Import does not

When importing a group of files in a folder with subfolders located on my drive HARD, LR should be only some of the photos. Configuration: Add/Embedded & Sidecar/All Photos (checked but not seen showing) / include subfolders. There are 74 - RAW files, the files JPEG 24 & 2 - MP4. Import seems to have stopped after the importation of the RAW-24 files. I tried this several times and can not know if it's the app or something escapes me. Any ideas? Thanks for your help.

Hi JoeBt,

Please check that you have the option checked in the Lightroom preferences below, if not please check the option and retry the import.

Let us know if that helps.

Kind regards


Tags: Photoshop Lightroom

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    If you optimized your clips, in the file menu > delete the generated project files by > remove optimized media.


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    The MP3 files can not distracting in Movie Maker...
    Sometimes they work sometimes they do not have.
    It is also possible that you can import and
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    Best bet would be IMHO to convert MP3
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    Movie Maker.

    There are to many converters available on the net...
    the following links are some examples.

    Proceed at your own risk *.

    (FWIW... it's always a good idea to create a system)
    Restore point before installing software or updates)

    (1) format Factory (freeware)
    (the 'direct link' is faster)
    (the file you want to download is: ><>
    (FWIW... installation..., you can uncheck
    ('all' boxes on the last screen)
    (Windows XP / Vista / 7)

    First, you will need to decompress the file or just open the
    Drag FFSetup260.exe out of the folder
    and drop it on your desktop. To install left click.

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    < 16 December 2015 18:31:12 AM PST > < WARNING > < org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.webapp.ResourceServlet > < BEA-000000 > < URL to resource not found.

    resourcePath: /adf/styles/cache/gsr490f6209_d62f_41db_95c6_87f3a4fa0f69-desktop-25z117-en-ltr-gecko.css

    name of the class Loader: org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.resource.CachingResourceLoader@5e19ffba (org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.resource.CoreRenderKitResourceLoader@7ce43c99)

    request.pathTranslated: C:\Oracle\Middleware2\user_projects\domains\PP_domain\servers\WC_Spaces\tmp\_WL_user\webcenter_11.\fq8x7a\war\styles\cache\gsr490f6209_d62f_41db_95c6_87f3a4fa0f69-desktop-25z117-en-ltr-gecko.css

    request.requestURL: :12127/WebCenter/ADF/styles/cache/gsr490f6209_d62f_41db_95c6_87f3a4fa0f69-Desktop-25z117-en-LTR-Gecko.CSS http://demoserver.tacme.NET

    FacesContext: org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.context.FacesContextFactoryImpl$CacheRenderKit@693080da

    [ServletContext: module ServletContext@819777139[app:webcenter: / path webcenter: / webcenter spec-version: 2.5 version:]

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    She has been caching problem. fixed after you remove records cache & adr.

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    I saw this on the forums with a similar problem, and it worked for me:

    Clear you the Cache of media, including those located here:

    Mac: \Users\Library\Application Support\Adobe\Common

    Windows: \Users\\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Common

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    Dynamic Link does not work between the different versions, you must export a video DVD or BluRay proper on PProCC and then import the files in yet for the creation of

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    How do import you it and where is the video of?

    What are the properties of the file?

    Use the MediaInfo free and view the results in the tree:


    If it is a variable rate, you will need to convert to constant cadence with brake hand before you import it.

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    Any help would be great!

    Thanks in advance.

    This bug is fixed in the update after effects CC 2015 (13.7.2):

    This only bug fixes Update corrections occurred after effects CC 2015 (13.7.1) on Mac OS x files: RED (.r3d) can still be imported and are not reported as missing in existing projects.

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    Can someone tell me what the problem is and what I should do?

    Thank you very much in advance for your help!

    See you soon,.


    If LR remains in the Task Manager, try this procedure as advised by another Member of staff-

    Worked for me with the same problem-


    1. Open Lightroom (after a reboot) and open the Task Manager. (CTRL + ALT + DELETE)
    2. Right-click on the App - Adobe Photoshop Lightroom-
    3. Select the option "go to details".
    4. Right click on "Lightroom.exe" set the priority to 'High ':,.
    5. Close the Task Manager.
    6. Close all programs and restart the computer
    7. Reset the preferences of Lightroom holding [SHIFT + ALT] you open Lightroom.
    8. LR control closes correctly.
  • Audio only importing does not correctly - tried everything offered - still does not

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    This time, however, the file already is a MOV.

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    I tried renaming MP4, locking, and import - still same results.

    I tried to erase the cache media, several times - did not work.

    I tried to import other project - did not work.

    I even tried to CONVERT in Media Encoder to aac. Still does not work.

    What now?

    We used T5is of Canon DSLR to take all of our images. They are MOV files, and we were switch between modes of 1280x720@60 and 1920x1080@30 fps.

    p.s. I finally got around the issue by extracting the audio into mp3 files using the free version of AoA Audio extractor. This does NOT, however, resolve the bug, but it was urgent.

  • Transcoded files import does not correctly.

    I'm new to first (from FCPX) and I tried to import a video file for the past hours. I can't rotate.

