Flash Media Server 3.5 download

Hi people...

I am trying to download version 3.5 of FMS but encountered problems. I've logged into my account and was brought to

the download page. I made my selection in the drop-down list: ' | ' English | Windows | MO 274,0 | "I only clicked on the

Download button... nothing happens... I don't get even 'allow the pop-up temp' or 'activeX' download messages... which

is happening? Is there any setting I should change my browser, the problem happens with IE, Firefox and Chrome... Hope someone can advise.

Thank you guys

Hi JavalsLife

Yes, you can use the Flash Media Development Server for internal development purposes. Once you decide to move the application that you built in production to earn income, it is when you use the FMS license.



Tags: Adobe Media Server

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    We use 3.0.1 and we need to migrate to a new server, but could not find the installation packages.

    Kind regards


    Calvin, please see the forum of Flash Media Server of the http://forums.adobe.com/community/flash/flash_media_encoding_servercoding.

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    Solved: an another Flash Server was installed on the same server and have priority over configurations in port. I uninstalled it and streaming to AMS works very well. Hope this helps someone else.

  • Flash Media Server 3 - Can RTMP and HTTP tunneling be set up?

    I have read a few forums posted here and also searched the Web widely but can not find a clear answer or get HTTP tunneling to work with Flash Media Server 3.

    Q1: Flash Media Server 3 can be configured for the Protocol RTMP and HTTP tunneling to work? The reason why I need to know if this will work is due to more and more customers report that the videos do not play for them, and I have concluded that these customers are sitting behind a firewall that has blocked port 1935. So I would like to set up the FLV playback control to try to spread the file on RTMP and if this does not work, use the HTTP protocol.

    Can someone please! Is there a whitepaper that you can tell me or even provide an example for me.

    Here is my asctionscript I've tried to make it work, but it does not.

    A few other notes are, the. The online FLVs in this folder: D:\Adobe\Flash Media Server 3\applications\vod\media

    The videos are recorded and then converted. FLV files and loaded into this folder.

    I have all hard coded below to try to get to operate this way first and thought that would be easier for you to help me. The ultimate solution is I use FLVPlayback control and transmit the location and. Name of the FLV file on the query string "http://www.Microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx??" " VIDEO = rtmp:// I pasted the code object * to show this example below the asctionscript.

    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.filters.BlurFilter;
    Import fl.video.FLVPlayback;
    import flash.display.LoaderInfo;

    import flash.net.NetConnection;
    import flash.events.NetStatusEvent;
    to import flash.net.NetStream;
    import flash.media.Video;

    public class stream extends Sprite
    var nc:NetConnection;
    var stream: NetStream;
    var playStream:NetStream;
    var video: Video;
    Variable that goes into .flv to query string
    var videoPath:String = «»

    public void Streams()
    NC = new NetConnection();
    nc.addEventListener (NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netStatusHandler);

    This is where I am trying to connect via RTMP and if it does not try RTMPT on port 80 HTTP

    NC. Connect ("rtmp://");

    NC. Connect ("rtmpt://"); ")


    private void netStatusHandler(event:NetStatusEvent):void
    trace ("connected is:" + nc.connected);
    trace ("event.info.level:" + event.info.level);
    trace ("event.info.code:" + event.info.code);

    Switch (event.info.code)
    case "NetConnection.Connect.Success":
    trace ("congratulations! you are connected");
    connectStream (nc);
    createPlayList (nc);
    Instead you can also call createPlayList() here
    case "NetConnection.Connect.Failed":
    case "NetConnection.Connect.Rejected":
    trace ("Oops! the connection was rejected");
    case "NetStream.Play.Stop":
    trace ("the stream has finished playing");
    case "NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound":
    trace ("the server cannot find the stream you specified");
    case "NetStream.Publish.BadName":
    trace ("the name of the stream is already used");

    read a stream stored on the server
    private void connectStream(nc:NetConnection):void {}
    Stream = new NetStream (nc);
    stream.addEventListener (NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netStatusHandler);
    Stream.client = new CustomClient();

    video = new Video();
    video.attachNetStream (stream);

    Stream.Play ("Peter_Christie_widescreen_bloomberg_hr", 0);
    addChild (video);


    <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=9,0,0,0" width="480" height="440" id="MediaPlayer"> 
    <param name="movie" value="/Media/VideoPlayer_Large.swf?VIDEO=rtmp://" />
    <param name="FlashVars" VALUE="rtmp://" />
    <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" /> <param name="quality" value="high" />
    <param name="VIDEO" value="rtmp://" />
    <embed src="/Media/VideoPlayer_Large.swf?VIDEO=rtmp://" quality="high" pluginspage="http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash" flashvars="&MM_ComponentVersion=1&autoPlay=false&autoRewind=true" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="480" height="440" name="MediaPlayer">

    Assuming that your FMS is configured to bind to port 80, and there is nothing else on the binding of FMs machine to port 80 on the same IP address, your FMS should be ready to accept applications for tunnel using rtmpt on port 80 Protocol.

    Where you go wrong, this is how you make the connection in your client-side code. You don't want to connect several statements that you are... you want to do one, and then let the flashplayer running in its default login process, or set up a timer to manage failures of Protocol in your own code.

