How to open a vi twice and see the 2 facades.


I want to put a Sub - VI twice on the block diagram and run them on the same time, showing the 2 front panels.

The VI has a certain time-loop inside, because I want to use the paradigm of parallel loops.

It does not work, it shows only 1 front panel at the same time.

Is this possible?

Do the reentrant VI (in properties of VI)

Tags: NI Software

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    Kind regards

    Published by: macmanxie on January 10, 2011 21:16


    macmanxie wrote:
    ... The suggested approach goes only to return a number if the DATE_OF_ARRIVAL corresponds to the date in the CASE statement, however I have the added complexity of wanting to show a count of all the days that the customer is booked, for, by making use of the NUMBER_OF_NIGHTS. I tried to use some of the examples provided on, for example:

    sum( CASE WHEN  TRUNC (arrival_date) between '01/13/2011' and TRUNC (arrival_date+no_of_nights) THEN nvl(no_of_people,0) ELSE 0 END) AS jan_13

    but this does not produce the desired result.

    You check if arrival_date is between January 13 and arrival_date + no_of_nights (as if the arrival date could all be posterior to the arrival_date + no_of_nights).
    Are not really interested in whether or not January 13 ib between arrival_date and arrival_date + no_of_nights?

    NVL ( SUM ( CASE
                    WHEN  TO_DATE ( '01/13/2011'
                           , 'MM/DD/YYYY'
                         )          BETWEEN  TRUNC (arrival_date)
                             AND       TRUNC (arrival_date) + no_of_nights
                 THEN  no_of_people
        , 0
        )          AS jan_13

    Always format your code. It is important to format your code if you are the only who who will ever read but it is even more important if you are posting on a forum like this and ask other people to read.
    Not to compare the DATEs in the strings; explicitly use a conversion function, like TO_DATE, above, where necessary.
    SUM (NVL (x, 0)) and
    NVL (SUM (x), 0) get the same results, but the latter is more effective. If you have 1000 lines, the first way is calling NVL 1000 times, but the second way is calling only once.

    If your previous thread
    Re: How to count the occurrence of a date in a range
    Gets you the right data, but it has one row for each distinct combination of customer_id and date, then you can switch it to a form that contains a line by the customer and another column for each date.

    If you need help, post CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements for some examples of data and outcomes from these data. The post you are trying better to a request, including a subquery that gets no cross-the raw table dynamic results.
    There will be a fixed number of columns in the output swing? If this is not the case, how do you deal with that? Which of these options in the thread I posted above)
    Re: County report and the sum of the number of rows by multiple columns
    ) is best for your needs? Than others is acceptable?

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    Could you please share what's working color space in Photoshop?

    Try to change it to sRGB and check again.

    You might also want to calibrate your color monitor profile and check.

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    Please refer to the below discussion,

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    Reset preferences, reset the default workspace, and purge the cache.

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    I can understand your annoyance in that regard. I appreciate your effort posting this query to the Microsoft Forums and I'll try to make sure that the problem is solved.

    1 are you referring to the specific toolbar or toolbar of the file folder or Internet Explorer or are you referring to the taskbar toolbar?

    2. did you of recent changes to the computer before this problem?

    This problem may occur following a conflict of third party software or due to corrupted Windows.

    See methods below to resolve this issue.

    Method 1:

    I suggest to place your computer in safe mode and check the number.

    Check out the link to start the computer in safe mode.

    If the problem is solved in a safe mode then put the computer to boot is a way to eliminate the conflicts that occur when you install a program or a software update.

    Check out the article from the link below place the computer in a clean boot.

    Note: Please see how to reset the computer to start normally after the boot minimum troubleshooting after you perform the clean boot troubleshooting steps.

    Method 2:

    If the problem persists, run SFC scan.

    System File Checker is a Windows utility that allows users to find corruptions in Windows system files and restore the damaged files.

    See the link below to launch the SFC scan.

    Method 3:

    Run Microsoft Safety scanner to eliminate viruses, spyware and other malicious software.

    Check out the link below to download and run Microsoft Safety scanner.

    Note : The data files that are infected must be cleaned only by removing the file completely, which means that there is a risk of data loss.

    Hope this information helps. Reply to the post with an up-to-date report of the issue so that we can help you further.


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    Go to Start/Control Panel/programs/uninstall a program and get a list of installed software.

    Beware, there may be programs that are not often, however, DO NOT uninstall anything unless you know what it is, there will be programs that you need here and you can cause problems for yourself if you go too stupid.

    Just remove programs not likely to speed up the PC, you need to run disk clean - start/computer - right click drive C: - go to properties/disc clean.

    You can run a scan: -.

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    a; b
    c; d
    f; g

    example: find the 'c '.

    VI shoud show "d".


    Not a bad homework problem.  Do it with pencil and paper.  Write your table and pretend you're the computer.  What you want to do (step by step)?  What questions do you have?

    Now that the translation a bit to computers.  You mentioned that the data is in an array of strings.  What structures (LabVIEW) work with tables?  [Do you know how to work with tables?  [Otherwise, review some of LabVIEW Tutorial material - see top right of the first page of the Forum].  What do you know about channels?  What questions you need to ask questions on the channels?  What do you know about string functions?

    Watch these things in some LabVIEW code, 'feed' some data and see what he does.  If it seems to do things "unexplained", you can try to look at the block diagram to run by turning the performance highlight (and if you don't know what that means, use the help of LabVIEW and see the tutorials).

    Bob Schor

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    Waiting for more information, you can apply ChromaKey (an effect of overlay of the effects of the program) to convert the solid color background areas in transparency. The success will depend on the nature of the solid color and how his strong colorrelates to the rest of the colors in the image.

    Please review and consider and provide more information, so that we can give you an answer with substance.

    Thank you.


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