Path of the catalog root

Hey guys, quick question: how one change the physical path of presentation catalog in the Settings/administrator of internal presentation Services section?

I'm messing around with the paint and samplesales repositories sample since I'm new to OBIEE. I got a samplesales running as the default RPD without problem, but the problem started when I tried to change to paint. I already have the necessary changes to both NQSConfig.INI and instanceconfig.xml to read the appropriate RPD file, but it still doesn't work. First of all, I'm still able to see in my dashboard of the 'remains' of samplesales: always able to see "Preview 01 00 ranks & Toppers 02 history & benches Tiering 03 & Distribution" on the upper frame next to my dashboard in the display of interactive dashboards. My guess is that it is because the path to the catalog of physical presentation is always configured as OracleBIData\web\catalog\samplesales\root.

I missed something?

Thanks in advance for any help,


To load the catalog and sample sale deposit please specify

Star = samplesales.rpd, by default. (In the folder NQSConfig under [REPOSITORY]) and change the catalog path

C:/OracleBIData/web/catalog/samplesales in the instanceconfig.xml file

To load deposits of paint and catalog please specify

Star = Paint.rpd, default value; (In the folder NQSConfig under [REPOSITORY]) and change the catalog path

C:/OracleBIData/web/catalog/painting in the istanceconfig.xml file.

After completing the changes please restart the BI Server and presentation Services. Hopefully this will solve your problem

Published by: user8708843 on May 29, 2010 09:39

Tags: Business Intelligence

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    GCR49... I think you are making things very difficult for yourself.

    Why don't you start by putting your photos on the EHD, creating the catalog on the pictures on the EHD? In this way, you don't have to transfer the pictures later to SMT. In addition, file-> new catalogue allows you to create a catalog on the EHD.

    Do not... Are NOT... do multiple catalogs. "Subsequently, with much more practical, experience and focus I can decide to multiple catalogs if necessary" is a very bad idea, except in a very limited situations. Do not forget this.

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    You can obtain the path of a picture with photo file system: getRawMetadata ('path').

    Plugins can add new pictures to the catalog - see catalog:addPhoto ().  All the metadata in these photos will also be imported into the catalog.  In addition, a plugin can add additional metadata using the methods supported by the LrPhoto class.  However, these methods are incomplete infuriatingly - for example, there is no way to change the capture time.

    If you have more specific questions, get out of here.

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    Seems that the root of the problem is your own personal design of a catalog.

    Rainman_54 wrote:

    I formerly used PS Elements 10, 12, 13 now and migrated my catalogs of 10-12-> 13 >.

    1. I NEVER copied photos of 'source' from one place to another

    What are the images of the 'source '? Your image files are on your computer, where you downloaded or created.

    They are not in a 'catalog '. A catalogue of the Organizer (or a Lightroom one) is that it: a list of files (a database to be precise) that stores the location of the files (the path, the identification of the car) so that their properties and the tag, ratings or ratings affect you. When you receive the catalogue of a Museum of painting, you get a book to search according to different criteria: the room in which are shown the paintings, painters, the painting category, date, size and much more. There are several kinds of clues to find according to these criteria. There are small "thumbnails" to show the paintings. A catalogue of the Organizer is just that. Why wait to copy the files somewhere? You simply files image, not the "source files".

    1. Now I find my (sorry pictures) catalogued photos physically (i.e. no links - don't come from the UNIX world)

      1. In the original source directory
      2. In the destination directory configured catalog

    What do you mean by the "set destination directory" of the catalog?

    Catalogs are the folders containing the principal database (catalog.pse13db) and other components, including the thumbnail cache. Looking for the location of the catalog file in the Help menu > system information. You will see that there is no photo stored file, no "copies" or duplication.

    "Importer" is an ambiguous word in the Organizer.

    It refers to a process involving the downloader: download files (copy) of your card reader or camera, plus the indexing of these files in the database data. In this case, the copy is intended.

