Is that a txt document is safe compared to pdf format?

I sent a pdf from my mac to someone earlier this week and told me

"Generally speaking plain text files - that have suffixes like .txt, .csv, .md. MDM (and others) - are the only really safe files. Files are too easy for the virus to hide in (Nothing in them but the characters in the file). "If that's the case why Apple prefer to use? I know News Groups prefer to use plain text and I told Visually Impaired people find easier to read, .txt then, why are they used by mac is they secure ant?

Plain text files are generally safer because they are not normally a way for the virus to settle. However sometimes files will claim to be plain text files by placing two file extensions.

thisisafile.txt <-this is a normal text file

thisisnotafile.txt.exe <-this is a file infected with the virus masquerading as a txt file

This affects really only Windows machines. If they are configured to not display the usual file extension, and then the .exe is 'hidden' and only the .txt little shows and this as is planned then deceive the user. As I said this really only affects Windows computers.

PDF files are used because they may contain a formatted document in a more complex way. A text file is, literally, plain text, no fonts, no sizes of fonts, bold and italics and certainly no pictures. A PDF file can contain tables, charts, images, color, multiple fonts and look like a good book.

Tags: Mac

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    Kind regards


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    Kind regards

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    in swf

    Stop ();

    var pafh = this;

    import *;

    var Araray_id:Array = new Array();

    var v_length:Number;

    var myTextLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();

    myTextLoader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES;

    myTextLoader.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, onLoaded);

    function onLoaded(e:Event):void {}

    Araray_id =",");

    trace ("Araray_id:" + Araray_id);

    V_LENGTH = Araray_id. Length;

    trace ("v_length:" + v_length);

    for (var i: Number = 0; i < v_length; i ++) {}

    pafh ["Id_" + i] = new Array();

    trace ("pafh [Id_ + i]:" + pafh ["Id_" + i]);

    var v_help:Object = "id_" + i;

    trace ("v_help:" + v_help);

    pafh ["Id_" + i] =",");? Stops the script here

    pafh ["Id_" + i] = (v_help).split(",");? Stops the script here

    pafh ["Id_" + i] = [v_help].split(",");? Stops the script here




    myTextLoader.load (new URLRequest ("myText1.txt"));


    in the text

    araray_id = aa, bb, cc, dd, ee, ff

    & id_0 = aa1, aa2, aa3 and aa4

    & id_1 = bb1, bb2, bb3, bb4, bb5

    & id_2 = cc1, cc2, cc3

    & id_3 = dd1 dd2 dd3, dd4, dd5, dd6

    & id_4 = ee1, ee2

    & id_5 = ff1, ff2



    Araray_id: aa, bb, cc, dd, ee, ff

    V_LENGTH: 6

    pafh [Id_ + i]:

    v_help: id_0

    TypeError: Error #1010: a term is undefined and has no properties.

    at skuskaceatarraybiforas3fromtext_fla::MainTimeline/onLoaded()




    You can help me with this problem

    You had those Ines great comment so I did not like being in that you ran to get this error.


    pafh ["Id_" + i] = [v_help].split(",");

    (Note the point deleted after data)

    and create v_help as a string, not an object

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    -What you have done to try to solve the problem?
    -Did you change on your computer due to which the question has begun?

    I recommend you follow the steps in this article and see if the problem still occurs.

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