a guest to USB esx operating system mapping


Simple questions.

I have a box of esxi dismissed with local storage and a guest running operating system.

is it possible to map scsi or USB connection card to the box of ESXi to control a tape drive. the guest operating system running backup exec and must connect to a physical tape drive.

See you soon

It is not an additional purchase if I'm not confused, you need to have a chipset with VT - d support.

Tags: VMware

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    Add the line I posted and each USB device connects.

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    Hello, welcome to the forum

    Host Windows to switch between comments and the OS (when you are in the guest operating system), you must use ctrl + alt.

    According to this link , it's the same thing in Linux host too.

    >Default VMware Player uses key combination Ctrl + Alt to jump out of the guest. Then CTRLAltdel is accessible via theAltInsert command. If you find this annoying, you can change the jump shortcut to CtrlAltshift by adding the following lines to your ~/.vmware/preferences:

    > pref.hotkey.shift = "true".

    > pref.hotkey.control = "true".

    > pref.hotkey.alt = "true".

    After your installation OS in the virtual machine, install "VMware Tools" on it so you will get better performance and some improvements (like moving your mouse out of guest to your host operating system operating system and Vice Versa, or be able to copy beyond host/guest, better resolution on reviews and...)

    I hope it helps a bit.

    -= If you have found this note/response useful, please consider awarding points to 'Correct' or 'useful ' = -.

    -= If there is a mistake in my notes, please correct me! =-

    -= Thank you =-

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    explored in the vmware communities but in vain.


    See the entries related to USB in my computer FAQ - link is in my signature


    VMX-settings- Workstation FAQ -[MOA-liveCD | http://sanbarrow.com/moa241.html]- VM-infirmary

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    Kind regards


    If you install rcli tools or tools powercli from the VMware Web site you get tons of information. http://communities.VMware.com/docs/doc-9420 is one of the scripts of lamw leave the ghetto script repository.

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    Thanks in advance.


    Guest operating system cannot play sound directly through the host. However, you can redirect its good that your tools like VNC and RDP remote communication.

    Best regards
    Edward L. Haletky
    VMware communities user moderator, VMware vExpert 2009
    Author of the book ' VMWare ESX Server in the enterprise: planning and securing virtualization servers, Copyright 2008 Pearson Education.
    Blue gears and SearchVMware Pro items - top of page links of security virtualization - Security Virtualization Round Table Podcast

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    Thank you


    Same problem for me, but I found the solution via google a few weeks ago and I think there's a post on this forum about this as well. But here's my version...

    in your user directory, it must be a directory .vmware.

    Inside this directory must be a file named config, otherwise create it

    in the config file should be a line like this:

    xkeymap.nokeycodeMap = true

    If this isn't there, add it.

    Remotely close sessions and reconnect. Problem solved!

    Other messages on the Internet are talking about doing this on the host machine when running VMware workstation, but it works well enough for the VMware remote console.

    Sure just what do you on the computer that is running the Remote Console and not the host machine, run the virtual machine.

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    but not to communicate.

    Vmware tools is installed.

    I try to change the attribute of vmware, add the com port and USB, but still, it does not take effect

    What is the RS232 or USB available on the operating system called?

    How to activate RS232 and USB?

    USB and series are not available in a prompt. There are IP network series and usb IP devices that can be used.

  • How to map ports to guest operating system?

    Hi all:

    I installed the new server of vmware on Redhat Linux AS5 and created a virtual machine and installed another operating system, the use of the guest operating system NAT to connect the host operating system. the host operating system has a public IP address. It seems work. the guest can access the internet.

    but I want the prompt that OS can run an internet service, such as a mail server. I use iptable card some ports for the guest operating system, but it did not work. I don't know that the firewall rules are correct, because if I use the computer to run the guest operating system, it will work.

    the following iptables rules:

    iptables t nat - a PREROUTING d 210.x.x.x Pei tcp m multiport - destination-port 25,110,143,465,993,995-j DNAT - destination

    iptables-t nat - an OUTPUT - dst 210.x.x.x Pei tcp m multiport - destination-port 25,110,143,465,993,995-j DNAT - destination

    iptables-t nat - an OUTPUT - dst Pei tcp m multiport - destination-port 25,110,143,465,993,995-j DNAT - destination

    is - that someone has an idea?


