Sticky Flash file or freezing to halfway through playing in all browsers

this end played file since October and suddenly began to stick or freezing a few images, different places every time.

I made no changes to the file from October

This seems to happen in Safari, Firefox, IE, and probably others

can anyone help?

If it were me, I would leave the QT to .flv idea all together. You only use static images, no video movement, I think it would be actually easier to create everything in flash, I use the chronology and shifting each image on its own layer which overlap each 5 or 10 images according to your fps and then simply use the interpolations of alpha photos in and out along the timeline. Personally, I think it would be more stable, a small single instead of other components to deal with, no multi file encryption issues eother, you would'nt even a few and no need of a single line of code for this page. Drag and drop basically.

It seems the way it is, no offense, but is a complex multi-platform, multi step, file multi for something proposal to essentially very basic, which can be accomplished with a single step and a single file.

Tags: Adobe Animate

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    Hi @rjbsr,

    If the printer is unable to produce a copy, it is an indication of a hardware problem. You will need to contact HP for further assistance.

    Contact HP:
    Step 1. Open the link:
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    If it helps, will testify of my answer by pressing the 'thumbs up' below, or click on the button "Accept as Solution" if I helped you reach a solution.

    I hope this helps. Have a great day.

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    OS Mavericks (10.9.5) 3.1 GHz Inel Core i7 iMac


    Click on the Finder and search options listed next to icon located Apple in the upper left of the screen and click on the "Go" menu button and select 'utilities '.

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    If look at the timeline, you can see that there are things (those clouded images).  And if you look at it what this kind of things, you're probably going to find just what you think it does not.

    Just as one example, there is a layer labeled "all" that contains a movieclip which has a library of 'everything' name it looks like a small white dot in the top left, because in its first images like amovieclip it has no content.  But if you or the other doubleclick it or select it in the library to edit it, you will see that it contains no doubt everything that you say that you can't find.

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    OK, I recommend all first that inquire through the Adobe update 7.0.6 or 7.0.7 via the download available to the public at

    As for your question to import the flash file, if you use Captivate 5 or 5.5 he published in AS3 (ActionScript 3) only, and presenter 7.0.0 - 7.0.6 is an AS2 application. Therefore, your Captivate SWF files will not work in presenter. So, if you use Captivate 5 or newer, you must go to introduce 7.0.7 to SWFs to work.

    The problem you describe seems to me that you are working on a PPT file located on a shared drive. Presenter do not work with files that are not on your computer and will tend to not show the Insert Flash, video or Audio dialogs if the presentation is on a shared drive.

  • Automation of several Flash file by using the XML file 'mailing list '.

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    As I said, I'm not very good at ActionScript, so everything I managed to combine was internet tutorials.

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    var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();

    xmlLoader.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, xmlLoaded);

    var mcLoader:Loader = new Loader();
    mcLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (Event.INIT, playClip);

    var mcCurrent:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
    stage.addChild (mcCurrent);

    var xml;

    function playClip(e:Event):void
    stage.removeChild (mcCurrent);
    mcCurrent = MovieClip (mcLoader.content);
    mcLoader.unload ();
    stage.addChild (mcCurrent);

    function xmlLoaded(e:Event):void
    trace ("function: xmlLoaded");
    XML = new XML (;

    var cl:XMLList = xml.clip;
    for (var i: uint = 0; i < cl.length (); i ++)
    trace ("Begin"for"loop");
    trace ("variable" i "is" + i);

    clipPath var = cl[i].@path;
    var delay = cl[i].@duration;

    trace ("Clip path is" + clipPath);
    trace ("Display for" + delay);

    mcLoader.load (new URLRequest (clipPath));

    xmlLoader.load (new URLRequest ("filerunlist.xml"));

    I removed the timer event because, like all the rest was repeated until whatever it is obtained, so I wanted to figure out out to get the charger clip (mcLoader) to load the clip for each file, before I realized where put in the time to make sure each element is displayed for the appropriate duration. I suspect that the timer event must occur in the function "playClip", but that it would take advice on that as well.

    Thanks to anyone who can help me understand this.

    You need to do in the service of parsing xml is just to store all data in a table.  You will use while an array element after another through some timer control you set up, access each file in the order that they are stored in the table.  You do not load in this function, all data storage, and when finished, the last line of this function outside the loop, fires at any function you have who begins to treat the first element of the array.