    When you call NetConnection.connect() without specifying a port (or an other rtmp Protocol) in the url, the flashplayer first attempts a connection rtmp on port 1935. If this fails, the flashplayer will automatically attempt a connection by tunnel via port 80. The status event will not be distributed until the Flashplayer Gets a successful login, or fails on all combinations of port/protocol. So, you just make a call to the connect() function.

    If you prefer to try combinations of port/protocol specific and define your own time-out, you can set the port/protocol in the url

    NC. Connect ("rtmp://myserver.com:1935/app/instance"); ")


    NC. Connect ("rtmpt://myserver.com:80/app/instance"); ")

    When you set the port/protocol, the flashplayer will attempt to establish the connection on this port/protocol only and the status event based on this single attempt to shipping.

    So, if you don't want to rely on the flashplayer to treat this, you would first try rtmp/1935. In your State Manager, you inspect the event info.code property. If you don't get a successful connection, then try rtmpt/80

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    We have just released a new version of the Add-in to Flash Media Server Authentication for FME 2.5 that works with the release of Flash Media Server relies. You can find it at http://www.adobe.com/go/fme with version 2.5 of FME.

  • Very basic question: Flash Media Server vs embedding flash video

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    What is the difference between Flash Media Server or simply using a freeware Flash media player (like Flowplayer http://flowplayer.org/) that uses XML playlists to embed your Flash videos on a Web site?

    What are the benefits of Flash Media Server and how something like Flowplayer not issues that the FMS can?

    Thanks in advance!


    In a word flowplayer offers the video through your web browser. It does so via the HTTP (port 80) and on any web server progressive download

    Progressive download concludes the video on the server and played through the player it is being downloaded. 2 important things to take this are 1, the video is downloaded to clients, at the end of reading's hard drive, they will have a copy of your video that they can do what they want and repost it somewhere else. 2, it plays as it downloads, which means that if I see a video of 10 minutes on your site and want to skip to the middle or the end I have to wait for the entire video to download before viewing these segments. Your host, incidentally you will love for progressive download because it will appear as if your transfer rates went through the roof. Once demand for the video made it has not returned back, the customer gets all if they watch it or not.

    Flash media server using rtmp Protocol. This Protocol is an open protocol socket through port 1935. Essentially, it's a two way street. When the user views a video using FMS get basically just enough video to keep the connection open and satisfy the buffer necessary to ensure a clean reading. Bytes of info that carry the video go only to the memory of the users, not the hard drive. This allows the user to come and go around the film without having to wait for all to download.

    Hope that helps.

  • Flash Media Server in Adobe Connect update

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    Thank you

    I do not think that 9.3 update will be updated to FMS 4.5 +. Connect is built on a version of FMS, and which usually does not change between versions of full version.

    The FMS instance that belongs to Connect is fully supported by Adobe as part of your Connect & maganga. If there is a security problem you have with it, apart from the version number, I would recommend that you raise these concerns with the Platinum support to see if they apply, or can be solved.

  • live streaming with Flash media server


    I'll work on a live project streaming with Flash Media Server. The idea is to see the video of a user to several Viewer.

    I have a few questions.

    Which protocol should I use (PLMN, rmtfp, etc.).

    Is there a tutorial for that. Help, please.


    You can use rtmfp to do all this.

    Start here: http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/cirrus/

  • The Adobe Flash Media Server 4 upgrade


    I'm trying to improve 4 AFMS to 4.5.5, using the same serial number used to install the current version, but the installation Wizard indicates the serial number is not valid.  The same serial number can be used to upgrade the current installation?

    I'm unable to move your post to the appropriate forum, but I recommend that you delete your current survey and post on the forum of Flash Media Server of coding at http://forums.adobe.com/community/flash/flash_media_encoding_server.

  • Flash Media Server 4.5 fails often when I log onto the service as administrator on Windows 2008 R2 for x 64

    I recently installed the Flash Media Server 4.5 on my Windows 2008 x 64 R2

    Whenever I try to restart the service as an administrator he starts giving problems such as making connection authenticated with Flash Media Encoder Live (I installed the x 64 plugin for authentication which is with v3.2 FMEL)

    Please can someone guide me why FMS 4.5 becomes unstable and buggy once I restart the Apache Server and Flash Media Service as an administrator! I need to host files on network drives so I need administrator access... If adobe don't like the administrator name then whats the alternative workaround, for example create usernames?

    Please Guide

    One of the solutions I've found is it's to say try doing all the three Services of Windows FMS ( Flash Media Server (FMS) ,Flash Media Administration Serverand FMSHttpd) in the few controller domain or at least the same administrator account.

    After doing this first manually stop Flash Media Administration Server. After the Administration Server stops now run the Flash Media Server (FMS), which should automatically launch the FMSHttpd (Apache) Service. Once the two are started, then try to start the Flash media Administration Server.

    To make sure that Flash Media Administration Service always begins LAST you can either use the manual Batch file in the boot sequence or can set the "Delayed start" option in the settings of Services.

