Check if the esx host is in maintenance mode


I need to know if there is a api in java vi which can let us know if any of the esx host is currently in maintenance mode?

I know there is a way to discover this through the same monitoring using event Manager, I need to know is an api live which can let us know if the esx host is in maintaince at that precise moment?

Thank you and best regards,

Rachid chollet.

Hi rachid,.

I guess that the following property is what you are looking for: HostSystem.runtime.inMaintenanceMode

But watch out for the docs for the property when it reads it: it is not set during the entry phase of maintenance mode.


Thomas G.

Tags: VMware

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    Welcome to the community,

    don't worry, a restart of the host is quite VMs, regardless of whether they are active or not snapshots.


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    {foreach ($esx to $vmhosts)
    $hostVC = $vcenter
    $hostCluster = $esx. Parent.Name
    $hostHost = $esx. Name
    $ntp = $esx | Get-VMHostNtpServer
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    Thanks in advance.

    Thank you


    Try changing the line where the script retrieves the VMHost to this

    $vmhosts = get-VMHost-State connected. Name sort

    This way the script will be only to ESXi nodes that are "connected".

    Pick up time for those defective does not much sense in all cases

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    Thanks and greetings

    Riyas Hussain has

    If the LUNS on which these data warehouses are defined are zoned and correctly configured as a shared, they become automatically visible on the ESXi node.

    Do you see the LUN on different nodes of ESXi under storage adapters?

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    Error stack:

    An error was received from the ESX host turning on VM vzilla-ws2012r2e.

    Unable to start the virtual machine.

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    22 (invalid argument)

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    This circumstance may be linked to a sata cable issue, with the possibility of temporary loss of connectivity, which could result in data loss/corruption, I realize.  It is a laboratory box.  Especially say that the 2 VMDK he complains (trying to light) is both on the grounds of a single physical disk. Data, read and written to the speaker, since the problem are very good (which indicates the wiring problem was resolved, and the VMFS5 file system seems to be in good health).

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    You are looking for:

    "Failure error disk beginning module lit" results in this article:

    error disk on start module failed

    which indicates the .lck files may be present.  It does not exist.

    Then upwards, of a variety of other items:

    Re: Unable to start the virtual machine: invalid argument on *-flat.vmdk & cmd = displayKC & externalId = 1004232 & userid = & ContainerType = & Container = & q = module + DiskEar...

    error disk on start module failed

    but alas, none of them seem to relate directly, or exactly.  My vmware.log file is attached below, as well as some screenshots of to show the structure of the unity of this virtual machine.  Hoping that this post proves fruitful, if anyone has had a similar situation.  The data at stake here are (mostly) redundant, but I would rather understand my way of it, in the case where it happens to me again, or can help others.  Many preferred rather than give up, reformat the VMFS and start again.

    Thank you!

    Good news, the best result I could hope. No data is lost. No corruption of the VMFS or NTFS don't drive in the virtual machine. Nice!  Saved me a few terabytes of data restoration and learned a little more on file system of troubleshooting along the way.

    It took a technician of VMware Service excellent, attentive, methodical remote 2 hours in a WebEx previously to resolve problems with these 2 files vmdk manually, because he found that there is a lock on them. I opened a request of Service (SR) # with VMware by following the instructions here:

    VMware KB: Cannot access certain files on a VMFS datastore

    To resolve this problem, apply for support from VMware Support and note this ID (1012036) Knowledge Base article in the description of the problem. For more information on the filing of a request for support, see How to submit a support request.

    I'll cover this saga and the exact process for collecting and downloading of newspapers, through to my, including the ride video.  I even captured much of the technical work that has been done. That said, it is true that little of the magic that was made to resurrect the metadata will remain a mystery, given that this piece is VMware.

    I'm ok with a bit of black box, considering how I'm happy that I got all my data, and time savings that the quick recovery represented.

    By clicking on the button "answer".

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    Is there a better way to do it?

    Any help is very appreciated.  Thank you

    The section of my script for the hardware looks like this:

    # VMware ESX hardware #.
    Get-VMHost | Get-View | ForEach-Object {$_.} Summary.Hardware} | Select-object name vendor, model, MemorySize, CpuModel, CpuMhz, NumCpuPkgs, NumCpuCores, NumCpuThreads, NumNics, NumHBAs | ConvertTo-Html-title "Configuration of VMware ESX server Hardware" - body "< H2 > VMware ESX server Hardware configuration." "< / H2 > ' | Out-file - add $filelocation

    And My on put currently looks like this:

    (I want to see the name of the ESX host as the first column)

    Hardware configuration of VMware ESX server.

    Name of the vendor Model MemorySize CpuModel CpuMhz NumCpuPkgs NumCpuCores NumCpuThreads NumNics NumHBAs
    HPProLiant DL360 G734348974080Intel Xeon E5640 CPU @ 2.67GHz2666281643
    HPProLiant DL360 G734348974080Intel Xeon E5640 CPU @ 2.67GHz2666281643
    HPProLiant BL460c G625758969856Intel Xeon E5540 2.53 GHz CPU253314883
    HPProLiant BL460c G625758969856Xeon of Intel (r) CPU X 5570 @ 2.93 GHz293314883
    HPProLiant BL490c G7137428156416Xeon of Intel (r) CPU X 5675 3.07 GHz30662122442
    HPProLiant BL490c G7137428156416Xeon of Intel (r) CPU X 5675 3.07 GHz30662122442
    HPProLiant BL490c G7137428156416Xeon of Intel (r) CPU X 5675 3.07 GHz30662122442

    Not a more elegant solution, but it should produce the desired result

    &{foreach ($esx in Get-VMHost){
      ForEach-Object { $esx.ExtensionData.Summary.Hardware } |
      Select-object @{N="ESX Name";E={$esx.Name}},Vendor, Model, MemorySize, CpuModel, CpuMhz, NumCpuPkgs, NumCpuCores, NumCpuThreads, NumNics, NumHBAs}} |ConvertTo-Html -title "VMware ESX server Hardware configuration" -body "

    VMware ESX server Hardware configuration.

    " | Out-File -Append $filelocation
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    Is there a particular reason that you are on this rather old version of PowerCLI?

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  • Get the LUN of the ESX host Info


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    Thank you very much!

    Of course, the easiest way is this

    $report = foreach($esx in Get-VMHost){
        foreach($hbaKey in ($esx.Extensiondata.Config.StorageDevice.ScsiTopology.Adapter | where {$_.Adapter -like "*FibreChannelHba*"})){
                foreach($tgtKey in $hbaKey.Target){
                    foreach($lunKey in $tgtKey.Lun){
                        $hba = $esx.Extensiondata.Config.StorageDevice.HostBusAdapter | where {$_.Key -eq $hbaKey.Adapter}
                        $lun = $esx.Extensiondata.Config.StorageDevice.ScsiLun | where {$_.Key -eq $lunKey.ScsiLun}
                        Select-Object -InputObject $lun -Property @{N="Host";E={$esx.Name}},
    $report | Export-Csv "C:\lun-report.csv" -NoTypeInformation -UseCulture
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    For ESX 4.1 and later, it's "Virtual Machine.Interaction.Acquire comments control Ticket.

    For ESX 4.0 and earlier versions, it's 'Virtual Machine.Interaction.Console Interaction.

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    I have the location of the VM ( directory/vm.vmx)

    Is it possible to find the object computer virtual (Virtualmachin) on the ESX host with this path full vmx?



    Yep, take a look at FindByDatastorePath which allows you to search by path of the data store and returns a VM MOR


    William Lam

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