PowerShell change of guest operating system

I need to change the guest some VM operating system.

How the powershell commands.

for example, I have to change Red hat Enterprise Linux 6 (64-bit) by Red hat Enterprise Linux 5 (64-bit)

Can you help me?

Thank you for your help

to change the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (64-bit)

Set-VM - VM - VM1 - ID "rhel6_64Guest" name VM - confirm: $false

to change the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (64-bit)

Set-VM - VM - VM1 - ID "rhel5_64Guest" name VM - confirm: $false

Tags: VMware

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    The virtual machine must be turned off before upgrade you your virtual hardware. If you click on a turned off the virtual computer, you will have an option that says upgrade virtual hardware


    William Lam

    VMware vExpert 2009

    Scripts for VMware ESX/ESXi and resources at: http://engineering.ucsb.edu/~duonglt/vmware/

    repository scripts vGhetto

    VMware Code Central - Scripts/code samples for developers and administrators


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    Thank you



    There are not 3 installs with 1 license

    A Windows license is for a single installation, and this includes in Virtual Machines.

    See you soon.

  • Surface Pro 3 - errors when you try to start a guest operating system 64-bit

    I get the following errors setting up an Ubuntu guest operating system.

    This virtual machine is configured for 64-bit operating systems. However, the 64-bit mode is not possible.

    This host supports Intel VT - x, but Intel VT - x is disabled.

    Intel VT - x can be disabled if it has been disabled in the BIOS/firmware settings or host was not powered by bicycle since changing this setting.

    (1) check that the settings BIOS/firmware activate Intel VT - x and disable "trust execution."

    2 turn on the host if either of these BIOS/firmware settings have been changed.

    (3) turn on the host if you have not done since the installation of VMware Workstation.

    (4) update of the BIOS/firmware from the host to the latest version.

    I've been Googling this problem since yesterday and so far, I have not come to any possible solution. Certainly, I can install the 32-bit linux flavor, but that doesn't help me when I run the installation to other 64-bit operating systems.

    I was able to resolve the issue, after most googleing. I'm always a little surprised that it works, but hey, Ubuntu is installing.

    I installed Microsoft Visual Studio, including phone windows SDK (must be included).  I disabled and then Hyper-V by issued this command in a shell of administrator command:

    bcdedit/set hypervisorlaunchtype

    If you want to reactivate it, you then type this command

    bcdedit/set auto hypervisorlaunchtype

    WinSupersite credit for the tip (link http://winsupersite.com/mobile-devices/surface-pro-3-tip-hyper-v-vs-connected-standby)

    Once I rebooted and restarted Vmware, I could start Ubuntu and start the installation process.

  • Performance problem with the guest operating system

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    I have a guest w2008R2 OS - installed in a 5.1 version of VM 7 vSpherer - which has an Emulex LPe 12002-E 8 GB dual HBA port is assigned to the as 2 PCI (1 device per port) via DirectPath devices

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    So, what's the problem?   Well, the bed the mounted disk backup will work extremely slow as slow as 5MB\sec flow, then during any other activity takes place on the system the flow jumps up to 150MB\sec all of a sudden and will continue to run fast for a long time and finish jobs on time with each work taking a little more than an hour.  But when the slow going the same work (all jobs are the same, they are simply by reading all the blocks of a bunch of 200 GB volumes and wrote a set of NULL value, do not forget this is just test) takes up to 10 hours to complete.

    I think that what is the culprit?   POWER MANAGEMENT.

    I have just about each performance counter and the journal of events known to man and I don't see anything abnormal on the table, ESXi virtual machine, nothing.  But what I see in the newspapers is any kind of activity that could happen in a transparent manner to save energy.

