My WMP11 icons are missing. WMP11 plays and works well. Only the icons are missing in the quick launch of office and almost everywere else.

Original title: WMP11 missing icons

My WMP11 icons are missing. WMP11 plays and works well. Only the icons are missing in the quick launch of office and almost everywere else. My "Hide inactive icons" is always disabled. How can I restore them?

WinXP2002 Home Edition with Service Pack 3.

Hi, Billgoats,

Try to rebuild the icon cache:

Right-click on command prompt and select run as administrator
Type the following command:
C:\Users\\AppData\Local (put your username in where ProfileName is)
Press enter
attrib-h IconCache.db
Press enter
Del IconCache.db
Press enter
Start the Explorer
Press enter
Press enter

Tags: Windows

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    ·         Are you referring to the icon show desktop?

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    1. who is the operating system installed on the computer?
    2. What is the brand and model of headphones?
    3A this works much earlier?
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    5. have you ever tried to play the Audio using different media player applications and check?
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    c. make a right click and headphone/microphone as the default device.
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    Method 3: I suggest to disable the improvements and check.
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    b. Select "playback devices".
    c. right-click on the helmet.
    d. Select Properties
    e. click improvements
    f. check Disable all improvements
    g. click OK
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    You can also contact the manufacturer of headphones and check.
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    First of all, it must unlock the taskbar, if it is locked. Now on the first line in front of the icons, right-click when the arrow on the side shows. At the sight of quality performances. Switch to the kid. If it is already on small, for some reason any. Put it in wide and apply, then back to small to see if it returns it. [_1337_Pete_]

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    Looks like your Windows file associations have to dispose. This means that XP doesn't know what to do with files by looking at the file extension (.exe for executables)., .doc for MS documents, etc.

    If you don't have it you, something done for you - most likely malware.

    Go to this site WWW by Doug Knox:

    On the left, click on the Win XP fixes, file Association fixed and read the instructions at the top of the page.

    Download the EXE File Association Fix on your desktop, unzip the file and apply it by following the instructions at the top of the page, then to restart and test.

    Run the following scans for malware, and then fix any problems:

    Download, install, update and do a full scan with these free malware detection programs:

    Malwarebytes (MMFA):
    SUPERAntiSpyware: (SAS):

    They can be uninstalled later if you wish.

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    If you mean this:

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    Are you connected to this main computer as ADMINISTRATOR?

    Maybe her husband, he is the lead director.

    I hope this helps.


    Rob Brown - MS MVP - Windows Desktop Experience: Bike - Mark Twain said it right.

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    After some reflections more and a little research, you can try this...

    • Click Start
    • Click on run
    • Paste it into the Open box: %SystemRoot%\System32\rundll32.exe shell32.dll, Options_RunDLL 1
    • Click OK
    • This should run the bar spots and the properties of the Start Menu
    • Check the box "Show Quick Launch.
    • Click OK

    However, you may find that you are locked out of the race and taskbar and properties of the Menu start too!

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    Hello cloverb

    Try the fix here

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    See you soon.

    Mick Murphy - Microsoft partner

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    Hi Pedro,

    Make sure that when you design the phone and tablet version to keep in mind the limits of dimensions.

    Please share the url of your site for further analysis.

    Kind regards


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