    For example, to store the data objects in the array...

    var clipData:Array = new Array();   store your data xml here

    var clipToShow:uint = 0;                   use later in the function showClip

    function xmlLoaded(e:Event):void
    trace ("function: xmlLoaded");
    XML = new XML (;
    var cl:XMLList = xml.clip;
    for (var i: uint = 0; i
    clipArray.push ({clipPath: cl[i].@path, delay: cl[i].@duration});



    function showClip() {}

    Regardless of the process of loading .clipPath clipArray [clipToShow]

    and using clipArray [clipToShow] .delay to start some timer is involved

    the timer handler function calls this function when it is run

    clipToShow += 1;   increment the counter for the next clip online


    If you are not comfortable/familiar with the approach of the object, then you could also store the clip and delay data in two separate tables.

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    All active content on a page will always come to the top, so to speak,
    including Flash, some elements of form, Java applets and controls Active X.
    This means that each one will push through the layers. It is not a good
    Cross-browser/platform reliable way to solve this problem, but if you can be
    confident in your visitors using IE 5 + or NN6 +, you can then use the Flash
    setting wmode (However, Safari does not support this correctly!).

    Adobe articles:

    Murray - ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you * MUST * write me, don't don't LAUGH when you do!)
    ================== - template Triage! - DW FAQs, tutorials & resources - DW FAQs, tutorials & resources - Macromedia (MM) Technotes

    "rmiman" wrote in message
    > I have a little problem, I created a test using Dreamweaver site
    > 8 to the
    > show how layers will show/hide on the overview of the buttons. The problem
    > I am
    > have is that these layers which are placed on top of some Flash files
    > don't
    > appear when I transfer my buttons. Can someone tell me why? If you look at
    > below
    > you will find two links, "index1.html" shows that the layers will be show/hide
    > but
    > It's because it isn't a Flash file in the dark blue area. In
    > "index2.html" you will see that the layers don't hide/show when I rollover
    > my
    > buttons due to the dark blue area is a Flash file. Is there a way of
    > Difficulty
    > it in Dreamweaver 8?

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    Which shows in disk utility that is located in the recovery?

    Cutting in-house of may have failed or yo have a problem with the internal connection.

    What model of MacBook Pro?

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    Try a boot sure try safe mode if your Mac does not end commissioning - Apple Support

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    Your question of Windows 7 is more complex than what is generally answered in the Microsoft Answers forums. It is better suited for the public on the TechNet site. Please post your question in the following link for assistance:

  • The game on my computer quites that responded to the questionnaire to halfway through most of the games. Very frustrating. What can I do?

    The game on my computer quites that responded to the questionnaire to halfway through most of the games. Very frustrating. What can I do?

    Hi Oldmanontop,

    Welcome to the Microsoft Answers site!

    We would need some information to help you better question.

    (1) a) did you do these updates?

    ((2) (b) is the only problem with the game or other Windows games?

    3) c) you receive error messages?

    However you can follow the following methods for the time and see if it can resolve the problem.

    Method 1: Access the link below and run a scan for virus/malware online on the computer


    Method 2: You can also try to uncheck the option Windows games and restart and again check the games option and restart and check if the game works well. Follow the steps below for same.

    1. click the Start button, select Control Panel, click programs, and then Windows turn features on or off.  If you are prompted for an administrator password or a confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.

    2. to disable the games feature, clear the games check box.

    3. click on OK.

    4 restart the computer

    5 repeat step 1

    6. to turn on the games feature, check the box games .

    7 restart once again


    Method 3: Follow the steps and the link below and perform a clean boot and see if any third party on the computer software is in conflict with the normal performance of the game  

    1. click on start, type msconfig in the search box and press ENTER.

    If you are prompted for an administrator password or a confirmation, type the password, or click on continue.

    2. in the general tab, click Selective startup.

    3. under Selective startup, clear the Load Startup items check box.

    4. click on the Services tab, select the hide all Microsoft Services check box, and then click Disable all.

    5. click on OK.

    6. When you are prompted, click on restart.

    7. after the computer starts, check if the problem is resolved.

    If your issue is resolved, follow the how to determine what is causing the problem section in KB article to narrow down the exact source. . In addition, refer to the section on how to restore your computer to a Normal Startup Mode

    Hope this information was useful.



    Visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and tell us what you think.

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    Hi JoeHughes626,

    ·         You receive an error message or error code?

    ·         The issue is only with a specific Windows Update?

    ·         Did you do changes on the computer before the show?

    I suggest you to consult the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base and check if the problem still persists.

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    Let us know if that helps.

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