    Or it simply means indexing if you use the 'import' of files and folders. No copying is involved.

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    3.4.1 Mac 10.7.1 LR 2.4 GHz Core 2 Duo 4GB DDR3

    Thank you very much


    Broken catalog:

    Screen Shot 2011-08-29 at 17.12.02.png

    Ideal / target views (one of my other catalog)

    Screen Shot 2011-08-30 at 21.15.43.png


    Right click on the parent without images folders and perform 'Promote the subfolders' on them. Before that, I suggest a backup of the catalog.


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    Kind regard



    To get the path of the sequence running (or other) try this in a press release:

    Locals.sequencepath = Left (RunState.SequenceFile.Path, Find (RunState.SequenceFile.Path, "-", 0, True, True));

    To get the file name of the path, you can use the MSCORBLIB function.

    Add a step to the .net action.

    Select MSCORBLIB assembly 4.0

    Select the root class "System.IO.Path (cannot be created).

    Select call .net as "GetFileName (System.String).

    I hope this helps.


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    Then gets recorded in the Windows event log:

    Bucket of error, type 0
    Event name: APPCRASH
    Answer: No available
    Cabin ID: 0

    Signature of the problem:
    P1: rundll32.exe_cryptext.dll
    P2: 6.3.9600.17415
    P3: 54504eb8
    P4: ncryptprov.dll
    P5: 6.3.9600.17415
    P6: 545042f2
    P7: c0000005
    P8: 0000000000011b 85

      0 x 80000000000000

      Not available
      b 0000000000011, 85



    The failing application name: rundll32.exe_cryptext.dll, version: 6.3.9600.17415, time stamp: 0x54504eb8
    The failed module name: ncryptprov.dll, version: 6.3.9600.17415, time stamp: 0x545042f2
    Exception code: 0xc0000005
    Offset: 0x0000000000011b85
    ID of the process failed: 0 x 828
    Start time of application vulnerabilities: 0x01d1b142680ae27f
    The failing application path: C:\Windows\system32\rundll32.exe
    Path of the failing module: C:\Windows\system32\ncryptprov.dll
    Report ID: acb6030e-1d35-11e6-80bb-e41f13d540c8
    Faulting full name of the package:
    ID of the failed package-parent application:

      0 x 80000000000000

      b 0000000000011, 85


    Any help will be appreciated.

    Thank you


    They should be able to help you.

    These forums are designed for home computer users.

    See you soon.

  • RMAN duplicate grave crashes when I'm trying to change the paths of the destination

    Hello community,

    I am trying to duplicate a database of PROD for a test environment using the basic backup technique. I test the script in double and everything works fine when the paths of the database "auxiliary" (the database that I am creating) have the same paths as the basis of the 'target' (the database of production). If I change the paths, the double has failed because it does not find a backup of controlfile:

    channel ch1: from the restore backup set data file

    channel ch1: restore the control file

    channel ch1: reading of the backup piece PROD_cf_c-2175092736-20151204-0 c

    channel ch1: ORA-19870: error when restoring backup piece PROD_cf_c-2175092736-20151204-0 c

    «"ORA-19507: failed to retrieve the sequential file, handle ="PROD_cf_c-2175092736-20151204-0 c", parms ="»

    ORA-27029: skgfrtrv: sbtrestore returned error

    ORA-19511: error received from layer media manager, error text:

    < PROD_cf_c-2175092736-20151204-0 c > backup file not found in the NetBackup catalog

    This is the script that works, but if I have the same structure of directories in PROD and TEST (but this isn't a real scenario):



    allocate auxiliary channel ch1 device type sbt;

    Send "NB_ORA_CLIENT = xxx NB_ORA_POLICY = xxx, NB_ORA_SCHED = Full_Diario';"

    duplicate database for TEST PROD

    until 'sysdate-2/24.


    output channel ch1.


