If the ESX host in cluster lost the connection to the storage what will happen?

Hello everyone

Could someone clarify if the HA agent monitors the availability of storage on an ESX host or is it only the availability of the network on the vSwitch COS?


working with your team of storage, they probably have the right tools to monitor and alert to such problems.

Tags: VMware

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    I can tell you one thing, all or almost of windows xp device drivers will disappear from the computer manufacturers support websites and will reappear on all these shady sites who claim to be download for free but comes with unwanted software. Download the latest device drivers and keep several copies of them and download them to your skydrive or dropbox account fo guard.

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    The 'Raw' State is not necessary, it is the State of any drive (SSD drive or hard drive) would be in if you just remove a disk new in box and will need to be "initialized", since you have already used the player already initialized sound.

    Do not format the drive, rather than delete all existing partitions, (the SSD shows then as being "unallocated"). Now you are ready to restore the backup Image you created. During the restore process Acronis will recreate the partitions that were on the hard drive on your SSD.

    J W Stuart: http://www.pagestart.com

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    Kind regards


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    Hi, Wilfred,

    Excellent question. If we continue to make great questions in the forum like this, we can (and probably) turn this into a public forum with all the threads of discussion held. We will probably remove the beta announcements and also remove/modify entries that are specific to beta, but keep the rest for future participants to take advantage.

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    Thank you

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    Note: If you SHUTDOWN ABORT and START the database, Oracle has to do a Rollforward of Redo Logs (for data blocks that have not been updated) before that, an OPEN. It is generally a very fast operation. Uncomitted transaction cancellation is an operation delayed - this means that the restore is initiated by SMON or parallel slaves after the database is OPEN. If a block containing a row that has been updated and not committed is referenced by a database session after OPENING, but before it has been restored, made Oracle a rollback accelerated this line of the block and then continues to the restoration of other lines in the background.

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    Be afraid... Be very afraid!   I hope that the bottom does not apply to your purchase, but we have heard this story before.

    There are a lot of scams on eBay with preload Palm devices.  Many of them use pirated software.  No respectable seller of Palm devices with any conscience at all wouldn't you to "not HotSync. This should send red flags floating and alarms goes off!  I have several medical programs on my TX, and they are not cheap by any means.

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    Did you get a Palm to purchase installation disc?  Do you have codes for registration for medical programs?  I bet that you do not have...

    You have a choice to make.  Keep the appliance and do not use it for all 'normal' functions that involve HotSync or return the unit as soon as POSSIBLE for a full refund.  Palm TX can be found on amazon.com and there are a lot of available medical software - the two freeware and for purchase.  Skyscape.com is one of the best suppliers autour and very probably has anything that your specialty needs.


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