    I think you should edit the file nat.conf on your host computer.

    Have you read the related chapter in p.251 Manual ?


    If you have found this device or any other answer useful please consider the use of buttons useful or Correct to award points.

  • The VM startup slow down, delay long before the guest operating system begins startup

    Evaluation of VMWare to set up the VM for the maintenance of the software. Set up a virtual machine, install Windows 7 SP1 32-bit, everything works well. Once started, the performance is excellent.

    The symptom is that when you start the virtual machine, either starting from cold boot or suspend, there is a significant delay before the power of VMware on / start screen is displayed. Once it appears, the operating system starts starting (or the recovery of wakefulness) quickly and performance is normal after that. During the start-up period, the whole system is insensitive, host and guest operating system.

    See the extract of newspaper below to 09:54:28.619 moment where the delay occurs followed by the entry concerning 09:55:11.625 time when start continues, a delay of 43 seconds during which nothing seems to happen and the system does not respond. After that, everything is fast.

    Any ideas or suggestions?

    More info...

    VMware Player version 6.0.1 build-1379776

    Host PC: Dell Optiplex, Intel Core2 Quad Q9650 3.00 GHz ABLE to

    Installed memory: 4.00 GB (3.25 GB usable)

    Boot disk C: Intel SSD, 180GB (where the VMware is installed)

    Data disk F: Seagate 1 TB (where the virtual machine)

    SE host: Windows 7 Professional 32-bit SP1

    Guest OS: Windows 7 Professional 32-bit SP1

    excerpt from VMware.log:

    2014 02-19 T 09: 54:28.619 - 05:00 | VMX | I120: VMMEM: initial booking: 1442MB (1024MB = MainMem)

    2014 02-19 T 09: 54:28.619 - 05:00 | VMX | I120: MemSched_PowerOn: minGuestSize ball 104857 (80% size required min 131072)

    2014 02-19 T 09: 54:28.619 - 05:00 | VMX | I120: MemSched: mem reserved (in MB) min max recommended 128 2493 2493

    2014 02-19 T 09: 54:28.619 - 05:00 | VMX | I120: PShare: activated 1 1 Adaptive scanRate [16, 400]

    2014 02-19 T 09: 54:28.619 - 05:00 | VMX | I120: MemSched: mem 5159 262144 np 35890 pg 590258 anon

    2014 02-19 T 09: 55:11.625 - 05:00 | VMX | I120: MemSched: numvm 1 locked pages: num 0 max 605661

    2014 02-19 T 09: 55:11.626 - 05:00 | VMX | I120: MemSched: locked Page limit: host 638514 config 638208 dynam 613853

    2014 02-19 T 09: 55:11.626 - 05:00 | VMX | I120: MemSched: minmempct 50 minalloc 0 admitted 1

    2014 02-19 T 09: 55:11.626 - 05:00 | VMX | W110: NUMA: application of automatic dimensioning VM ignored

    configuration (.vmx) VM file:

    . Encoding = "windows-1252".

    config.version = '8 '.

    virtualHW.version = "10".

    scsi0. Present = 'TRUE '.

    scsi0.virtualDev = "lsisas1068".

    SATA0. Present = 'TRUE '.

    memsize = "1024".

    MEM.hotadd = 'TRUE '.

    scsi0:0. Present = 'TRUE '.

    scsi0:0. FileName = "BCDEVVM.vmdk".

    SATA0:1.present = 'TRUE '.

    SATA0:1.filename = "E:".

    SATA0:1.DeviceType = "cdrom-raw"

    ethernet0. Present = 'TRUE '.

    ethernet0. ConnectionType = "bridged".

    ethernet0.virtualDev = "e1000".

    ethernet0.wakeOnPcktRcv = "FALSE".

    ethernet0. AddressType = 'generated '.

    USB. Present = 'TRUE '.

    EHCI. Present = 'TRUE '.

    ehci.pciSlotNumber = "35".

    Sound.Present = 'TRUE '.

    sound.virtualDev = 'hdaudio '.

    sound.fileName = 'speakers (SoundMAX Integrated D.

    Sound.AutoDetect = "FALSE".

    MKS. Enable3D = 'TRUE '.

    Serial0.present = 'TRUE '.

