Nesting of sequence or another way?

Hey everybody,

I have a few sequences of 2 hours I want to cut into smaller pieces and put them in a container for later use.  I've been using the razor tool slice them and then right clicking and turning them into a nested sequence and then moving them in the folder. I used the nested sequence because if you cut a clip and pull the clip in the tray, it brings the entire clip, not only the specified cut I want.  I have done this correctly or is their an easier way?

Thank you

It is not perfect, but...

Creating subitems

Tags: Premiere

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    Please find the explanation below
               FROM UPGRADATION r1,
                    LOG t2,
                    OMNIACCOUNT m1,
                    (SELECT rid
                               FROM   OMNIACCOUNT
                                 GROUP  BY rid) mk3,
                    (SELECT mobileno
                                    FROM   OMNIACCOUNT
                                           GROUP  BY mobileno) mk1,
                    (SELECT mobileno
                          ,  LISTAGG(ACCOUNTNO, ',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY accounttype) AS ACCOUNTTYPE
                                    FROM   OMNIACCOUNT
                                           GROUP  BY mobileno) mk2
              WHERE t2.txnauthid = r1.txnauthid
                AND r1.rid = mk3.rid
                AND t2.txntype = '54'
                AND mk1.mobileno = r1.regmobileno
                AND t2.reqtype = '11'
                AND t2.dc_id IN (SELECT deliverychannel_id
                                   FROM Channel)
                AND t2.custbankcode = '32472'
                AND t2.txndatetime BETWEEN TO_DATE ('28/12/2011 12:00:00 AM',
                                                    'DD/MM/YYYY hh:mi:ss AM'
                                       AND TO_DATE ('28/12/2012 11:59:59 PM',
                                                    'DD/MM/YYYY hh:mi:ss PM'
                AND r1.rid = m1.rid(+)
                AND t2.txnstatus IN ('C', 'F', 'T')
                AND t2.paymentinitiator = 'C'
                AND mk1.mobileno = mk2.mobileno
    Explain Plan For the above statement :
    SELECT STATEMENT  FIRST_ROWSCost: 16  Bytes: 4,270  Cardinality: 1                                      
        25 HASH UNIQUE  Cost: 16  Bytes: 4,270  Cardinality: 1                                  
            24 NESTED LOOPS  Cost: 15  Bytes: 4,270  Cardinality: 1                              
                19 NESTED LOOPS  Cost: 14  Bytes: 4,270  Cardinality: 1                          
                    13 HASH JOIN  Cost: 13  Bytes: 2,268  Cardinality: 1                      
                        9 NESTED LOOPS OUTER  Cost: 4  Bytes: 252  Cardinality: 1                  
                            7 NESTED LOOPS  Cost: 3  Bytes: 239  Cardinality: 1              
                                4 NESTED LOOPS  Cost: 2  Bytes: 119  Cardinality: 1          
                                    2 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE LOG Cost: 1  Bytes: 116  Cardinality: 1      
                                        1 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX IX_LOG Cost: 1  Cardinality: 8  
                                    3 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) PK_Channel Cost: 1  Bytes: 3  Cardinality: 1      
                                6 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE UPGRADATION Cost: 1  Bytes: 120  Cardinality: 1          
                                    5 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX IDX_REG_AUTH Cost: 1  Cardinality: 1      
                            8 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX IDX_MLTN_BNK_ACCT Cost: 1  Bytes: 13  Cardinality: 1              
                        12 VIEW  Cost: 8  Bytes: 1,110,816  Cardinality: 551                  
                            11 SORT GROUP BY  Cost: 8  Bytes: 16,530  Cardinality: 551              
                                10 TABLE ACCESS FULL TABLE OMNIACCOUNT Cost: 7  Bytes: 21,210  Cardinality: 707          
                    18 VIEW PUSHED PREDICATE  Cost: 1  Bytes: 2,002  Cardinality: 1                      
                        17 FILTER                  
                            16 SORT GROUP BY  Bytes: 33  Cardinality: 1              
                                15 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE OMNIACCOUNT Cost: 1  Bytes: 33  Cardinality: 1          
                                    14 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX IDX_MUL_LNKG Cost: 1  Cardinality: 1      
                23 VIEW PUSHED PREDICATE  Cost: 1  Cardinality: 1                          
                    22 FILTER                      
                        21 SORT GROUP BY  Bytes: 29  Cardinality: 1                  
                            20 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX IDX_MLTN_BNK_ACCT Cost: 1  Bytes: 29  Cardinality: 1              

    It would be best to leave the desired projection.
    Probably you don't really want all columns form this query.
    However, these are your join criteria:

    t2.txnauthid = r1.txnauthid
                AND r1.rid = mk3.rid
                AND r1.regmobileno = mk1.mobileno
                AND mk1.mobileno = mk2.mobileno
                AND r1.rid = m1.rid(+)

    Maybe you can get rid of AND mk1.mobileno = mk2.mobileno

    (SELECT mobileno
                          ,  LISTAGG(ACCOUNTNO, ',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY accounttype) AS ACCOUNTTYPE
                                    FROM   OMNIACCOUNT
                                           GROUP  BY mobileno)

    After the combination seems to be suspicious:

    AND r1.rid = mk3.rid
    AND r1.rid = m1.rid(+)

    The first limit the result on all lines with the same id in
    so, o see no gain from the outer join.

    Do you really need the listagg on all OMNIACCOUNT lines.
    If this isn't the case, it would be probably better to do the listagg in the final projection.

    Maybe one way could be to start with OMNIACCOUNT and join outer UPGRADATION to it.
    You can do the listagg at the end.

    Maybe something like

    left outer join
     projection goes here
    log t2 join UPGRADATION r1
    r1.txnauthid = t2.txnauthid
        AND t2.reqtype = '11'
        AND t2.dc_id IN (SELECT deliverychannel_id
                           FROM Channel)
        AND t2.custbankcode = '32472'
        AND t2.txndatetime BETWEEN TO_DATE ('28/12/2011 12:00:00 AM',
                                            'DD/MM/YYYY hh:mi:ss AM'
                               AND TO_DATE ('28/12/2012 11:59:59 PM',
                                            'DD/MM/YYYY hh:mi:ss PM'
        AND t2.txntype = '54'
        AND t2.txnstatus IN ('C', 'F', 'T')
        AND t2.paymentinitiator = 'C'
    ) r1
    r1.regmobileno = m1.mobileno

    Published by: chris227 on 10.01.2013 01:45

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    2. what to do if you forget your Windows password

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    Pentium 4 3.0ghz

    512 MB of ram
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