    FACTS on this case:

    -Reservation of memory is defined (it must be for directpath otherwise, you can't power on the virtual machine)

    -Booking CPU - has not been defined before an hour ago, I gave her just a small reserve for this rule, so I do not know if this will help alleviate the slow flow, or have an effect on what I think is a question of power (unit linked) management

    -windows power management is set to high performance never-ever - but not until an hour there doesn't I changed advanced settings for USB Disabled------turned off.  PCI peripheral energy saving setting was already off.  Which is in contradiction with my theory.  But maybe, just maybe, something is broken somewhere, or could be a bug... blah blah blah

    -the HBA, Emulex, as it appears in Device Manager in the guest OS doesn't have a power management tab to disable the feature, I don't see that the adapter VMXNET3 had this tab, and I turn off the power save setting to be conservative, do not think that it was the culprit, but as there is no real data running through the NIC.  The data is simply to be read from the disk mounted, not copied on any wire Ethernet.  never the less, in the Emulex properties is a Details tab and a selection of power data, and performance data indicate you what power mode, the device is, as well as feeding supported systems.  D0: full power, but D3, which shows as supported by the device, is an energy saving mode.   I could not yet attend the setting at the time of slow activity, my good intention as soon as possible. He is currently shooting in D0, full power.

    This is so what I have to offer on this, I hope that its just...   If I'm missing something, or if others have experienced this massive loss of unknown flow without reason and have resolutions, please share.

    If there is a way for me to disable power on the Emulex HBA management inform you please, I don't mind if I stop to enter the firmware, if that was even possible.  But if possible I would disable it immediately before any new tests are executed.

    The root cause of this issue has never been identified by VMware support which for me is a question of ugly.  Reservation of CPU for the VM using directpath IO with HBA installed in it corrected the problem.  I'd be leary with direct path IO.

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    According to the compatibility matrix, customization of CentOS VMs is not officially supported:

    http://www.VMware.com/support/SRM/SRM-compat-matrix-5-0.html --> Guest Operating Sysytem customization Support


  • Sharing of content between the guest operating system


    Y at - it a simple way to share content between operating systems.

    We have invited several BONES that make similar task. Run us simultaneously with the slightly different variant, but basically, most of the files that are needed in each guest operating system are the same.

    What I want to achieve is to build a repository of centralized files accessible across operating systems. I'm running Win7 and WinXP Win2008 OSes on ESXi 5 comments.

    I found this thread, but it is too old.


    I'm hoping there have been changes since that thread has been discussed.

    Thank you

    Well, I can't tell you much about the user experience expected without knowing the network load. However, if install you the file server as an another VM on the same host, you will have at least a 1GBit/s connection between the virtual machines.


  • Serial port under guest operating system does not work

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    Even serial device, attached and if running on the host works very well.

    Any ideas?


    I doubt that the documentation is correct for what is with VMplayer 3 on Windows TGV serial ports is.
    Read my notes http://faq.sanbarrow.com/index.php?solution_id=1007

    I removed the option of thinprint and reconfigured the serial port in the vmx file attached.

    Turn off the virtual machine and replace the existing by the attached vmx file.
    Then try again

    If it still does not - change
    Serial0.yieldOnMsrRead = "FALSE".
    Serial0.yieldOnMsrRead = 'true '.

  • What iso (HR) Centos to use when installing on VM guest operating system?

    When you install a guest operating system Centos 5.5 on a VSphere VM, I'm a bit puzzled by this what iso i386 to download & install.

    • DVD: seems to be the right choice for me, although large

    • CD 1 of 7: will probably ask me to mount other CD.

    • the netinstall CD: should work if the virtual machine has network connectivity good to contribute to the installation

    Thanks in advance for all advice here... Lyle

    I always use DVD iso file (download via bittorrent client). Not only that you get everything you need in a single iso file, but it is easier to manage on the data store (where you keep the iso files OS). Locate a mirror which seems to be more close to where you are (in the world/country) and allows to start with. Of course, your connection speed will dictate how long it takes to download the file. I also usually download files iso of OS at home, so that I don't have to worry about sucking to the top of the bandwidth in the office, and I have no need to worry about a firewall rule prevents me to get the files.

    Once the installer has spent three or four cd iso files, I opted to enter the DVD ISO... It's simply more light and to download the iso DVD because it does not worry about change iso files during installation, or have several virtual cd/dvd drives connected to a single virtual machine. It is also faster set-up, because that's what reading the single iso file, not seven.

    Network administrator

    VMware VCP4

    Review the allocation of points for "useful" or "right" answers.

  • The guest operating system block size


    Although guset OS block size is determined by the ESX Server, is it possible to change the size of the blocks by each guest operating system?

    I installed ESX4.0 and 3 both guest OS.

    but I would like to change the size of the block!

    My shared storage is NetApp.

    I also have a vCenter as a virtual machine.

    Thank you!