  • Flash Media Server config


    I'm new with this, I have a problem

    I installed flash media server on a windows Server 2008 with IIS

    When I run the test page to... Adobe/Flash Media Server 4/webroot/index.html all works

    but so call it live media encode to broadcast from outside the server just doesn't work

    Here is the config lines



    SERVER. $admin_password = xxxxxxxx




    SERVER. LICENSEINFO = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    LIVE_DIR = C:\Program Files (x 86) \Adobe\Flash Media Server 4\applications\live

    VOD_COMMON_DIR = C:\Program Files (x 86) \Adobe\Flash Media Server 4\webroot\vod

    VOD_DIR = C:\Program Files (x 86) \Adobe\Flash Media Server 4\applications\vod\media



    ADAPTER. HOSTPORT =: 1935,80


    VHOST. APPSDIR = C:\Program Files (x 86) \Adobe\Flash Media Server 4\applications

    APP. JS_SCRIPTLIBPATH = C:\Program Files (x 86) \Adobe\Flash Media Server 4\scriptlib



    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------

    When I use the test page I see in the log of admin page this

    Mon 12 h 02: Connect: rtmp://localhost:1935 / vod
    Thursday 12:02:02 AM: Connect: rtmp://localhost:1935 / vod

    I don't have a single address ip

    and what should be my FMS URL

    to hekp thanks a lot

    "When you say that this" ""but so call it live media encode to broadcast since outside of the server just doesn't work " - say you you are trying to connect to FMS machine of GFFE that is installed on a different machine - I'm wrong? -If this is the case - please check if your firewall is open to 1935,80 ports.

  • Live from Flash Media Server in Captivate


    We are fortunate to have a Flash Media Server (4) which allows us to distribute video on our LAN using Flash CS5 and didn't have any problems. However, when I try to use it for Captivate 5 files I've had no success (even with 4 incidentally). I tried just about every chain I can think of no position, with the post office, FLV, to f4v, /mp4:, different folders / no record (VOD) etc etc. There must be something fundamentally wrong with what I do, but for the life of me I can't think what. The media server is currently providing video on our Intranet and we also use it for Adobe Acrobat Connect Pro. Any help on this is appreciated.

    My string is rtmp://breezefms2/vod/ < nameofvideo > (no post)

    Hi Roy,

    Thanks for letting me know that the problem is solved for you. Can you move forward one step and comment in the blog post?

    Thank you

    Ashwin B remi

    Adobe Captivate team

  • How to test bandwidth continuously on localhost with Flash Media Server?


    I'm trying debbug my code (ActionScript 3) client that works with Flash Media Server 4 on localhost. Everything seems fine until this day.

    However, when I'm testing my player with other remote streaming servers, I notice the bugs because of the transmission of lower bandwidth between the server and the player.

    Is there a simple way to simulate lower bandwidth with FMS4 on localhost (with config, application.xml, programming...)?

    Thank you

    SEB Ethier

    Have you tried using Client.setBandwidthLimit () API available in SSAS? He can probably help you with what you want to do.

    Beside that, you can use NetLimiter or shunra utlitiy to choke BW like client-side.

    Hope that will help you.

  • How to check what version of flash media server is installed on

    Hi all.

    Is it possible to check which version of flash media server is installed on my computer?

    'Open flash Media Administration Console' from start-> all programs-> Adobe-> Flash Media Server... and then sign in using your credentials that gave you when installing. After login, click on "Manage servers" and then click on 'License', you will be able to see which version and which edition of FMS is installed.

    In addition, Flash Media Streaming server, Flash Media Interactive server and Flash Media Development server are no versions and editions.

    Kind regards


  • Flash Admin Console shows no application on my Flash Media Server?

    Hi all

    My employer has a Flash Media Server, I wrote a little app video streaming a few years ago.  Well, the videos have stopped working and I was asked to solve problems.  I pulled up to the fms_adminConsole.swf and connected to my server.  Now, it has been long since I messed up with the server, but if I remember correctly, there was a great list of apps on the list on the left side of the display 'Display the Applications' to the console.  When I log in, there is no described applications.  If I hit the button "New Instance" in the empty list, I am presented with a list of all applications that I think I should see in the list of Applications.  If I choose one of them, a new instance of the application appears in the list of applications, and I'm asked to give it a name, the default being '_definst_.  If I hit enter to create this instance, it remains on the list and the instance data is displayed on the right panel until the console refreshes and then everything disappears and I'm back for an empty list of applications again.

    Go to "Manage servers", I see a list of applications on the applications tab that I expect to see.  The app that streams the video that has problems is on the list.

    Is this normal behavior for the Flash Media Server Console?  I wouldn't have a list of applications in the "Access to applications" section of the console?  I created a dozen so far, and they are all listed under servers manage > Applications, but not under "access to applications.  Can anyone comment if I'm wrong here or missed something?  Or if someone can confirm that I SHOULD see something under 'Access to applications' and that there is indeed something weird happens with the server.

    Thanks for any help!

    What you see is a correct behavior. Until and unless the applications are loaded or some clients are connected to them, they will be not shown in the default view applications tab. Try to connect to one of the applications you have and you will see that it gets automatically listed here.

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