BlackBerry App cannot download App World

Dear Sirs,

I have a BB Z10. Two weeks ago, I installed the google maps app, but it does not work! After that, I deleted this app again.
Yesterday, I got the Version of the OS 10
I want to install google maps once again, but he is shown as installed.
I can't open or uninstall this application.
Thank you very much for the help.

In your App World, press on and hold on the entrance of Google Maps, then remove or remove.

Restart your device.

Try again your App World.

Tags: BlackBerry Smartphones

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    Once you choose a license model pool, there is a button to load the text file with license keys, one key per line

    Unaware of any maximum, but it is a minimum (at least 100 keys)

    No, you don't get charged. In fact there is no fees at all to be provider of BB App World.

    Refunds... huh, it's a difficult subject general App World does not (easily) refunds, even if it is possible. In this case the user will receive a refund and will always be using your application

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    Yes, it is possible to do.

    You can do this by finding your app in BlackBerry AppWorld online catalogue (available here:  Once you have found your application, click on the button send (on the right side) and then insert your e-mail address.  This will then send a link to your email address which you can then easily transfer it to others as you see fit.  You can also use this method to send links to anyone.  Another suggestion is to take the QR code for your application and include that in your email.  All users need to do is scan this code using the barcode scanner in the AppWorld and it will automatically open the page of the app in BlackBerry AppWorld.

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    Hi and welcome to the Forums!

    BB AppWorld is a BB app... not a PC application. Therefore, it will only install on your BB.

    See you soon!

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    Who is?

    Let me to this Counsellor... Once you have downloaded an app from AppWorld, even if you are not invited to do, once the app is installed, make a simple reboot on the BlackBerry this way: with smart BlackBerry poweredphone, remove the battery for a minute and then reinsert the battery to restart.

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    Generally, the first time you launch AppWorld as the first time you go to a category, there is a large amount of data to download. Patience is the key. I found that wait at least 5 minutes for each category of charge completely has helped make his later use more fluid and faster... but the first time was very very slow. It's just the way it works now.

    If this does not help, then please come back on these forums ( and create an account so that we can provide direct assistance.

    See you soon!

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    IMPORTANT: the completion of recording Blackberry ID process must be carried out using Internet Explorer.  I had actually tried to do this a few days ago, but I've been using Google Chrome.  As a result, the global need App Plug In did not download properly on my laptop and I couldn't finish the rest of the installation procedure.

    I hope this helps other people who have faced this problem.

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    Try the resolutions in this KB:

    • KB25521"" is not available for download on BlackBerry App World "appears when you try to download an application from BlackBerry App World "

    Good luck!

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    Thank you.

    It did not work since the device - so I tried from the PC and encountered the problem.  After a cycle of food from my Blackberry, it began to work.

    Thank you, problem solved.


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    Please help me on this.

    Perform a simple reboot on the BlackBerry this way: with smart BlackBerry poweredphone, remove the battery for a minute and then reinsert the battery to restart. A reboot in this manner is prescribed for most defects and errors of operating system, and you will lose any data on the device doing so.

    Now, look for the AW icon again. All records and in the folder/tab download

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    Well, a few days ago RIM BlackBerry faced such a problem with the new BlackBerry App world.

    But still, there is an alternative.

    Connect your device with the USB cable to activate Internet computer laptop / desktop, then click on the following link:

    At the top right, there is a sign in option, the connection with your Blackberry ID.

    And now, you can download the app even through your laptop/desktop computer for your device.

    If you always want to do directly with your device, then keep trying by clicking Yes on the update of BlackBerry ID, once it is made 100% your device will restart and will allow you to download directly via your device as well.

    I hope that solves your problem!

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    In my bold9780 I download appworld and managed has download applications but now appworld disappears from the list of the menu, system settings shows app world I delete and it redownload but no use still I face same problem how to get appworld

    Hi manish14

    Welcome to the Forums of the BlackBerry Support

    If you encounter a problem with the version of BlackBerry World, then download BlackBerry World version which is the best solution now available for BlackBerry World, first uninstall any existing version of the BlackBerry World from your device, options > device > application > locate and remove BlackBerry World, then do a battery pull reboot by removing the battery while your unit is powered.

    After restarting the device from your BlackBerry browser search or click here to download the version. Also check out this Knowledge Base for assistance:

    KB29422 BlackBerry App World icon is missing after upgrade to BlackBerry App World to

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