    And this is the script that it does not work because I have the PROD and TEST different directory structure



    allocate auxiliary channel ch1 device type sbt;

    Send "NB_ORA_CLIENT = xxx NB_ORA_POLICY = xxx, NB_ORA_SCHED = Full_Diario';"

    duplicate database for TEST PROD

    until 'sysdate-2/24.


    control_files value ' / TEST/orabd1/ctl/control_PROD_01.ctl','/TEST/oralog1/ctl/control_PROD_02.ctl','/TEST/oralog2/ctl/control_PROD_03.ctl '

    db_file_name_convert value "/ PROD /", "/ TEST / '.

    the value log_file_name_convert "/ PROD /", "/ TEST / '.

    core_dump_dest value "/ TEST/oralog1/cdump".

    the value 'TEST' db_name

    Set diagnostic_dest ' /TEST/oralog2'

    instance_name must bring 'TEST'.

    all local_listener 'LISTENER_TEST '.

    Set log_archive_dest_1 ' LOCATION = / TEST/arch.

    the value of log_archive_dest_2 'LOCATION = NULL'


    output channel ch1.


    I tried to restore a Netbackup file and it works. I try to duplicate a database when the structures of directories are identical and it works. Why it's a failure when I change the destination paths?

    Thank you!



    We had a similar problem in our shop. In our case, that we never knew if she was related to Oracle or NetBackup, but we found a Bug of Oracle, so we think it was a problem with the Oracle.

    Bug 11783792  RMAN SEND command does not hold the value of the variable

    DOC - ID 11783792.8

    Rather than send 'NB_ORA_CLIENT = DCLI, NB_ORA_POLICY is BD_DC_2, NB_ORA_SCHED = Full_Diario';.

    try something like this:

    Run {}

    allocate channels ch01 type 'sbt_tape' PARMS 'ENV =(NB_ORA_CLIENT=DCLI) ";

    Send "NB_ORA_SERV =';"

    Restore settings

    output channel ch01.


    Let me know if it helps.

    Kind regards


  • Permissions in the catalog server error 500 - internal error


    11.2 Solaris

    Get the following error message when you try to set permissions for a folder.

    Error 500 - Internal server error

    Of RFC 2068 Hypertext Transfer Protocol - HTTP/1.1:

    10.5.1 500 internal Server Error

    The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented him from meeting the demand.

    my journal of managed server throws this exception

    WatchRule: (SEVERITY = "Error") AND ((MSGID = ' WL-101020') OR (MSGID = "WL-101017'") OR (MSGID = "WL-000802'") OR (MSGID = "BEA-101020'") OR (MSGID = "BEA-101017'") OR (MSGID = "BEA-000802'"))

    [WatchData: DATE = August 21, 2015 16:52:08 ECT SERVER = bi_server1 MESSAGE = [path of the module: xmlpserver ServletContext@921440758[app:bipublisher: / xmlpserver spec-version: 2.5 version: 11.1.1]] Servlet failed with Exception


    at oracle.xdo.servlet.resources.action.ListFolderPermissions.execute(

    at oracle.xdo.servlet.resources.action.ActionServlet.service(

    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(

    to weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper$ (

    at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper.invokeServlet(

    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.execute(

    at weblogic.servlet.internal.TailFilter.doFilter(

    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(

    at oracle.xdo.servlet.metadata.track.MostRecentFilter.doFilter(

    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(


    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(

    at oracle.xdo.servlet.init.InitCheckingFilter.doFilter(

    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(


    at (Native Method)






    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(

    at oracle.dms.servlet.DMSServletFilter.doFilter(

    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(


    at (Native Method)






    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(

    at weblogic.servlet.internal.RequestEventsFilter.doFilter(

    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(

    to weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$ ServletInvocationAction.wrapRun (

    to weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$ (



    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.securedExecute(

    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.execute(




    My catalog is defined as file system

    This fixed tanks to this blog

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