I can go into host 1, power off the virtual machine and then remove from the inventory. Then, I'm going to host 2, browse the store of data LUN and ADD it to its inventory. Is this correct? If so, what file in the data store can I connect to the host (vmx, vmdk, etc.)

    Yes, it will work, but you will need to attach the base to a host at a time line.  You would add to inventory the .vmx

    Or use the command line

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    The variable $_ is a predefined variable so that you should not use it as your loop variable.

    You could do it like this

    $esx = Get-Cluster  | Get-VMHost
    $esx | %{
         $esxlog = Get-Log -Key "vmkernel" -VMHost $_
         $nrEntries = $esxlog.Entries.Count
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    Thank you


    Use "service network restart" command to restart the network service

    Do not forget also that...

    Very dependent on DNS HA, HA will not work without the correct DNS configuration. The servers ESX and vCenter server must be able to resolve the name (FQDN full) / IPs in both feel to get a working HA.

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    ccandia wrote:


    Thank you. I suppose that by 'local management LAN', you hear the internal local production lan do you use?

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    You're right, I want to talk about the normal subnet that all servers and users are connected to.  This works in my environment, but may not work in environments more serious questions of internal security.

    I actually run VCenter as a virtual machine in a HA cluster to eliminate the scenario of hardware failure, but I do not see why the vCenter running Windows makes it more vulnerable than any computer on your network.  Like any other essential service, I would make sure that running the server vCenter vCenter only and that essential services only run including a client anti-malware.  I tend to take an approach more inside-out security and not an outside in approach.  I'm more concerned with security at the application layer to the edge of the network.  Again, which works best for my environment.

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    the hosts are 5.1

    kb = & docType = kc & docTypeID = DT_KB_1_1 & externalId = 2035778

    see you soon

    You can download the patches and copy it into the data store and apply it using ESXCLI

    Check the items below it will work by

    Install patches on an ESXi host from the command-line 5.x

    Fastest way to patch an ESX/ESXi by using the command line

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    Yes, locks are on the VMFS file system, so the connection of storage is used.


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    Thank you!

    I'm afraid that Invoke-Expression is a PowerShell cmdlet that is only intended to run code on the local computer.

    Without using SSH, I suspect that you will have a hard time finding a way to do it.

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    Thank you.

    normally, I'm a "network service restart. sure enough...

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    Thank you

    You can deploy both at the same time.  Locking occurs only for changes to metadata and only for the shooting of subsecond.  It is not required for the entire deployment process.


    VCP, VCDX #52, Unix Geek, Nerd of storage

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    Thank you

    Good question, I would have preferred two HBA cards. If storage fails everything disappeared. If network failure you will not have access to the outside, but the chances of data corruption is smaller.


    VMware communities user moderator | VCP | VCDX


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    If sharing is a Windows, you can also use smbclient within the service console and ride sharing.


    * If you found this device or any other answer useful please consider awarding points for correct or helpful answers

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    Thanks for any help.

    I think that as long as you have updated all the names to reflect the new clone you must be fine and on the first step, you will be prompted with a question.


    William Lam

    VMware vExpert 2009

    Scripts for VMware ESX/ESXi and resources at:

  • ESX host will not use VMotion

    Hi all

    I have a question maybe someone can help.

    I installed two new ESX hosts in their own cluster, managed by a single data center environment.

    After the installation and updates, adding them to the Cluster environment and adding new licenses to the license server VC.

    I have one of the two ESX host who won't use VMotion. Everything is allowed as should be. But in the section of the Add On to the Configuration of the license, I see the following:

    VMware DRS Licensed for 2 cpu

    VirtualCenter for ESX Server Licensed agent for 2 cpu

    VMotion will not used

    VMware Consolidated Backup for 2 cpu license

    VMware HA under license for 2 cpu

    Additional details:

    Both servers in the cluster are identical hardware profiles: Intel 3.2Gig Xeon, 2 cavities 4 hearts, no HT.

    32Gig of RAM, (Proliant DL380 G5)

    The two servers connected to the SAN via Fibre Chanel Switch, redundant.

    Concert NIC ((VMNic 0 (Console 1), VMNic 1 (Standby adapter), VMNic 2 (Console 2) (the Virtual Machine Network), (VMkernel), (ports of vSwitch 56 none VLAN not defined) VMNic 3 (Standby adapter)).)

    No errors in the Logs of license, the Console message, etc. Everything seems in good health with no update needed.

    Both servers see the unique data store, created on the same SAN which it connects through the switch channel.

    VMFS 3.31.  Unique data store with several extensions (8 in total, the creation of a size of 15 to storage).

    Any ideas?

    All my other hosts using VMotion, but it does not work and there is no difference in configuration, I know.

    Thank you


    Some of the most common problems that cause problems VMotion - have you enabled for VMotion vmkernel port? VMkernel ports on the same segments of entwork?

    Can you provide the ip addresses for your vmkernel enabled for vmotion -

    If you find this or any other answer useful please consider awarding points marking the answer correct or useful

  • Average use of CPU and memory of the ESX host

    Dear team

    script of powercli necessary to fetch the last 2 month avg cpu and memory utilzaition for all ESX hosts that are managed by vcenter server.


    Mr. Vmware

    Try something like this

    $esx = Get-VMHost
    $start = (Get-Date).AddMonths(-2)
    $metric = "cpu.usage.average","mem.usage.average"
    Get-Stat -Entity $esx -Start $start -Stat $metric | Group-Object -Property {$_.Entity.Name} |
    Select @{N="VMHost";E={$_.Name}},  @{N="Avg CPU %";E={$_.Group | where {$_.MetricId -eq "cpu.usage.average"} |
        Measure-Object -Property Value -Average | Select -ExpandProperty Average}},  @{N="Avg Memory %";E={$_.Group | where {$_.MetricId -eq "mem.usage.average"} |
        Measure-Object -Property Value -Average | Select -ExpandProperty Average}}

Maybe you are looking for