Change the customization of the operating system invited to the catalog

Hi, I was testing vCloud for a demo, when I realize that it was not able to connect to cloned Windows 2008 R2.

Checking certain things, I get to the customization options of the guest operating system, where I found a password change policy, but they have grayed out to the level of the catalog (as shown in the attached picture).

I was able to change the option to a power off VM cloned already in my cloud, but the question is: do I have to do this for each cloned virtual machine, or is it possible to do it at the level of the catalog to get a framework agreement?

Thanks in advance!

Pablo. -.

EDIT: Sorry, vCD is 1.5 with vSphere 5.0. VMtools are updated on the VMS and I use vHardware 8.

Lol once in the catalog, it can not be changed. See also the thread here

Tags: VMware

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    FormHandler appeal:

    void switchDS() {}
    SDS SwitchingDataSource is getProductCatalog () .getDataSource ();.
    sds.prepareSwitch ();
    sds.performSwitch ();
    getProductCatalog () .invalidateCache ();



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    Hi guys,.

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    Take a look at this link

    Regarding your question with other systems, in your place, I would be of the MEM test burning 24 hours, it could be a problem with memory (GROUP also in most cases caused by problems of HW)

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    About the greenish tint, you probably have a damaged color profile associated with your display in Windows.  See this FAQ for a solution:

    About raw options, download and install the latest version of Adobe Camera Raw:

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    A virtual machine is a translator, sort of.  If you install an operating system on hardware, the OS can interpret and so it will set appropriate for the material.  Given that this is not possible in a virtual machine, you must configure a virtual machine for EXACTLY the operating system that is installed.

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    As I said in your previous post, VMWare Player is a free download and does not support Win7 as host and Win2k3 as a guest.  VMWare Player is also included with VMWare Workstation, you can imply that most of the time something that supports VMWare Workstation as a guest operating system is also a guests supported for the reader.

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    VMWare Workstation, although not free, can be installed as a 30 day trial.  After the trial, you can not start your virtual machines in my computer, but because the player is included in the installation, you can still run your virtual machines in the drive without having to uninstall anything.  So just install Workstation.  After the trial expires, if you wish that the advanced features of the workstation, then buy it.  If not, just continue to use the drive.

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    Mark Bachner

    mark_bachner wrote:

    All media (pictures, videos) stored on an external NAS, an extensive catalog was stored on my HARD drive and saved on the NAS server.

    When my hard drive crashed, I tried to restore the catalog, but he could not 'connect' to existing media still on the NAS, but instead I had to restore all media on a differrent drive.

    Yes, it's how a backup of the Organizer. You cannot use the backup yourself, it is not a simple "copy" of your photo files folder field of the plantation. It is a resource for the process of restoration of the catalog. You cannot 'connect' in the backup folder. But the huge advantage is that you can restore your catalog (database and other resources) so your image files.

    I'm looking for is the ability to simply restore the "database" and connect it to the existing media.

    Is there such a possibility in PSE 13?

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    No problem.

    The catalog itself is not a file, it is a complete folder containing your database: a file named ' catalog.pse13db, which is a database sqlite; more than many other files and subfolders.

    Looking for the location of the catalog in the menu help/information system of the Organizer. You may need to do a search with Windows Explorer for file catalog.pse13db.

    It is simple to copy or move the catalog folder. Because its content is not changed when you move or copy, it is easy to "Save" and "restore" the catalog itself.

    The problem is that if the content of the catalog do not change the location of the file changes when you restore to a different location (disk or main folder). You must "reconnect" files, which is to change the location of each file that is saved in the database.

    Knowing the purpose of all the files and subfolders in the folder catalog probably will not help you. To 'reconnect', you will need to use sql queries to change the catalog.pse13db database.

    This is a discussion on a similar problem:

    Problems of trying to reconnect files in the Organizer PE10

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    To load the catalog and sample sale deposit please specify

    Star = samplesales.rpd, by default. (In the folder NQSConfig under [REPOSITORY]) and change the catalog path

    C:/OracleBIData/web/catalog/samplesales in the instanceconfig.xml file

    To load deposits of paint and catalog please specify

    Star = Paint.rpd, default value; (In the folder NQSConfig under [REPOSITORY]) and change the catalog path

    C:/OracleBIData/web/catalog/painting in the istanceconfig.xml file.

    After completing the changes please restart the BI Server and presentation Services. Hopefully this will solve your problem

    Published by: user8708843 on May 29, 2010 09:39

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    Thank you

    Martin M.

    The description of the metafonts sheds some light on this issue; It basically says that for a police metafont predefined size is not an absolute value and can change... The solution uses the fonts provided by the operating system, for example, Arial.

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    Use telephone activation, say nothing, and you will possibly connected to a human being.  They should be able to sort out you.

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    Restart with the keys Option and command R keys. If this keyboard shortcut does nothing on your Mac, use a compatible Mac OS X installation DVD.

    Follow the prompts on the screen.


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    Mozilla Crash Reporter

    User Agent

    Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729 .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; NET4.0C;. NET4.0E; InfoPath.3)

    Go to the address on: plant and tell us your last accident IDs. Then we can watch data specific to your accident and have a better idea of what is causing the problem.

    Given that everything goes well in safe mode, one of your extensions or themes is at fault. See Troubleshooting extensions and themes and problems of hardware acceleration to resolve common Firefox problems to figure out which one of your modules is the cause of the crash.

    Start here:

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    Hello and welcome to the HP support community!

    This was caused by the upgrade of Android Kit Kat (4.4)

    There are many free file managers that work still available in the game store.


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    Hey Buddy,

    Why you want to change the operating system?
    In my opinion, Windows 7 Starter is ideal for this netbook. Windows 7 is the newest operating system and the Starter Edition is designed for netbooks.

    Of course, you can install what you want and you won't lose the warranty if you install another, but Windows 7 is really good!

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