    Serial0.FileType = "thinprint".

    pciBridge0.present = 'TRUE '.

    pciBridge4.present = 'TRUE '.

    pciBridge4.virtualDev = "pcieRootPort"

    pciBridge4.functions = '8 '.

    pciBridge5.present = 'TRUE '.

    pciBridge5.virtualDev = "pcieRootPort"

    pciBridge5.functions = '8 '.

    pciBridge6.present = 'TRUE '.

    pciBridge6.virtualDev = "pcieRootPort"

    pciBridge6.functions = '8 '.

    pciBridge7.present = 'TRUE '.

    pciBridge7.virtualDev = "pcieRootPort"

    pciBridge7.functions = '8 '.

    vmci0. Present = 'TRUE '.

    hpet0. Present = 'TRUE '.

    usb.vbluetooth.startConnected = "FALSE".

    displayName = "BCDEVVM."

    guestOS = "windows7"

    NVRAM = "BCDEVVM.nvram."

    virtualHW.productCompatibility = "hosted".

    gui.exitOnCLIHLT = "FALSE".

    powerType.powerOff = 'soft '.

    powerType.powerOn = 'soft '.

    powerType.suspend = 'soft '.

    powerType.reset = 'soft '.

    extendedConfigFile = "BCDEVVM.vmxf".

    gui.lastPoweredViewMode = "full screen".

    UUID. BIOS = "56 4 d d2 32 bb c9 b7 bd 3 c d2 46 59 38 e3 e6 f2"

    UUID. Location = "56 4 d d2 32 bb c9 b7 bd 3 c d2 46 59 38 e3 e6 f2"

    Replay.Supported = "FALSE".

    Replay.FileName = «»

    scsi0:0. Redo = «»

    pciBridge0.pciSlotNumber = "17".

    pciBridge4.pciSlotNumber = "21".

    pciBridge5.pciSlotNumber = "22".

    pciBridge6.pciSlotNumber = "23".

    pciBridge7.pciSlotNumber = "24".

    scsi0.pciSlotNumber = "160".

    usb.pciSlotNumber = "32".

    ethernet0.pciSlotNumber = "33".

    sound.pciSlotNumber = "34".

    vmci0.pciSlotNumber = '36 '.

    SATA0.pciSlotNumber = "37".

    scsi0.sasWWID = "50 05 05 62 bb c9 b7 b0.

    ethernet0.generatedAddress = "00: 0C: 29:E6:38:E3.

    ethernet0.generatedAddressOffset = '0 '.

    vmci0.ID = "1508260067".

    vmotion.checkpointFBSize = "134217728.

    cleanShutdown = 'TRUE '.

    softPowerOff = 'TRUE '.

    USB:1.speed = '2 '.

    USB:1.present = 'TRUE '.

    USB:1.DeviceType = "hub".

    USB:1.port = "1".

    USB:1.parent = "-1".

    SATA0:1.AutoDetect = "FALSE".

    tools.syncTime = "FALSE".

    unity.wasCapable = "FALSE".

    tools.remindInstall = "FALSE".

    toolsInstallManager.updateCounter = '1 '.

    checkpoint.vmState = «»

    Monitor.virtual_mmu = "automatic".

    Monitor.virtual_exec = "automatic".

    USB:0. Present = 'TRUE '.

    USB:0. DeviceType = 'hidden '.

    USB:0.port = "0".

    USB:0.parent = "-1".

    USB. Generic.AutoConnect = "FALSE".

    serial1. Present = 'TRUE '.

    serial1. FileName = "COM1".

    floppy0. Present = "FALSE".


    I know what you want to say as I've seen sometimes as well. But especially on older hardware or if there are problems with regard to particular resources. For example I saw this on an ESX host (yes I know product different) where there was a problem with the storage not enough providing IOPS / s.

    I saw also this on older versions of Linux (IIRC 7) workstation where the host had an Atom based CPU, there I updated to more RAM and a more recent version of the workstation and the problem disappeared.

    Then I also saw it on the 4/5 merger when my host operating system was out of memory and I tried to start another operating system to prompt anyway.

    I do not consider a normal behavior for the slow start and does not respond, it is an indication that the hypervisor is seeking some resources, but does not receive them fast enough.

    The reasons can be many. Indeed things like antivirus could be biting you if she tries to analyze all files (including virtual disks) at their opening.

