Nesting problem sequences

Hi, I am unable to embed clips on the timeline using the "drag and drop". I saw all the tutorials and each told to create a new sequence, then drag the sequence you want nested on the timeline. But when I do that, the program is not nesting the sequence (giving me one audio and one video-segment track) it is simply falling all individual clips on the timeline. Also, when I try highlighting the individual items and right-click on them to nest them, the program niche only video clips, but leaves all the audio clips in their individual format. Any help with this dilemma would be much appreciated.

THre is an icon on the Timeline to disable this behavior.

Thre Snap left magnet icon

Tags: Premiere

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    It should be as easy as right-click on it!

    that would make some sense, where we have the ability to restore non-rendus... but with nests being may be full of runs, it might be too messy.

    You can either open the nested sequence, so that it opens in a new timeline. then copy and paste it into the original/main scenario. or drag the nested sequence from the tray to the source monitor, and then in the timeline toggle disable the button "insert and replace sequences such as nests or individual clips". then drag the item from the source to the timeline window or use the command/button replacement.

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    It is not perfect, but...

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    Published by: SarahSarahSarah on August 30, 2009 12:37 AM

    That's nice! :)

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    You can it replicate without Matrox?

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    This is not how fit works.  He won't move forward, backward.

    If you want the wave master will be difficult in the Instrument boot sequence, must be added to this sequence.

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    At the top of the application, choose "Sequence > render Audio.

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    TL; Dr

    Razor tool inexplicably kills all the audio of a nested sequence of mounting medium.

    Found a work around. Select the rest of the track of nested problem (which had no sound after the edict) and a clutch of replacement. It has transformed into a new sequence (but always in sync). I even did some retouching tool razor to see if the problem occurs again, but well.

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    I produce a video that was filmed in 1440 x 1080 for HD Anamorpohic 1.333 Aspect Ratio, when I created the first sequence start editing I accidentally set the wrong parameters and he had to export to realize, this should normally be a simple matter of copy edit it into a new sequence, however in this case , which is not possible, let me explain a little how to change worked:


    It is a recording of a show of amateur theatre, which is separated into 2 acts and needs to be separated into separate songs, it was shot on 2 cameras.

    My workflow:

    1. rushes imported to sequences (sequence separately for separate acts)

    2 sequence was synchronized using plural eyes.

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    4. each song was separated on his own script, using the function of nest (which is where my problems start that the same settings are transported to the nested sequence).

    5. nested songs are placed in a new sequence so that I can use the multi-came function.

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    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Kind regards


    Just Media UK

    How about nesting the sequence px square in a new sequence of 1.33 and then scale the width only to fill the frame.

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    To get the best quality possible, based on what I've read I think I need to go back and recreate sequences using the frame corresponding to the sequence rate. Quality is important because I have no margin for degradation through the use of old devices of remote recording and recording in some low light.scenes.

    Epecially, reconstruction of the sequences will be a miserable prospect because I nested several sequences and used multicamera editing.

    Or I would create unnecessary work for me?

    I noticed that export to MPEG2-DVD allows two cadenzas.   I don't know the video technology enough to understand the implications to produce the film at a lower rate, if we DVD can be read on both modern and 12 years, TVs CRT televisions. (Guess which vintage I.)

    I appreciate any guidance, even if to confirm the bad news.  I want to create the best possible DVD even if it needs work; the DVD will be a keepsake that will be cherished by these children and their families for years.

    The nested sequence frame rate plays a role. Everything will, of course, be in line with the pace of your sequence of destination / final (or at least export your settings), but if you go to 60i to 24 p, then back to 60i won't look right at all.

    The short answer is start more... at least on your blocking edits. Assuming that you did not have a TON of changes, this shouldn't be too much of your time, it's the BEST way to ensure your final export as good as possible.

    Otherwise, because you put all your sequences nested in multicam 24 p sequences, if you don't have any time to do anything to solve this problem, you can just match your sequence settings to 24 p and the results will be not terrible. However, affecting your multicam sequence final 60i when all your nested sequences are 24 p is a good bit less than ideal.

    I think at the VERY least you should look into it. just test a segment short if you are short on time, but you should test it however. If you can't tell ANY difference, then it should be fine.

    I'll tell you with your 60i footage, a lot of freedom on the set regarding the mussels / reclining and other camera movements. As you conform to all the shots at 24 p, you will find CERTAINLY some stuttering on your camera movement, if it is far from slow smooth movement. It's just a part of the workflow for a 24 p film, it isn't a bug or a technical error.

    But yes, you will really want to get everything back to the source frame rate if you have the time. Otherwise, choose your shortcut and be done with it.

  • How to copy clips with the sequence markers?


    Anyone know if it is possible to copy clips from one scenario to another with markers (not the clip markers) above them? I have found no way to do it, but maybe someone has an idea, I thought.

    Thanks in advance!


    It is not possible.

    The best you can do is nesting the sequence so that the sequence markers will appear as clip markers in the nest.  From there, you can duplicate these markers.

  • Help with the help of the multicam sequence

    I created a sequence multicam which is normally in the source window and seems normal in the Project menu (selectable 2 audio RSS photo, correct).  When I drag the sequence in the project/source menu in my mount sequence, video tracks are separated into v1 and v2 and the multicam switching function does not work.  Is this a bug or I do something wrong?  I'm running OS X.  Thank you

    In your editing panel, see if your button "Insert and replace nests as sequences or individual sequences" is selected

    or, just drag your source sequence of your project bin, down to the "new item" icon and create your sequence multi-cam edit (one layer)

    or, make sure that "source patch for inserts and replaces" are activated on the correct video layer

    also, when in the 'layer', ensure that multicamera is enabled as well as the program monitor is set to multiple cameras

    or, screenshot your situation and the post office to get other

  • Cannot nest video in first CC (can only nest audio)

    First 2015.0.1

    Yosemite OSX version 10.10.5

    I want to nest a sequence in another sequence with the same settings. A sequence contained video and sequence B does not work. When I drag from my tray sequence and drop it into the chronology of the B movie, the audio gets nested:

    Screen Shot 2015-08-28 at 8.51.36 AM.png

    It is the same technique that I used to nest sequences for years in MANY different version of Premiere Pro. I feel the question on three separate computers to Mac.

    Is there a work around video nesting?

    Help, please!

    Hi avary,.

    From the screenshot, I see that you didn't highlight the V1 track as A1 is highlighted on the left. Just click on V1 to turn to blue and try again.

    Adobe Premiere Pro help. Source patch and the targeting of the track


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