break the RPD on linux

Hi gurus,

is there a difference in the develiopement on linux server and windows server 2003 to obiee. I mean in the context of the operating system. can we copy and paste the obiee windows repository and paste it into the linux desktop installation.will environment it works as a normal operating system

Thank you


I mean. RPD copy of linux to change Windows.make server copy there this RPD on linux server.

AFAIK developing multiuser you define a shared directory where you will put your repository.from here you must put the RPD in your Linux server. Implemented MÜDE on windows and then copy RPD from there to reposiory linux server folder.

Even if you are on windows, you can do the same things. Only difference is, here, that you must copy the RPD from one environment to the other.

Kind regards

Tags: Business Intelligence

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    on the system or on a removable USB hard drive

    under the folder "Hewlett-Packard\BIOS\New.

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    * If at the end, the flash drive looks like this:


    + - BIOS

    | \---New

    |      Mxx_xxxx. bin



    all files here

    * place the flash drive in the laptop and "BIOS update using local media" hit the button [I accept] below "the system BIOS will be updated immediately.'." "

    Then update the BIOS HP appears saying: the system BIOS is updated day. > writing new BIOS Image. > Veryfying new BIOS Image. > restart.


    It is really beyond me why HP does not provide a simple archive with the appropriate directory structure and a readme file so that anyone could update the BIOS regardless of operating system.

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    Configuration of your PXI Linux system:

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    echo user > ftp %
    echo pw > ftp %
    echo get myfile.txt > ftp %
    echo mget my*.dat > ftp %
    to echo bye > ftp %
    -I - s FTP: ftp % > "c:\temp\ftp.log."

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    mget my*.dat
    Good bye

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    Using a standard PC with a port of comm DP9 it works when I select CTRL Break of my keyboard.

    I have a LAPTOP with no pause button and can't get the system to stop the boot process using ALT B or ALT + B?

    The cable uses a USB to DB9 adapter as the laptop isn't a comm port.

    Other commands, I try to break the boot process?

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    I have never loaded the SW using Xmodem... is there a procedure that I can get to do this process?

    Thank you.

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    -Please remember the frequency responses and mark your question as answered as appropriate.

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