15 - AB292NR: HP Pavilion 15-AB292NR i7-6700HQ Skylake - hindered by slots memory DDR3L-Only. Does not accept DDR4.

I bought this HP Pavilion 15-AB292NR 'Flagship' portable nine in April 2016, is come with core i7-6700HQ CPU - only to discover later that DDR4 RAM do not accept the storage media on this laptop (and no, it has no notches on UniDIMM in media, memory, decision-making is notched for DDR3, only).  I discovered this after much digging, wading in the documents, and many and endless calls to HP Technical Support - I finally got answers after that it took the Department of HP parts.

It is currently 16 GB of RAM of the DDR3L - 1600 CL9 (1.35 v), and standard synthetic benchmarks of the industry and real-world applications confirm this: this system accuses other systems in the same class (same processor but with RAM DDR4-2133) of 18% to 20% in the overall performance.

This decrease in performance is particularly felt by the onboard intel HD Graphics integrated 530 (even once, optimized for DDR4), whose performance is directly related to the speed of the main system RAM. The limitation of the Board of directors only new DDR3 system holds this system in performance 18-20% FPS - I measured myself.

Skylake processors and chipsets are optimized for DDR4 memory.  This laptop is hampered by only DDR3 sockets.

I bought this laptop thinking that its status as a "Flagship" meant that he would be a more efficient.

Looks like I was sadly mistaken.

Yes it's me... direct and transparent. You could mark one of the answers as a 'Solution' as I suspect, it will start to become a common source of confusion, and when you score a 'Solution' that it rolls upward in the research.

Tags: Notebooks

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    Hi @Jake08,

    Thank you for visiting the HP Forums! A place where you can find solutions for your problems with the help of the community!

    I stumbled upon your post on the laptop and wanted to help you! I looked in your question about your HP Pavilion dv6 Notebook and questions with external screen works not properly. You can try this without the connected external monitor.

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    Thanks for the advice; always nice to know some utilities, we didn't ever existed.

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    Ah. I was poorly expressed.

    Go with SHIFT + X as he suggested.

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    I can barely stomach having a motherboard to fry due to an upgrade of the operating system.

    I guess it's possible, and if it is true, maybe it's time for a class action. You can contact MS support but they will blame HP.

    Was the Intel one driver graphics driver? Use the integrated graphics card?

    If so, you have a slot PCIex16 2.0. Buy a graphics card to modestly low price profile, plug it into the slot.

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    Start the PC. You can get the video.

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    Hi @Allic43,

    Welcome to the HP Forum! Thank you for becoming a member of the HP Forum. It's a place dynamite to get help from the community, to get suggestions and find what has worked for others. Because you have the best experience, here is a link for you to see, if you have concerns: first time here? Learn how to publish and more

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    Try the following.

    Download Realtek HD Audio Installer on the link below and save it in your downloads folder.


    When finished, press and hold the Windows key and press R

    In the run window, type devmgmt.msc and press to enter.

    In Device Manager, expand sound, video and game controllers.  Right click on the Realtek device and select uninstall - also, you should get a command prompt to delete the current driver, check the box allow this and then proceed to uninstall.

    When you are finished, download and reinstall the Chipset driver at the following link.


    When the reinstallation of Chipset has completed, restart the laptop.

    When windows has reloaded, open your download folder, right click on the installer of Realtek and select "Run as Administrator" to launch the installation.  Once this done, reboot the laptop and let windows load completely for a few minutes before checking.

    Kind regards

    DP - K

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    Hi @katarint ,

    Thank you for visiting the Forums HP's Support and welcome. It's a great site for information and questions. I looked in your question about your HP Pavilion 360 and problems with the microphone and Skype fading out or does not. Hereis a link to download a new version which may help to solve the issue of the gradual estrangement. Please uninstall your current version and restart your computer before installing the new version.

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    I hope this helps.

    Thank you.

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    Hi @kikxter,

    Thank you for visiting the Forums HP's Support and welcome. It's a great site for information and questions. I looked in your question about your HP Pavilion Notebook 15-p000 and the problems with the microphone and Skype does not. Hereis a link to download a new version of Skype, which may help to solve the problem. Please uninstall your current version and restart your computer before installing the new version.

    Here is a linkto Skype help under technical questions.

    I hope this helps.

    Thank you.

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