Merger of repositories?

Hi friends,
I have two similar deposits A and B, but I made a few modifications more and added a few new database connections and created the report on it.
I want to merge two repositories A and B.

Can you please let me know the merge process deposits without duplicating objects.

Thanks in advance

You have put in place development multiuser beforehand. But you can still do that with the development of the Multi-User.
What you need to do is to create a project in the area that has been changed.

A repository, check out the project which needs to be changed. Create a new repository (for example project.rpd) file that must be replaced.

Do the same for the B. check the project repository which must be transported in the repository has. Once again a repository file will be created. Rename it to project.rpd and replace it in the same place as the first project.rpd. So that project.rpd of the repository B will replace the project.rpd of A repository.

Now check - in A repository, so that the project.rpd of the repository B, will be integrated into the main repository of the repository's.

Kind regards

Tags: Business Intelligence

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    Thanks in advance

    "" "You are here. '" This will solve your problem... hope this helps

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    If you want to merge two rpds and combine them into a single RPD you can follow this link

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    Kind regards

    This could be a help for you

    See you soon,.

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    What you need to do is a merger without a common parent. Create an empty RPD as the orginal and SPR1 and rpd2 are current and updated RPD to update the. Open one of the rpds in offline and use the Merge Wizard from the repository

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    nQUDMLExec [u [user name]] [Pei [password]]-J'input_script_pathname [b base_repository_pathname] output_repository_pathname - O-[8]
    -8 is UTF - 8
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    Good links on UDML:

    Make a backup of repOrig.rpd. If repOrig.rpd is online, then stop the Oracle BI Server service and then try to make changes.
    If this does not help, then replace
    nqUDMLexec.exe - I E:\repOrig.rpd - O E:\repOrig2.rpd b E:\repOrigEdit.udml
    nqUDMLexec.exe u user_name-p password - I E:\repOrig.rpd - O E:\repOrig2.rpd b E:\repOrigEdit.udml
    where username and password, refer to the base repository. Target repository will be created.

    Also search forum on merger repositories and udml.


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    Hi jj,

    I assume that you mean that you have a single document, which contains two worksheets, and that each sheet contains one table (only?).

    What do you mean by "merge two (booklets)?

    You mean you wan to place Tables of two leaves on a single sheet (this sheet would contain then both tables).

    Or do you mean you want to place all data on the two tables into a single table on one sheet?

    Or do you mean something different to both of these descriptions?

    Kind regards


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    Thank you, in advance, for any help you are able to provide.


    Hello and welcome to Apple support communities, OMMBoy.

    If I understand your post right, you are wanting to be able to set up your Yahoo/SBC Global account once in post, rather than implement them separately, but still be able to choose one or the other when you dial an outgoing message. I know from personal experience, how practical is to be able to choose the account that come from your emails, so I'm happy to help you find a solution for this today!

    It is not a way to 'merge' mail accounts in the mail that you mentioned, but hopefully that won't matter because it seems that these two accounts are already merged on the side server. That you would do so first remove one of these mail e-mail accounts so that only rest. It shouldn't make a difference, that you decide to keep. You can find steps on how to remove one of these email accounts in Mail for Mac: Configure Mail with your email accounts, specifically this section:

    Delete an account

    When you delete a mail e-mail account, messages from the account are deleted and are no longer available on your Mac. The copies of the messages remain on the mail server account and are still available (from webmail, for example).

    Important: If you are not sure if you want to keep the messages are still on the mail server, move or copy them to a mailbox stored on your Mac (the mailbox appears in the section on my Mac in the mail sidebar) before deleting the account in Mail.

    1. Choose Mail > Preferences, and click accounts.

    2. Select an account, then click on the button Delete .

      Note: If the account is used by other applications on your Mac, you are prompted to delete the account in Internet accounts system preferences. Click the button to open an Internet account, and then clear the box e-mail for the account. To stop using the account in all applications, make sure that the account is selected, and then click the button Delete .

    Once you have one of these e-mail accounts deleted, you will follow the steps of Mail (Yosemite): use e-mail alias, to add the address to remove as an alias. Don't worry that the article shows "Yosemite", the steps are the same for Sierra.

    Thank you for using communities of Apple Support.

    Take care.

  • Time machine: old back to merge with another of


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    I suggest that you forget about 'fusion' backups Time Machine. Time Machine backups are complex, they contain several levels of permissions and access rules to prevent users from editing, display or delete data belonging to others (or system files).

    Time Machine also manages the size of backup itself, so even if you manage to make "a big backup" eventually he will get full & TM will remove the oldest copies (often without warning).

    Apple don't support editing, merging, or otherwise change the backups Time Machine.

    You would be wiser to upgrade the old backup in a safe place and start a new backup to a new disk. If you need old files you can retrieve them from the old backup.

    Another option is to make a copy of your important data for archiving. Simply copy these files to another disk instead of depend only on the Time Machine backups.

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    Is it possible to automate this process?

    Attached a screenshot of the mess...

    I would like to use Power Photos to merge libraries of Photos into a library. Pictures lacks tools to merge libraries.

    Photos of power can move photos between libraries of Photos, as well as find duplicates.

    See the manual of him:

    There is a free trial available:

  • Do I need CoreStorage to merge with SATF disc?

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    Currently, I only am not upgraded to sierra again because I have a few questions about the storage of carrots and the new Apple file system.

    Can I use the new Apple file system to create a CoreStorage that I need to drive merger?

    If so, anyone who can give me some instructions how to create?

    I have create a USB Installer and remove the system drive, because I want to do a clean install.

    Another question is, can I use SATF to create a Time Machine drive?

    Thanks a lot for your help.


    Current limitations of the SATF under macOS Sierra-

    SATF Limitations:

    Volumes of data only

    What does not work:

    Backups Time Machine with SATF

    FileVault / Fusion drive support

    The case-sensitivity


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    # You can merge the id or transfer purchases.

    I'm sorry.

    Why did you change not only the associated email to your ID original?

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    I have seen it reported that the Fusion drives are all 7 200 RPM.

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