My App Store icon is gone!

I have a 5 s, with the latest iOS iPhone. I discovered today that the Apple App Store icon had disappeared! I have not downloaded new applications recently, so I don't know when this happened. How can I get it back?

Thank you!


Check the settings > general > restrictions. Make sure to install Apps is allowed. Also use the spotlight search to find the app if restrictions were not eating here. -AJ

Tags: iPhone

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    Hi tad33, welcome to the HP support community!

    To add an icon to your home screen, locate the application you want to add, and then press and hold the icon.

    Your home screens will appear, and you can drag and drop the icon where you want to go!  :-)

    This will create a copy of the icon.  Don't forget to do not remove your finger until you have reached the target location.


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    Generator Viewer Viewer select on change. Click on the following button unless you just start screen icon, change icons with new ones and build the new Viewer.

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    Try to connect to iTunes and the App Store, then signing back in.

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    er2joe wrote:
    If you have not started to reinstall the OS again, I suggest something else to try first: remove and reinstall the AppStore.

    Agreed... Although FWIW it's called AppWorld...:

    I propose this sequence:

    (1) AppWorld remove your BB (Homescreen > Options > Advanced Options > Applications)-if she prays that you restart the BB to do.

    (2) a Batt Pull restart as described above.

    (3) get a new link and install a new copy of AppWorld

    • Yet once, if he asks to restart, do.

    (4) restart another Batt-sweater

    (5) see if it works now.

    See you soon!

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    Unfortunately no, but the workaround is to delete the App Store icon from the dock.

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