CDMA and GSM or GSM only


I have iphone 4S (A1387) and it does not work with cdma sim,

one of my friends has iphone 4s, when he his level of force phone sim card ejection keep see the signal.

but mine say (no SIM)

so is mine CDMA & GSM or GSM only?

There is really no such thing as a "CDMA SIM". Some WCDMA carriers use something as a SIM card. To the best of my knowledge, no iPhone support WCDMA.

It seems that if your phone is GSM so it gives you this error message. Your friend uses a CDMA carrier, but a GSM SIM in his phone for international roaming.

Tags: iPhone

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    Yes and no.

    A little explanation:

    While all iPhones since the 4S have included both CDMA and GSM equipment, allowing them to be used on any GSM or CDMA based, medium

    It's a regular carriers CDMA to activate not only sold iPhones not specifically for them on their networks.

    So if you were to buy say an iPhone AT & T, Sprint and Verizon would have in the past not activate on their service at all.

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    Another issue to consider when buying an iPhone for a specific carrier or in a specific carrier store, the iPhone is locked to that carrier and requires unlocking if you want to be able to use it with other GSM providers.  (CDMA is not unlock, and a based Verizon iPhone never can be used with the service of Sprint CDMA and vice versa).

    Unlock may never be authorized by the carrier in which the iPhone is locked.  So an AT & T locked iPhone can only be unlocked by AT & T.

    In the United States the only source of unlocked iPhones is Apple themselves. If you buy an iPhone at home at full price, it will be unlocked and can be used with any carrier mobile PHONE of your choice.

    Buy an iPhone at a reduced price with a 2-year contract with a particular carrier means that the iPhone will be locked to that carrier, and only that carrier can unlock for use with other providers.

    IPhones unlocked, either from Apple or those properly unlocked by the carrier to which they have been locked in, will never lock to another carrier.

    If you buy a Verizon iPhone at full price with Apple, it will be unlocked and can be used with any GSM carrier. If you buy at a discount with a 2 year contract from Verizon or Apple, it can be locked to Verizon, and you will need the requirements of Verizon to unlock.

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    WinXP2002 Home Edition with Service Pack 3.

    Hi, Billgoats,

    Try to rebuild the icon cache:

    Right-click on command prompt and select run as administrator
    Type the following command:
    C:\Users\\AppData\Local (put your username in where ProfileName is)
    Press enter
    attrib-h IconCache.db
    Press enter
    Del IconCache.db
    Press enter
    Start the Explorer
    Press enter
    Press enter

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    ~ file name (order asc & desc)

    as well as

    ~ modification/creation date (also in order asc & desc)


    Size (order asc & desc)

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    Edit: Hey, I think I've found a fix for this problem!

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    Make sure that D: is not the partition recovery including the manufacturer put there to make the recovery disks from and eventually to return your computer to how you bought

    You cannot combine C: and D: and their data using the Vista Disk Manager

    with Vista, you will need to save the data on D: - D: delete - and then extend C: into the now unallocated space where D: was to do a 1 partition 2

    read the tutorial below

    How to remove and extend a Partition with Vista disk management

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    Host of COM... dependencies of RPC and DCOM
    "c:\Program Files\Common Symantec Shared\VAScanner\comHost.exe"
    System application COM event system, RPC, dcom, rpc C:\Windows\system32\dllhost.exe /Processid system events notification service: {02D4B3F1-FD88-11D1-960D-00805FC79235

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    Symantec Core LC dep - rpc and dcom "C:\Program Files\Common Symantec Shared\CCPD-LC\symlcsvc.exe"

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    ... christines\christine: 2008-09-28-04-34-36-503: NIS: English: Norton Internet Security Error: required by Norton Internet Security virus definitions are not valid. You cannot run a scan until this issue is resolved. : 3 038 100:

    It is listed over and over again, and it's been long that I ran this program.   I also tried the norton removal tool and which does not work either.
    So I restored again and now my computer works but still the high memory and cpu usage.

    I'll be back on my 486 days and at the command prompt.  I typed
    Config.sys type C:\
    and the only thing listed is FILES = 40

    then I typed C:\ type autoexec.bat and it's the only entrance...
    NTVDMPATH in the file REM Dummy = % PATH %; C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1\MVEET~1\030625

    I know that this is not normal... Anyone know what it is?  I would just reinstall, a great fight, but not to big, but I want to know what it is and where it comes from?   Thanks for any advice.

    First of all, autoexec.bat is not used in Vista. Try to use the Norton removal tool to get rid of all Symantec programs.

    Norton Removal Tool -

    MS - MVP - Elephant Boy computers - don't panic!

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    Password recovery:

    "Microsoft's strategy concerning lost or forgotten passwords"

    Microsoft cannot help you recover the passwords of the files and Microsoft who are lost or forgotten product features.

    See you soon. Mick Murphy - Microsoft partner

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    What are the functions? More global changes (changes to the system, software installation) require an elevation in Vista/Windows 7.

    Changes to the built-in Vista administrator account

    User - recommended configuration (Vista and Win7) accounts

    You absolutely don't want to have only one user account. As XP and all other Windows 7, Vista, and modern operating systems are operating systems multi-user with integrated system of accounts as default Administrator and comments. These accounts should be left alone because they are part of the structure of the operating system.

    In particular, you do not want account only one user with administrator privileges on Vista and Windows 7 because the administrator account integrated (normally only used in emergencies) is disabled by default. If you use as an administrator for your daily work, and this account is corrupt, things will be difficult. It is not impossible to activate the built-in administrator to rescue things, but it may require more work you want to do. Better not to get into a bad situation at first.

    The user account that is for your daily work must be a Standard user, with the extra administrative user (call it something like 'CompAdmin' or 'Tech' or similar) only it for elevation purposes. As a user Standard is recommended for security reasons and will help protect your computer against infections. After you have created "CompAdmin", connect to it and change your normal user account Standard. Then log on to your regular account.

    If you want to go directly to the desktop and ignore the Welcome screen with the icons of the user accounts, you can do this:

    Start Orb > Search box > type: netplwiz [Enter]
    Click continue (or provide an administrator password) when you are prompted by UAC

    Uncheck "users must enter a user name and password to use this computer". Select a user account to connect automatically by clicking on the account you want to highlight and press OK. Enter the password for this user account (when it exists) when you are prompted. Leave blank if there is no password (null). MS - MVP - Elephant Boy computers - don't panic!




    Better to post this thread in the Customer Care Forum here:


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    Hello Gloria,.

    I ask you to execute methods in the following link and check if the problem is resolved.

    Solve printer problems

    You can also contact the manufacturer to find out how to clean the print head.

    Please get back to us with the State of the question.

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    I have only:
    D: / images (where are necessary + not need files)
    -a list with only the necessary files
    -a list with new names for the files needed
    Thank you.

    Hi Pustiu,

    Thanks for posting in the Microsoft Community.

    You want to know how to select the files in a folder using a list with the files you want and after that rename only the files using another list with desired new names.

    I would have you post your query in the TechNet forums because it caters to an audience of it professionals.

    Your query will be better addressed there.

    Check out the link-

    We know if you need help. We will be happy to help you. We, at tender Microsoft to excellence.

    Thank you.

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    in the export dialog box, you have chcked 'use of work plans? ''

Maybe you are looking for