    1. the files in question are files .mov 720 p 422 AppleProRes, 8track on 48 k audio sampling, transcoding of the r3d files (red cine-x if it is important).
    2. the files play fine as stand-alones, in my Quicktime Player.
    3. they also import and play well in FCPX.
    4. I am able to import songs audio and other films done in Premiere Pro. They all play very well.
    5. when I try to import my transcoded files, the image seems to matter very well, but audio is this horrible static noise maxed-out on all channels.
    6. in another transcoded video, rather than the audio maxed out, missing audio channels and the channels that exist are extremely heavy and highly distorted.

    7 I tried to re-transcode to HDV, but I get the same audio distortion when I import to first.

    8 I tried to play around with different settings of the sequence, and I also tried corresponding to the sequence of the element in question.

    9. I tried to import my raw r3d files, but the first does not allow them to import. As I read that the first is able to read r3d, I reinstall my copy of first.

    that linear pcm should work. Apple lossless should be helped first, then you can try this. aac and mpeg4 codecs are too poor quality.  If you export a stereo or mono channel pcm file does still have problems in first? You can also tell creation using only some tracks/channels to maybe see if has a problem with some of them. tray, right-click and choose Edit, audio channels, or of the right timeline click on a clip and choose audio channels.  You can also split channel track the location of the project, when you change channels, it can say 8 mono tracks.

  • Do not import does not Dreamweaver CC properly site


    First post here and its rather a bizone as ive never seen before and is quite complicated to explain.

    Ive recently had a new PC (windows 8) and registered for the creative cloud Adbobe and downloaded Dreamweaver CC...

    Nothing strange so far.

    I manage a number of sites for my work and the question is relative to a particular site.

    The whole of the site does not display correctly. It almost seems as if the PC is that you expect that to be a problem on the other sites I've imported, but it is not.

    Here is a screenshot of what happens...


    As you can see that the image is distorted. its certainly not a coding issue as if I were to navigate to another installed site which works fine... when I revist has a page on the site of problem it keeps from the previous site... you can see shades of purple in the screenshot above, AND THAT the SITE is not PURPLE TOP! It's just kept in another page of the site that I had seen before.

    Yes bizzare.

    Does anyone have any ideas how to solve this problem. I'm using a brand new machine and I am sure that this is not a graphics card issue as ive mentioned before all the other sites that I imported CC Dreamweaver work correctly.

    To summarize

    -The problem is that on a single site. 2 other sites have been imported are working very well.

    -J' deleted and reinstalled the site - still happens

    -The problem is not constant throughout the site problem, just one page in particular - that might suggest a coding problem...

    However, the site displays correctly when imported by older versions of Dreamweaver...

    Help! n ' anyone seen something like this before?

    AdamChapelYork wrote:

    Any idea when the next update could be coming...

    .. .because when I open each page on this problematic site in the new dreamweaver, the background is black (when we look to the naked eye) instead of white that it what it should be...

    Sorry, even members of the Adobe staff (which I'm not) do not know what will be pushed updates. Even when they do, they gernerally cannot say.

    You should be able to do a search in your css for "transparent" see if it's there, it definitely sounds and looks like the transparent bug.

  • Xml import does not work

    Hello I am trying to import an xml file into a document but its not allowing importation.

    Let me clarify a bit, I've imported the same XML in all 50 to 60 different documents without any problems, but now I have a document that does not allow me to import the xml file.

    After looking a little deeper, I found the following:

    Schermafbeelding 2013-02-06 om 09.44.02.png

    You can see that the "Only items import that corresponds to the existing structure" parameter is checked. When I uncheck this setting, the xml is imported correctly.

    Now, I tried to simulate is via script but without success.

    Here is what I tried: = true; = XMLImportStyles.MERGE_IMPORT; = false;

    extract the same work:

    {with (App.Documents.Item (0) .xmlImportPreferences)}

    ignoreWhitespace = true;

    createLinkToXML = false;

    ignoreUnmatchedIncoming = false;

    importToSelected = false;

    importStyle = XMLImportStyles.MERGE_IMPORT;

    importTextIntoTables = false;


    App.Documents.Item (0) .xmlElements [0] .importXML (file("D:/Untitled1.xml"));)

  • Video importer does not recognize the .wav files

    When I click on get the media, then click on files and folders in PE10, then click a .wav file I want to import, I get the pop-up "Please use importing video. The problem is that the video importer only recognizes the video, mpeg2 files for example. The .wav files that I researched before being forced to use the "importer" video is not in the list. It was so easy to import audio files in earlier versions of Premiere Elements. Why the "importer" video should be used if it does not list the common .wav files? The video importer settings can be adjusted, or this application may be avoided? Gee, I don't know why the things that worked well are made more complicated or is no longer can be made.

    In addition, please download the appropriate help file or manual user to save? I'm willing to pay for this service that we have already taken for granted. Gee, I've been a loyal fan of Premiere Elements. However, things become useless and obscure. I hope moderators help despite this negativity found mine. I'd think again of a program that I made the praise of many people.

    There is no real manual for the program - that's why I wrote my books.

    But I'm not sure it would help you in this case.

    Where is the WAV file? It is on the hard drive of your computer?

    You certainly should not use the importer of the video to get the WAV file - assuming that it is not coming from an external device, such as a camcorder or a smartphone or iPad or another similar term.

    But if you have problems, try just open Windows Explorer (or Finder on Mac), locate the file and then just by dragging from Windows Explorer WAV file in your media Panel. It should fall right into.

Maybe you are looking for