United Arab Emirates UNITED of payslip of personal responsibility


We are running Oracle Payroll for the legislation of the UNITED Arab Emirates. I am able to run payroll HRMS seeded Menu but able to run payroll of custom menu. It gives me an error indicating that the functions of payroll is not available for the current responsibilities.

All ideas will be useful


bouncing Apache?

Tags: Oracle Applications

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    < personal information under the direction of the host >

    If you bought an iPhone from a country that does not allow the use of FaceTime, this feature of the software cannot be installed later, is not part of the firmware of the phone.

    Where you are not sure if the phone was sold in one of the countries that doe does not allow the use of FaceTime, put the phone back to factory settings and reinstall the original firmware. If FaceTime is still missing, after that, it can not be installed. Follow the steps in this article to:

    Use iTunes to restore your device to factory settings - Support Apple iOS

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    If the iPhone is a native of the United Arab Emirates and you have already put your operator's SIM card (this will only works in a few countries and all those who are in the Middle East), you cannot get it. iPhones that fall into this category have AB, AE or possibly AH just before the slash in their model numbers.

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    the voltage may vary from 100-240 V AC.

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    This is because one of the configuration files of the iPhone disables it for iPhones with AB, AE and AH maybe just before the / is their model numbers. If a Middle East SIM card in the iPhone, it can substitute for it, but no SIM card non - Middle Eastern won't. There is no other way to substitute it, or get FaceTime on your iPhone outside the Middle East.


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    The airport Time Capsule and the Apple TV work on 100-240 Volts and 50/60 Hz automatically, so they'll work pretty much anywhere in the world if you have the map of the right ankle.  A voltage converter is NOT necessary.

    You can buy the cards you need to any store from the airport, luggage, in Dubai store, etc., most of the hotels the.  If I remember correctly, Dubai uses the same type of plug that she used in the United Kingdom, as well as should work as well.

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    You will need to Contact HP to ask a "regionalization Reset." Do not charge for this, it is covered under the warranty of the cartridge. You will need to have access to your computer and printer then on line with HP. You will also need to have a set of cartridges for the new region, once completed reset cartridges of region of origin no longer works.  Webpage of HP on the subject is here.

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    Thank you




    09:00 - 18:00
    Sunday - Thursday

    IdeaPad S9e & S10e

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    Hi and welcome to the Forums!

    Given that the UNITED Arab Emirates is not in the list, it is not available. 'Why' is a complex issue, on the RIM, carriers and the Government. Access to this information is quite difficult.

    Finally, know that AppWorld is simply a portal, vending apps developed mainly by others. Therefore, it is not your exclusive supply source - there are others that you can try (e.g., Handango, Handmark, BPlay, GetJAR and Mobihand). I found that there are very few applications that is exclusive to AppWorld. You can see the online catalogue and then look for other sources of supply, including quite often on the developer website.

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    Hi 2827571,

    In the demos, that oracle provides a generic set of maps for Map Viewer, generally you World, United States, and San Francisco to the street level.

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