Encryption issues

I have a virtual machine that is the use of HD encryption within the guest and uses not encryption work stations 7.  I would like to be able to password protect the VM as when using the workstation AES encryption so I was going to do a test and quantify the already invited encrypted vm using the workstation, but it seems that you cannot encrypt an already invited encrypted vm.  I was wondering if anyone knew if I first VMware encrypt a vm I would then be able to also software to encrypt the comments too.  This 'double encryption"will cause problems?

Comments encryption software is a must for me because my virtual machine requires two factor/token to start.  The reason why I want to encrypt 'double' is because I want that protection may not be able to take a snapshot or to a vm paused without authentication.  It is a way to simply password protect the virtual machine to not allow all functions to changes or CV/return parameters?

Thank you

JohnCrichton wrote:

It seems that you cannot encrypt an already invited encrypted vm.

It should not be.  Encrypt the entire VM is agnostic of the content of the virtual computer; We do not know if the guest encrypted its partitions or files.

What happens when you try?

This 'double encryption"will cause problems?

It will be slower.

Tags: VMware

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    Wow the answer here!

    Anyway if anyone reads this and has a similar problem, I solved it. I went FileVault and disabled encryption on my main hard drive. Once I restarted my external drive was still legible. I have encryption turned on and everything is fine. It seems if you have your hard drive encrypted, you cannot encrypt your external, or at least that's what caused it in my case.

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    Hello and welcome to the community!


    • KB25484 Expectations when encryption is enabled for a multimedia card in a BlackBerry smart phone

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    Kenneth Britt

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