Development multiuser on OBIEE 12 c

Hello world!

Due to the new major version of our BI tool preferred in the world, namely OBIEE 12 c!

I'm starting to wondering about how development multiuser (MUD) will work in 12 c.

If anyone has information or thougts in this regard, please share!

Best regards

Lamin Jobe

Have you checked the docs?

If I understand correctly it is just as good. bad (delete) as it was in 11g.

Tags: Business Intelligence

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    I mean. RPD copy of linux to change Windows.make server copy there this RPD on linux server.

    AFAIK developing multiuser you define a shared directory where you will put your repository.from here you must put the RPD in your Linux server. Implemented MÜDE on windows and then copy RPD from there to reposiory linux server folder.

    Even if you are on windows, you can do the same things. Only difference is, here, that you must copy the RPD from one environment to the other.

    Kind regards

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    You have put in place development multiuser beforehand. But you can still do that with the development of the Multi-User.
    What you need to do is to create a project in the area that has been changed.

    A repository, check out the project which needs to be changed. Create a new repository (for example project.rpd) file that must be replaced.

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    Kind regards

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    Hi mervin,.

    This will help you, in particular response Vidal
    You must create the shared in windows directory and works on the MUD in windows... after it is finished juz copy the file back to linux.

    Hope helps you.


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    Hi 2827571,

    In the demos, that oracle provides a generic set of maps for Map Viewer, generally you World, United States, and San Francisco to the street level.

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    Oracle provides the tool, not the cards.

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    Thank you.obiee error.PNG

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    Please go to [ORACLE_HOME]\bin\ua.bat to run Upgrade Wizard at level.

    Please use the link for step by step guide - below

    Upgrade of Oracle Business Intelligence 10g and 11g

    Select this option if this is useful.

    Thank you


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    Kind regards


    Your ID of Customer Support (ISC) is the unique ID to your company (or indeed yourself as an individual if you are so lucky) when you purchase oracle licenses (i.e. become a paying customer) who should have a company that uses Oracle in the trade.  Someone within the company (your company) will be the 'customer user administrator' and they have the possibility to connect to My Oracle Support and associate other people in society against the CSI for the company, allowing them to use My Oracle Support and increase the requests of Support (SR) with Oracle directly.  For example, in our Organization, one of our DBA is the AUC, so when I joined I had to go to his house to ask him to add me, so that I could raise calls for technical support with Oracle and the community of MOS and the knowledge base of research.

    Once you have access to My Oracle Support (MOS) you can search this is the knowledge base, download patches and other versions of the software is not available publicly, or lift SRs to get help from Oracle.

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    Errors: Management PIF view html request failed. : Script error: ImportMeFirst

    C@ http://EVS-r-ora08.BeBr.EVS.TV:9502/VA/API/v1/plugins/resource/Oracle-Jet/require.js:8:252

    ga/i.onScriptError @ http://EVS-r-ora08.BeBr.EVS.TV:9502/VA/API/v1/plugins/resource/Oracle-Jet/require.js:30:59

    With Chrome development tools, I see this additional information. If the error is in ojet.js on line 223

    : Error Script: ImportMeFirst

    the error (natively)

    c (

    to HTMLScriptElement.i.onScriptError ( ) @ ojet.js:223. Logger.Error @ ojet.js:221 (anonymous function) @ application.js:170 l ._publish @ thirdparty.js:296 l ._publish @ thirdparty.js:295 l .publish @ thirdparty.js:294 q .log @ application.js:174 q .error @ application.js:175 @ viz.js:157n.exec @ application.js:45 @ viz.js:160 @ require.js:8 q @ require.js:12 @ require.js:23 @ require.js:8v @ require.js:7Z.enable @ require.js:22Z.init @ require.js:17 @ require.js:26 (anonymous function) (anonymous function) (anonymous function) (anonymous function) (anonymous function) (anonymous function)

    ojet.js:223 obitech-reportservices/serverevents/Info: complete application: 41_0

    Other people have the same problem? Anyone know of a workaround?

    Thank you


    Re-installed OBIEE 12 and problem disappeared. I think it was caused by a change of hostname after the installation of the product.

  • Delete the deletion for developers OBIEE report option

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    We have an application role for a developer where he can remove reports of PROD. but we want to go forward with 1 more application role new where the developers must have all privileges except Delete option.

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    We have a huge catalogue with more than 35,000 reports altogether.

    For a particular report:

    Catalog-> shared-> reports, make files right click and option remove this can be removed in permissions-> customize - > uncheck the box delete

    Shared folder:

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    But we are looking for something has changed in the world to remove option to remove existing EM (application policies) application role or OBIEE level.

    Thanks in advance


    I don't see a way for you to find it in EM.

    The button Delete is something related to catalogue objects, that's why I think, is the only place where you can set or remove it in the catalog itself (as you say).

    For your 35000 reports you can still do so by code (web service, etc.)

Maybe you are looking for