anyone having problems with the junk e-mail filter in hotmail or msn Explorer

anyone having problems with the junk e-mail filter in hotmail or msn Explorer


  1. The issue is only with MSN mail?
  2. Have you tried using another web browser and check if you are faced with a similar question?

Given that the problem is related to MSN I suggest you to contact MSN support for assistance.

How to contact MSN customer service

Check also:


Hope this information is useful.

Tags: Windows

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    Hi GKVsiuals,

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    < cffunction name = "crΘer" output = "false" access = "private" returntype = 'Cancel' >
    < cfset var qCreate = "" >

    < cfset var local1 = Field1 () >
    < cfset var local2 = Field2 () >
    < cfset var local3 = Field3 () >
    < cfset var local4 = Field4 () >
    < cfset var local5 = Field5 () >
    < cfset var local6 = Field6 () >
    < cfset var local7 = Field7 () >
    < cfset var local8 = Field8 () >

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    < cfquery name = "qCreate" datasource = "datasource" username = "userName" password = "password" result = "qCreateResult" >
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    < cfqueryparam value = "" #local1 # "cfsqltype ="CF_SQL_VARCHAR"/ >,"
    < cfqueryparam value = "" #local2 # "cfsqltype ="CF_SQL_VARCHAR"/ >,"
    < cfqueryparam value = "" #local3 # "cfsqltype ="CF_SQL_VARCHAR"/ >,"
    "< cfqueryparam value =" "#local4 #" cfsqltype = "CF_SQL_INTEGER" = null "#iif ((local4 eq""), ("yes"), ("No.")) #" / >.
    < cfqueryparam value = "" # locale5 # "cfsqltype ="cf_sql_integer"/ >,"
    < cfqueryparam value = "" #local6 # "cfsqltype ="cf_sql_integer"/ >,"
    < cfqueryparam value = "" #local7 # "cfsqltype ="cf_sql_varchar"/ >,"
    < cfqueryparam value = "" # locale8 # "cfsqltype ="cf_sql_integer"/ >"
    < / cfquery >
    < / cftransaction >
    < cfset variables.objectID = qCreateResult.GENERATED_KEY >
    < / cffunction >

    [No I am not really using Field1, 2, 3 in my code and my password is not actually password, but you get the point].

    Again, this works in my lab. (CF8, MySQL 5.0, Apache, standard Connector/j) That is what it is?

    Personally, I think that my environment is not what it was supposed to be regardless of what I was told. The rep that I was talking doesn't seem to know much about ColdFusion and at the end of the conversation, he said as well and opened a ticket. Not very useful, but at least not rude.

    However, I want to be fair and check all the possibilities. If you see something wrong with my Code let me know that I'm rather crazy eyes will then return to writing queries to get the id.

    Thanks in advance!


    PS: Just before posting this I tried to add < cfset var qCreateQuery = "" / > to the list of the variables just to see if it would change what anyone and it doesn't work. " Still works on my system, but not on them.

    Found the problem.
    The environment has been set up correctly, but the DSN apparently obtained the value a MySQL 3.51 Driver to the administrator.
    It's something that my hosting service, I have no control on however I also don't even think about asking them to check for me either. I forgot that CF has even a version 3 driver for MySQL.

    So my hats off to HostMySite technicians who concluded that, for me and for anyone having the same problem, I suggest you also check the same.

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    If you can afford to buy your own router this will work much better

    I use a Netgear without problems 6300rv & double speed

    Works even at the top of the long garden.

    If you are not bound to bt try Plusnet based in Sheffield

    Very good at solving problems.

    See you soon


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    Thank you.


    No, I didn't know that, and I never saw any similar posts in the forum.

    Try if disable the Safe_mode in Adobe Reader allows to work better [Edit |] Preferences | (Improved) security].

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    Thank you

    Please, try the following:

    Open the AirPort on your Mac utility (Finder > Applications > utilities > AirPort Utility)

    Click on the image of the time Capsule

    Click on edit in the window that appears

    Click on the Internet tab at the top of the next window

    Click the Internet Options button at the bottom of the window

    Make sure that the IPv6 configuration is set to Local link only

    Click on save, if you make changes, then click Update at the bottom right of the window

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