    FWIW, I also understand the support response as would be expected if your host is a bit thin on the resources (for example, trying to start a VM 1 GB on a host Win7 with only 3.5 GB of RAM) and if the virtual machine runs OK after the initial startup delay, it's mostly just an annoyance.



  • guest operating system Windows 2003

    I can't install the guest operating system windows 2003 on vsphere

    It does not detect HARD drive

    Help, please


    I asked the same question a few weeks back,

    Anyone recomment me to use Parellal from LSI Logic Controller.

    You can create flp drive just map new file flp to already working the floppy drive has virtual

    Download the driver from


    Copy the driver from the floppy disk

    You can use this to insert the driver during installation of operating system of new os.actually comments, I used this method

    and we think more

    I heard that the flp file included with ESX 4.0 U1 has the SAS pilot

    guess this will work



  • Performance problem with the guest operating system

    Hello gurus - I have one of the most unusual questions, I ran into a few time.   Here it is:

    I have a guest w2008R2 OS - installed in a 5.1 version of VM 7 vSpherer - which has an Emulex LPe 12002-E 8 GB dual HBA port is assigned to the as 2 PCI (1 device per port) via DirectPath devices

    The guest operating system has an application that performs backup tests.   WWPN of the HBA is zoned in the fabric and declared in the interface of Compellent Storage Center and everything is good here. the application creates a replay of a volume, mount it as a drive, read all the blocks, then dismantles and moves then repeat the process with what ever additional volumes should be safeguarded.   It is so cool I have do this with a VM right and not a physical host?  (would be cool if I had work NPIV but that's another story, not with technology HBA vendor support...)

    So, what's the problem?   Well, the bed the mounted disk backup will work extremely slow as slow as 5MB\sec flow, then during any other activity takes place on the system the flow jumps up to 150MB\sec all of a sudden and will continue to run fast for a long time and finish jobs on time with each work taking a little more than an hour.  But when the slow going the same work (all jobs are the same, they are simply by reading all the blocks of a bunch of 200 GB volumes and wrote a set of NULL value, do not forget this is just test) takes up to 10 hours to complete.

    I think that what is the culprit?   POWER MANAGEMENT.

    I have just about each performance counter and the journal of events known to man and I don't see anything abnormal on the table, ESXi virtual machine, nothing.  But what I see in the newspapers is any kind of activity that could happen in a transparent manner to save energy.

    FACTS on this case:

    -Reservation of memory is defined (it must be for directpath otherwise, you can't power on the virtual machine)

    -Booking CPU - has not been defined before an hour ago, I gave her just a small reserve for this rule, so I do not know if this will help alleviate the slow flow, or have an effect on what I think is a question of power (unit linked) management

    -windows power management is set to high performance never-ever - but not until an hour there doesn't I changed advanced settings for USB Disabled------turned off.  PCI peripheral energy saving setting was already off.  Which is in contradiction with my theory.  But maybe, just maybe, something is broken somewhere, or could be a bug... blah blah blah

    -the HBA, Emulex, as it appears in Device Manager in the guest OS doesn't have a power management tab to disable the feature, I don't see that the adapter VMXNET3 had this tab, and I turn off the power save setting to be conservative, do not think that it was the culprit, but as there is no real data running through the NIC.  The data is simply to be read from the disk mounted, not copied on any wire Ethernet.  never the less, in the Emulex properties is a Details tab and a selection of power data, and performance data indicate you what power mode, the device is, as well as feeding supported systems.  D0: full power, but D3, which shows as supported by the device, is an energy saving mode.   I could not yet attend the setting at the time of slow activity, my good intention as soon as possible. He is currently shooting in D0, full power.

    This is so what I have to offer on this, I hope that its just...   If I'm missing something, or if others have experienced this massive loss of unknown flow without reason and have resolutions, please share.

    If there is a way for me to disable power on the Emulex HBA management inform you please, I don't mind if I stop to enter the firmware, if that was even possible.  But if possible I would disable it immediately before any new tests are executed.

    The root cause of this issue has never been identified by VMware support which for me is a question of ugly.  Reservation of CPU for the VM using directpath IO with HBA installed in it corrected the problem.  I'd be leary with direct path IO.

Maybe you are looking for