    You can change the size of the block of the partitions for your computer virtual guests. When you format a partition in your guest virtual computer, you have the choice to be formatted for example 4K, 32K or 64K. You will want to choose a number so that the partitions are lined up along 128 K. I think that you can choose the 32, 64, or 128 K. This applies to your data since the boot partition partitions have to be aligned.


  • VMPlayer newbie - switch back and forth between the host and the guest operating system

    I am newbie to VMPlayer. I just installed VMPlayer 3.0.0 build-203739 on Red Hat Linux 5 (host). Then I created a VM comments Kubuntu (8.10). So far so good. In the VMPlayer window, I selected 'play Virtual Machine '. After this, the host operating system controls disappeared and I could see a taskbar on the top of my screen and I could also see Kubuntu startup (in an area of the small window in the center of the screen). The problem I'm running is that I'm not able to navigate outside of this area of the small window. I'm not even able to click/Select the taskbar of VMPlayer top of the screen. The mouse movement is limited to the area of the small window. How to and fro my host and the guest operating system? Is there a key combination? I finally had to stop my VM guest to return to the control of my host system. I guess it's a problem quite newbie that I am running. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Hello, welcome to the forum

    Host Windows to switch between comments and the OS (when you are in the guest operating system), you must use ctrl + alt.

    According to this link , it's the same thing in Linux host too.

    >Default VMware Player uses key combination Ctrl + Alt to jump out of the guest. Then CTRLAltdel is accessible via theAltInsert command. If you find this annoying, you can change the jump shortcut to CtrlAltshift by adding the following lines to your ~/.vmware/preferences:

    > pref.hotkey.shift = "true".

    > pref.hotkey.control = "true".

    > pref.hotkey.alt = "true".

    After your installation OS in the virtual machine, install "VMware Tools" on it so you will get better performance and some improvements (like moving your mouse out of guest to your host operating system operating system and Vice Versa, or be able to copy beyond host/guest, better resolution on reviews and...)

    I hope it helps a bit.

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    -= If there is a mistake in my notes, please correct me! =-

    -= Thank you =-

  • guest operating system 64 bit on 32-bit host computer.

    I have an old laptop with processor Intel Dual Core T3200. I have Vista Home Premium 32 - Bit installed on it. I need to install Server 2003 64-bit as a guest on this laptop OS. My processor is now supported DOSENOT VT so I can't install 64-Bit guest operating system. But if I install a 64 bit OS on my laptop as host OS is going to be able to install and run 64-Bit guest operating system?

    Thanks for the help in advance


    change the host operating system will not help you.

    You cannot run 64-bit comments when you have no support VT - the host operating system has no importance


    VMX-settings- Workstation FAQ -[MOA-liveCD | http://sanbarrow.com/moa241.html]- VM-infirmary

  • How do I redo effect after restarting the guest operating system?

    Hi all

    I use VMWare Server 2 and VMWare Player 2.x. We had to redo it to hard drive. But it is only valid after the power off and power on the guest operating system.

    We want to be effective after the guest OS restarts from himself.

    Our guest operating system is Windows XP Pro 32 bit, server host is OpenSUSE 11.1, player host is Windows 7.

    Thanks in advance.

    Kind regards



    According to Manual of VMware server, you can only discard all changes the disk not persistent after power out voltage or reset.

    You can use the reset vmrun command if you want to turn off your virtual machine. You must use the reset option (it has the same function as Reset button on the real machine).


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  • Binds a guest operating system to one of the two network adapters on the host computer?

    Sorry if the topic is confusing.  I have a host operating system to Server 2008 running on a server that has two network jacks.  Allows to call an ( and B (

    My guest operating system is set to bridged with the IP mode

    I want to say VMWare to always use A NIC when it comes with this guest operating system.  Is this possible?

    In my (Control Panel Windows) network connections, I see my two NICs A and B as well as VMWare Network Adapter WMnet1 and VMnet8.

    Thank you!

    Run the utility for configuring the network (vmnetcfg.exe) as an administrator on the host computer, disable the automatic bypass, set vmnet0 to one of your physical network cards and a virtual NETWORK adapter not used, such as VMnet2, and then assign the other physical NIC. Then to your comments, change its settings and select vmnet0 or vmnet2.

    Guy Leech

    VMware vExpert 2009


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